Wednesday, January 6, 2016


There are those in this country who, either out of ignorance, naïveté or the fact that they just don’t give a shit, seem not to be able to recognize the danger that we in this country now find ourselves.  And it’s no accident.  Our country has now been brought to the point where it can be said that it is hanging by a thread and it has been women in this country, and their continued support of very liberal policies, that has helped to get us to that point.  Women have, over the last few decades, continually proven to be somewhat selective in their outrage when it comes to the sexual improprieties of some of our elected officials.  Deciding it better to forgive in exchange for support of their favorite policies.  Policies that have, in fact, proven to be quite destructive.

A perfect example of those women on the left would be Joy’less’ Behar, one of the rather demented ‘panelists’ on ABC’s “The View.”  For example Ms. Behar has made it quite clear that she has no problem with the fact that ‘Slick Willie’ Clinton has shown to be a habitual rapists saying recently that she would still vote for ‘Slick’, even though he’s a “dog”.  She said she would do so, “because he votes in my favor.”  She then carried her idiotic point a step further in referencing how it was that women voted for Ted Kennedy after Chappaquiddick.  So I guess even murder can be seen as being acceptable, or at least forgivable, as long as the perpetrator of said murder supports all the right policies that are also supported by women.  You still with me?   

And then, it was in going on to prove just how much of an imbecile she truly is that Behar made the rather idiotic claim that Republicans voting against the Violence Against Women Act is far more important than anything that ‘BJ’ Clinton ever did.  Really?  Is it more important than the raping of numerous women?  More important that sexually harassing, dare I molesting, and young woman, whether she consented to that molesting or not, that was more than half his age?  How disgusting is that?  I just thought that a rather strange position for a woman to take.  And it’s always struck me how women like Behar could be such strong supporters of Islam.  Especially since in that cult men can legally rape their wives.  But then I guess rape is seen as being a little kinky?

Anyway it was Behar who also stated, “It’s policy. Teddy Kennedy, remember Chappaquiddick? … I mean, a girl drowns and he abandons her, and [s]he drowned, and women still voted for Teddy Kennedy. Why? Because he voted for women’s rights. That’s why. That’s the bottom line of it in my opinion. I mean, I don’t like either one of them, to tell you the truth, Teddy or Bill. They’re both dogs, as far as I’m concerned. But I still will vote for Bill Clinton, because he votes in my favor.”  Ya know, whenever we get around election time there’s always talk about the Republican “war on women”, and yet it’s the Democrat Party that has the only confirmed kill in that war.  But none of that seems to matter to women.  Am I the only one who sees that as odd?

And in speaking about the current campaign Behar said, “It is a bit of a campaign issue at the moment, because Hillary is in a quandary, in my opinion. Because she’s talking about violence against women, and sexual harassment, and all that stuff, and her husband has a checkered past, let’s put it — to put it mildly, so she is in a bind.” She added, “On the other hand, it’s her policies that really matter. Like, Republicans have voted against the Violence Against Women Act. Now that to me is more important than anything that Bill Clinton did or didn’t do, because it’s what she’s going to vote for, how she’s going to lead the country that matters more than that. On the other hand, he is a dog. Let’s face it.”  So because he’s a dog, it’s accepted?

Such is the rather demented and quite perverted mentality possessed by most, if not all, of those who reside so firmly on the left, sadly including many women.  Idiots like Behar whine about “women’s right’s” and in nearly the same breath they seem to excuse behavior that infringes on those rights.  All the while seeming to be completely oblivious to the fact that if the country is made to tank completely all of their supposed policy concerns will essentially become a moot point.  And it’s the very people that idiots like Behar love to support that have been the most prominent players in bringing this country to the verge of complete collapse.  And I’m not sure whether that support comes out of ignorance or a shared hatred of America.

But look, Behar’s bizarre ramblings here are nothing more than part of the left’s continuing attempt to distract. The scary truth here is that just as they did when we were assured we could keep our health insurance, the hopelessly corrupt, state-controlled media and Barry “Almighty” are once again coordinating to pull the wool over the eyes of the American people, to lull us into a false sense of security before the boom comes crashing down. And make no mistake, the sinister plan is to drop the boom, maybe not on Barry’s watch, but the seeds have now been planted: These people plan to flood the country with illegals, refugees, and early-release prisoners, and to then remove from the American people their ability to defend themselves.

All it’s all in the hope of making it possible for chaos to then reign supreme.  And then it will be the same federal government which caused the problem that will then attempt to cast itself as riding to the rescue, only now that same federal government will be far stronger and far more intrusive than ever before. Ironically, the Left makes no longer attempt to hide its plan. It’s called the Cloward-Piven Strategy of Orchestrated Crisis.  And the state-controlled media doesn’t talk about it for the very simple reason that they are all in on it to some degree or another.  It’s no secret either that if you boil our state-controlled media down to its dark essence that what you will find is an institution dedicated to ennobling and empowering the federal government.

Because ask yourself, when was the last time that you remember hearing those in our state-controlled media calling for a less intrusive government, for more local control, or for a state solution as opposed to one-size-fits-all federal solutions?  The answer is very simple.  They never do. EVER!  The idea is to always present central government as the solution to everything, able to solve every problem that happens to come along.  Moreover, Barry and Hitlery have made no secret of their desire to confiscate our guns.  They love to reference bogus statistics from those countries that restrict their citizens from owning guns and then rely on our state-controlled media to act as an echo chamber in an effort to cover this truth up does not make it any less of a truth.

I find it rather hard to believe that Leftist’s like Behar can, in any way, be oblivious to what their compatriots on the left are working hard to bring about in this country.  So she, like all the others, have to be in on what’s being attempted here.  They must be willing to participant and ready to say or do whatever it is that may be asked of them.  As for Behar, I suppose there are women who may, for whatever bizarre reason, care what it is that she might have to say on certain issues.  And I can very easily see her being a very willing accomplice in the attempt to mislead those in her particular demographic who chose to believe whatever she has to say.  But I gotta tell ya folks, we’re gonna have to come together as Americans and stop letting these people divide us.  

Now don’t get me wrong I’m all in favor of there being discussions on policies having to do with such things as women’s right, homosexual rights, illegal immigration and anything else in need of being discussed.  But to me it has to be more about priorities.  And right now the priority for every single American, white, black, male, female, gay, straight, natural born or otherwise, NEEDS to be focused like a laser beam on the survival of this country.  Because as the country goes, so goes everything else.  Let’s face it, how important does anyone really think that any of these pet issues will become once the Democrats have successfully navigated this country completely over the cliff?  And how stupid would we have to be to allow that to happen?

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