Besides the obvious reason of wanting to create for themselves a fresh pool of leftwing voters, why is it, exactly, that the Democrats insist upon placing the welfare of those in this country illegally over that of the American people and those immigrants who are in this country legally. Quite frankly, it simply makes no sense. And not only that, there are also those, within the Democrat Party, who seem quite willing to not only defy federal law but also those who have been tasked with the responsibility of enforcing those laws as well. So apparently these Democrats see themselves as being above the law when they have long told us that no one is.
Case in point would be Democrat Governor JB Pritzker
who on Sunday, during an appearance on CNN’s “State of the Union,” warned the
Trump administration that his local law enforcement “will stand up for those
law-abiding, undocumented people” facing deportation. Someone should take the
time to remind this idiotic tub of lard that there is no such thing as a
law-abiding illegal immigrant. That’s like saying the guy sitting on your couch
and eating your food should be protected from removal even though he broke in
to do it. Democrats are the dumbest people on the planet. He took an oath to
defend the Constitution, and if he can’t do it remove and replace him.
Host, and resident CNN moron, Dana Bash said, “How
are you preparing, particularly if they do target schools, churches and small
businesses as they are now allowed to do?” Pritzker said, “Well, let me start
by being clear that when we’re talking about violent criminals who have been
convicted and who are undocumented, we don’t want them in our state. We want
them out of the country. We hope they do get deported. And if that’s who
they’re picking up, we’re all for it. They show up with a warrant, and we’re going
to hand over people who are in our prisons or in our jails who fit that
description.” Everyone in this country illegally, has broken our laws.
Pritzker went on to say, “Now, what they’re also
doing, though, and it’s quite disturbing, is they’re going after people who are
law-abiding, who are holding down jobs, who have families here who may have
been here for a decade or two decades, and they’re often our neighbors and our
friends. And why are we going after them? These are not people who are causing
problems in our country. What we need is a path to citizenship for them. We
need to secure our border. We need to get rid of the violent criminals, but we
also need to protect people, at least the residents of Illinois and all across
the nation, who are just doing what we hope that immigrants will do."
Now I may not be as smart as the governor, and he
can feel free to correct me if I’m wrong, but if I’m not mistaken there already
exists a path to citizenship. Those here illegally go back to their country of
origin and apply the legal way. And if you choose not to go back on your own
and you end up being deported then you shouldn’t be allowed to come back for at
least 20 years. It all seems pretty clear to me, but then I’m not a corrupt
piece of shit Democrat politician who thinks he gets to pick and choose which
federal laws to obey. Now while that’s likely something he could have easily
gotten away with during the last four years, it’s simply not going to fly
Pritzker said, “We also have a law on the books in
Illinois that says that our local law enforcement will stand up for those
law-abiding, undocumented people in our state who are doing the right thing.
And we’re not going to help federal officials just drag them away because
somebody pointed at them and said, oh, that person’s brown or that person’s not
from here. Check it out. Maybe they’re undocumented.” So, here we have a civil
magistrate saying he will order his subordinates to obstruct federal law enforcement
from enforcing the law. That’s called obstruction of justice, and it carries
severe penalties, even for high-ranking public officials such as himself.
Pritzker should be put in prison if he breaks the
law. If he’s hiding criminals that is obstruction of justice, aiding and
abetting, and harboring a wanted fugitive. Plenty of charges the Department of
Justice (DOJ) could come up with. This guy is basically confessing to crimes he’s
intending to commit. Therefore, the second he commits these crimes he needs to
be arrested, tried, and convicted. He doesn’t get to Pass Go to get his 200
dollars or his get out of jail free card, he gets to go to prison. Yes, we are fed
up with scumbag politicians who refuse to follow the Constitution. They need to
be made an example of in order to send a very clear message to others.
So, this guy is now saying, publicly, that he’s
planning to conspire against the legitimate law enforcement activities of the
federal government. These people are not merely immigrants they are criminals;
they have broken our laws just by being here. Immigrants follow the rules set
by the host country and follow the applicable laws. These illegal immigrants
are the international equivalent of trespassers and home invaders. They have no
right to be here. Just because someone can enter through my front door doesn’t
mean they have the right to be in my house. Governments pushing illegal aliens
into the U.S. are nothing but piss poor neighbors.
The same liberal logic that says ‘breaking the law’
should not be punished should then apply to shoplifting, all theft and other
crimes. We have laws for a reason, and those laws need to be enforced or all we
have is chaos. If Pritzker and his open border friends don’t want to follow the
law, then put all their dumb asses in prison. They’re aiding criminals and
using an increasing amount of taxpayer dollars to reward them. And since when
are rapists, murderers, and child sex traffickers considered as ‘law-abiding?’
Apparently only if they happen to be illegal immigrants facing the possibility
of deportation. I wonder how loyal policemen and Illinois residents feel about
Pritzker is spewing his drivel while at the same
time he knows that the first deportations are being focused solely on the criminal
element. I recall when he said he would not even allow those folks to be
rounded up. When the violent criminals have been gotten rid of and I.C.E. starts
going after those violating our immigration law Pritzker will once again change
his tune. This is the only way he has to stay relevant when it comes to those
on the left, but eventually he will forced to change his tune, or face the
possibility of being prosecuted. He is following what most of the other phony
Democrat politicians in many of the blue States are also saying.
The only question is why would any state, and the
people in any state, actually want someone like this as their governor? Because
it means that they are going to be paying more in taxes for these illegal
immigrants who will be on the take forever because of this incompetent
governor. And he continues to be elected, WHY?? Wake up people. Morons like
this need to be thrown in jail. What convoluted logic. If I murder five people
and rob a bank but now because for the last 10 years I’ve been a model citizen
holding down a job does that mean I should get away with my crimes and be left
alone? Liberal logic. If their policies worked their cities wouldn’t be hell
And what does this guy, as well as every other
Democrat, not understand about what breaking the law means? And it’s this kind
of garbage that sends a bad message to the entire world and tells criminals that
they can come here and do whatever they want. And we’ll also give you a debit
card, a free phone, a driver’s license and even pay for your healthcare. The
caravans prove the invasion is well organized. These people didn’t walk 1400
miles to get here. Their transportation, meals, false documents, bribes to
local officials and payoffs to the coyotes are taken care of with the specific intent
of overwhelming our system. There is no ‘root cause’ except one party rule.
And I gotta tell ya, the first very first time that this
clown interferes with the capture or detainment of some illegal the cuffs need
to slapped on him and he needs to be perp walked in front of the television
cameras and his mugshot spread all across the internet as an example for every
other Democrat who might be considering doing the same thing. If you are here
illegally you are not our friend, you deserve nothing but to be sent back to
where you came from. We have enough takers in this country, we don’t need to
import any more. Finally, any state that illegally tries to block ICE,
including frivolous lawsuits, should have all federal funds cut until they get on
This is all part of the Democrat strategy. They’ve been
playing the long game with this illegal immigration crap since the mid-1960s.
They know they can’t change our voting demographics in one election cycle, so
they’ve spent decades flooding us with these people knowing that they will eventually
get what they want. At some point they will have allowed enough in, a blanket
amnesty will then be provided to all, and Democrats will never again lose an
election. So, it’s just part of the strategy to say, “well they've been here
for 20 years, we can’t deport them now!” As far as Democrats are concerned,
once an illegal is here no attempt is to be made to send them home.
So now we have tens of millions of illegal
immigrants in this country many of whom have been here for years and the
Democrats are predictably using that argument. This is why every single one of
them needs to go. This is more than just allowing “hard working people” into
the country. Those people could have applied for legal status all this time,
and yet they didn’t because they don’t respect our country. Destroying
immigration law and flooding the nation with rapists, murderers, felons, and
terrorists is not only unlawful, it’s treason. How many millions have Democrats
allowed into this country and how many deaths and overdoses can be attributed
to your treason?
Pritzker is a liar. There
has always been a path to citizenship; it’s called legal immigration. Just because
someone was able to slip in unnoticed and has laid low for a few years doesn’t
make them legal. In their quest to destroy America, Democrats like this guy
make it sound like these people are innocent. They are not. Why punish all
those who properly and legally enter America the right way by denigrating their
hard work and love of freedom by allowing others to simply cut in line. The
very fact that he has knowledge of such interlopers is a confession of his
willingness to aid and abet this ongoing illegal activity. If he tries to stop
the feds he should go to jail.
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