Wednesday, September 21, 2016


It was just yesterday, in what was his final speech to the United Nations, at least as president of these United States, that Barry “Almighty” set about to do his best to defend the increased globalization of the world’s nations, condemning the wave of populist nationalism that now seems to be growing in parts of the world in response.  Barry declared that globalization will continue to grow, and rapidly, signaling the unstoppable march of what he referred to as ‘progress.’  But he warned that nations who allow the wealthy to enjoy the benefits of globalism face challenges from their populace.  Those people, he noted, were falling prey to an “alternative” narrative, propagated to fuel opposition.  I’m assuming that it was as this point he might have been talking about folks like Donald Trump.

Barry said, “Alternative visions of the world have pressed forward, both in the wealthiest countries and in the poorest.”  And he went on to say, “Religious fundamentalism. The politics of ethnicity or tribe or sect. Aggressive nationalism. A crude populism. Sometimes from the far left but more often from the far right.”  He referred to a “collision of cultures” that was challenging each country and called for world citizens to reject religious fundamentalism and racism.  And it was in alluding to France’s burkini laws and Muslim clashes with France’s offensive cartoons that Barry said, “That’s a truism. That global integration has led to a clash of cultures. Trade, migration, the internet, all these things can challenge and unsettle our most cherished identities.”

Barry also took it upon himself to urge each country to evolve towards ‘progress’, describing the conflicts as part of the old world.  He said, “The world is too small. We are too packed together for us to be able to resort to those old ways of thinking.”  And Barry alluded to Donald Trump’s campaign promise to build a wall on the Southern border three times, pointing out that such an action would be futile to stop many of the threats facing the world.  Barry said, “Today, a nation ringed by walls would only imprison itself.”  And added, “The world is too small for us to simply be able to build a wall and prevent it from affecting our own societies.”  And in what I guess was a rather weak attempt at humor, Barry added, referring to the Zika virus, “Mosquitoes don’t respect walls.”

He concluded his speech with an examination of fallen human nature, pointing to the challenges that humanity faced.  He said, “Time and again human beings have believed they finally arrived at a period of enlightenment only to repeat cycles of conflict and suffering.”  And added, “Perhaps that’s our fate.”  But he explained that young educated people gave him hope and optimism about the future, as they could shed old social and cultural norms to fight for progress.  And, of course, he cited his own multi-racial and multicultural background as proof that the world could improve.  He said, “My own family is made up of the flesh and blood and traditions and cultures and face from a lot of different parts of the world, just as America’s been built by immigrants from every shore.”

Rather than oppose immigrants and refugees, Barry said, it was important for leaders to help everybody in the world with their problems.  He said, “This is what I believe that all of us can be co-workers with God, and our leadership and our governments and this United Nations should reflect this irreducible truth.”  That’s all well and good, however Barry, in his typical arrogant fashion, seems to put forth the notion that there is but one way to help those in need and that no responsibility whatsoever is owed to those whose country it is that these thousands, even hundreds of thousands, of immigrants and refugees are being allowed to invade.  Those seeking refuge here can, and should, be provided with a safe haven within the borders of their own country.

So my own analysis of Barry’s speech is that, personally, I saw it as being nothing more than another steaming pile of Traitorous Globalist Blather.  This man has been a repugnant and malignant force for the culturally, militarily, economically and socially de-constructing of our country since he first sauntered into the Oval Office.  The UN and EU are becoming identical in both their objectives and goals. They would see a world without borders, flooded with Islam, with all power being given to the elites.  Trump needs to pull us out of the UN and shut down all payments to this global organization of hate.  One of the top priorities of a Trump administration must be to cripple the UN by stopping all US funding, exiting the UN, and kicking it from America's soil, as it’s nothing but a cesspool of Leftists and jihadists.

Barry once again demonstrated how it is that he is so completely and utterly out of touch with both the American and the British patriot. Bitching about "populism" -- the new dirty word of liberal globalists -- is simple whining about "Patriotism".  Liberals can't bring themselves to use the right P-word in their griping.  Globalization must not be allowed to grow.  This is the path forged by Trump, and followed by Brexit.  American patriots WILL take this country back, political correctness must be rejected as must the leftist policies centered on legal and illegal immigration being used as tools of vote-pandering.  Hitlery is the embodiment of Barry's ineptitude, incompetence, and failure.  It is my fervent hope that she will be crushed in the upcoming election, and it will be a beautiful thing to behold.

It’s rather fitting that Barry would spew such drivel while standing before such a gathering of UN scum and behind an emblem of world government and leftist fascism. He's never behaved as our president.  He's always been more of a spokesmoron for the world elite, and an advocate for the Islamization of the West and the decline of Western society.  Barry is the true enemy of freedom loving people everywhere.  If Barry was intentionally trying to destroy our country he could not be doing a better job than he has already done.  And now there are millions of Americans who seem more than willing to elect Hitlery to finish the job that he started.  The Democrats, with Barry leading the charge, have created a basic five step plan to destroy this country which Barry seeks to hand over to Hitlery.

And it is that Democrat 5 Step plan that follows:

1) Bring in millions of anti-American immigrants who have absolutely no intention of assimilating. And ignore the fact that some intend to incite political and racial violence against legal citizens, while still others intend to perpetrate violence in the name of a medieval cult.

2) Throw in crushing national debt exacerbated by economy crushing regulations and what has been nothing short of a reckless fiscal policy.  Give billions of dollars to our enemies, and even establish a precedent for paying ransom to our worst enemies in exchange for American hostages. 

3) Racially incite violence and stir up all manner of racial tension at every opportunity, never miss the chance to blame the race, religion, nationality, or culture of the white, conservative Christian, while, at the same time, condescendingly defending every other group of people, even those who have repeatedly shown themselves to hate the rest of us and want to cause us harm.

4) Go about the bulldozing of the Legislative and Judiciary branches of government while choosing to simply ignore any and all checks and balances put in place by our Constitution.  And then arrogantly refer to any form of descent as being obstruction, any sort of disagreement as bigotry, and proceed to pass all manner of executive orders for everything imaginable and justify such action by telling the country that we must act now.  And do everything possible to ensure that the leftist agenda is made to move forward at any cost, claiming that to so otherwise would be to risk disaster. 

5) Give lip service to the long honored traditions of our country, our flag, our military, our veterans, while out of the other side of your mouth you spew hate for everything our ancestors fought and died for to preserve our great nation. 

Since day one of his presidency Barry has sought nothing more than to invent ever more effective methods for destroying our country.  And it’s in the process of having done so that he has proven himself to be nothing less than a traitor to America.  After all, a country that is toppled by its enemies can rise again, but one which crumbles from within, that one is dead forever.  And it is exactly that which Barry seeks to accomplish, and if unable to complete the task in his allotted time then he will do all that he can to ensure that he will be able to hand things off to Hitlery so that she can then go on to finish the primary task at hand.  And then once America has been effectively neutralized there will nothing left to stand in the way of the globalists.  And then surely darkness will descend upon us all.  

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