Saturday, September 17, 2016


You know, there are times in every man’s life when you’ve just got to put your big boy pants on and do what you know needs to be done.  And while it may not be easy, you just do it.  But apparently ‘Crazy Uncle John’ Kasich just can’t bring himself to do that which cannot now be left undone.  And that would be to vote for Donald Trump.  And while he’s not completely ruling out voting for Trump, he does say that it's "highly unlikely" that he'll support his former Republican rival.  And while he did say that he will not be voting for Hitlery, can we really trust him to not do so?  After all, if he lied about supporting whomever would become the eventual Republican nominee, and now refuses to do so, how do we know he’s not lying about voting for Hitlery?  And is not voting for Trump essentially the same thing as voting FOR Hitlery?

It was regarding his potential support for Trump that Kasich told Dana Bash, this past Thursday, in an interview on the Clinton News Network (CNN): “I’ll let everybody know when, but I think my actions have spoken very loudly, louder than even my words.”  And it was when Bash asked if it was still possible he would vote for Trump that Kasich said, “Very unlikely.”  Kasich then added, “Too much water under the bridge.”  And when asked if Trump were to win?  It was in referencing a potential Trump victory in November that Kasich responded, “Well, we’ll see what happens if that happens.”  Kasich went on to say, “Whoever is the president, if I can do something to help them in a constructive way, and something I agree on, absolutely.”  Somehow I see him as being more willing to help Hitlery than vote for Trump.

Kasich, a former 2016 GOP presidential candidate himself, said it’s still important to work on getting out the vote for people like Sen. Rob Portman, who’s running for re-election there in Ohio.  He said, “We want to get people out to vote. We want to re-elect Senator Portman, and we want to re-elect people down ticket.”   Kasich was in Cleveland during the Republican National Convention (RNC) in July, but chose not attend the convention.  Asked about Libertarian nominee Gary Johnson, Kasich said: “I haven’t even gone there yet. It’s a long way [until] Election Day.”  Kasich has been one of a few former Trump rivals to withhold their endorsement, despite an earlier pledge to back the eventual nominee, whomever it turned out to be.  Ted Cruz and Jeb Bush have also refused to get behind Trump.

And then it was just this past Thursday that news broke detailing how is was that Barry had enlisted Kasich to assist him in what will likely turn out to be Barry’s final push for his stalled Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal.  And Kasich did attend a bipartisan meeting yesterday, at the White House, the purpose of which was to tout the supposed benefits of the Asia-Pacific trade agreement.  Kasich has said that he feels it's his "responsibility and duty as a leader", no matter what the political cost, to help Barry shepherd the TPP through Congress.  After hearing Kasich make such a declaration should we be all that surprised to hear that it’s unlikely he will be voting for Trump?  How low is it to support the man who has done so much damage to our country and refuse to support your party’s candidate as the man to replace him? 

It was later at a White House press briefing that Kasich said, "I have never been an ideological supporter of free trade. The ideologues use to come to me and be frustrated with me."  He went on to say, "But when you look at these agreements in a real sense - and this one is much different than even NAFTA."  And he added, "This is China. This is Russia. These are fledgling countries in Asia and we want to pivot to Asia? We have to do this."  Kasich met with Barry in the Oval Office yesterday. And it was in the interview with CNN on Thursday night that he said he doesn't mind the political backlash he could face.  Kasich said, "I welcome the fact that people will criticize me for putting my country ahead of my party."  Personally, I think it’s that statement which sums up rather nicely why Trump is our nominee and Kasich isn’t.

And oddly enough if recent polls there in Kasich’s home state of Ohio can be said to be in any way accurate, it would seem that based on some of the latest numbers, ‘Crazy Uncle John’ is of a different opinion, regarding Trump, than are, at least for now, what appears to be a majority of those people over whom that he governs.  Most now seem to be choosing Trump over Hitlery!  So maybe Kasich should have been a knee taking quarterback instead of a politician as he is becoming more and more like Obummer every single day.  He seems to need constant attention and it matters little how he comes by it, with there being no limit to his ignorant, stupid and childish rants.  And honestly, it isn't the slightest bit surprising that Kasich isn't going to vote for Trump - his position has been pretty obvious for months now.

I suppose I would argue that the only logical next step here for ‘Crazy Uncle’ John would be for him to think things through and determine for himself whether he merely doesn't support Trump, or that he actually believes Trump would be detrimental to this country were he to be elected.  And if he thinks that that is possible, let alone probable, then I feel he’ll very little trouble talking himself into voting for Hitlery.  The fact is that he'll likely end up like most of the NeverTrump crowd, holding his nose while he goes about voting for her.  Kasich's position has been clear about as long as he’s been governor.  He’s an open borders, Obamacare-loving, Big Government ''Republican'', and he is as phony as a three dollar bill. Would you possibly expect this fraud to support anybody other than himself?

And while he's not pushing Trump in Ohio, where polling this week has indicated a pretty tight race, Kasich said he would still be working to get Republicans to the polls in general.  He said, "We're going to go help people get the vote out, obviously."  And added, "Get Republicans out to vote, period."  He went on to say, "We want to reelect Sen. [Rob] Portman and we want to reelect people down-ticket."  If that’s how he wants to approach things that’s fine, but my confidence level in the Republicans being able to maintain their control of the Senate, after 2 years of what has been the abysmal ‘leadership’ by McConnell, is pretty low regardless of whether Trump wins or not.  In fact it’s because of RINOs like McConnell and Ryan, as well as Kasich himself, that Trump is now our nominee in the first place.

And as far as him honoring his pledge to vote for the winner of the Republican primary process, or failing to do so, have just held his nose and said that he intends to vote for Trump because the alternative is so very much worse.  Kasich is quite likely political toast except there in his own State and will be forever known as a man without honor!  This man, along with every other then-candidate, vowed in front of millions of Americans to support and to vote for whatever candidate it was that the American people would come to choose.  He along with all the others have demonstrated to the American people their complete lack of integrity and shown to the American people that they have NEVER been FOR the people.  They are self-serving, dishonest, corrupt politicians that have NEVER been representing America.

Which should cause one to wonder why it is that the RNC, or any Republican politician for that matter, claim to be so clueless when it comes to why it is that so many of the American people no longer possesses any level of trust in their government.  Bush, Cruz and Graham are not supporting the Republican Candidate after they very publicly signed an agreement that they would. The American Public no longer ignores political such liars.  And you can add to that mix this crybaby who is also unwilling to honor his word.  He just thought he was so deserving, and that the vast majority of voters would come to agree with him.  But he has yet to realize that he was overwhelmingly rejected in the primaries and in the general election he is pretty much irrelevant.  And after a Trump inauguration he will be all but forgotten.

Washington insiders are used to making pledges to voters that they never intend to keep.  Kasich is no different which proves he’s not fit for public office. He thinks what he’s doing "is honorable."  This is why they're on the way out and why Trump may be on his way to becoming POTUS.  Americans are tired of being betrayed by the people they put into office.  And I would argue that had just a few of those who we elected, at least on the Republican side, in every election since 2010 had kept just a few of the many promises they made to we the Republican voters, Trump would not now be in the position where we now find him.  But because they were unable to do that they have no one to blame but themselves for the fact the Trump is now our nominee.  So they just need to get over themselves.

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