Tuesday, August 1, 2017


It would seem to me that the further into the Trump presidency we get, the more vocal our RINO members of ‘The Swamp’ become in their effort to assist the Democrats in trying to undermine our duly elected president.  They continue to ratchet up their incendiary rhetoric about what a danger Trump has become to represent to the party, the nation and even to the world.  There seems to be little difference between what we’re now hearing from them and what we’ve been hearing from their Democrat colleagues for some time now.  Our cast of RINOs seem to take great offense to the fact that President Trump has been calling them out on such things as their promising for seven years to “repeal and replace’ Obamacare and yet when they have the opportunity to do just that, they don’t.  And then there’s their very obvious reluctance to secure the southern border and to construct the much needed border wall.  These RINOs are no different than the Democrats.   

Which, I guess, brings me to Jeff Flake, RINO from Arizona, who has made the claim, in a recently released excerpt from his upcoming book, that his party is in “denial” about President Donald Trump.  Flake argued that the Republican Party helped to create the Trump movement and now is in complete denial over the “chaos” the Trump presidency has created in his new book “Conscience of a Conservative,” which was featured in Politico.  While Flake may view himself as being a “conservative” his actions speak much louder than his words, and his actions make it very clear that he is anything but a conservative.  And it would seem that the only ones in “denial” are those like Flake who seem to be interested in nothing more than to lie to the American people, and those who tend to vote Republican are getting pretty fed up with these establishment politicians, like Flake, who tend to ignore the wishes of those whom they work for.

It’s in this pathetic little work of fiction that Flake writes, “It was we conservatives who rightly and robustly asserted our constitutional prerogatives as a co-equal branch of government when a Democrat was in the White House but who, despite solemn vows to do the same in the event of a Trump presidency, have maintained an unnerving silence as instability has ensued.”  And he goes on to write, “To carry on in the spring of 2017 as if what was happening was anything approaching normalcy required a determined suspension of critical faculties. And tremendous powers of denial.”  Flake explained that he understood why Republicans were ignoring the issues the Trump presidency created, saying he has done the same thing. He wrote, “I’ve been sympathetic to this impulse to denial, as one doesn’t ever want to believe that the government of the United States has been made dysfunctional at the highest levels, especially by the actions of one’s own party.”  What hypocritical pabulum.  

Flake said, “For a conservative, that’s an awfully bitter pill to swallow.”  Let’s be honest here, this guy is nowhere near to being a conservative, he only likes to pretend he’s a conservative whenever he appears on television.  Anyway, he went on to say that one of the few ways to stop a way-ward president is through Congress before calling on his fellow congressmen to acts as the “checks and balances” against some of Trump’s demands.  He said, “As the first branch of government (Article I), the Congress was designed expressly to assert itself at just such moments. It is what we talk about when we talk about ‘checks and balances.’ Too often, we observe the unfolding drama along with the rest of the country, passively, all but saying, ‘Someone should do something!’ without seeming to realize that that someone is us.”  Does he actually hear the crap coming out of his mouth?  Flake is up for re-election in 2018 and God willing he won’t be showing back up in January 2019.

So the good people of Arizona will soon have the opportunity to be sending off to Washington two new senators, and wouldn’t it be great if, for a change, both of them turned out to be bona fide conservatives instead of pathetic RINOs!  Will they take full advantage of it?  Although I see little reason for hope since it was just last year that they thought it appropriate to once again send John McCain back to the Senate.  But it would seem that God has since intervened and will be removing McCain by another means.  But, the people there will have a chance to redeem themselves by electing a suitable ‘conservative’ replacement for Flake, one who will hopefully make good on the promises he, or she, makes.  This guy, Flake, has been living off the taxpayers since 2003, first serving the House and then gaining a promotion for himself to the Senate in 2012.  So I fear the chances may be rather slim that the people of Arizona will finally come to their senses and send this dishonest RINO packing. 

Odd that we should be hearing complaints about a dysfunctional government coming from one of those most responsible for making it so.  I would love nothing better than to see President Trump throw his weight behind whomever it might be that faces Flake in a primary and then to proceed to make an example out of him.  Flake should be made the poster-boy when it comes to all of the promises made by his fellow RINOs that were then broken as soon as the election was over.  Because when you get right down to it, it sounds like he is talking more about our many RINOs in Congress not making good on all those many promises they made when they had a Democrat as president.  Flake, like every other RINO that we’re forced to contend with, is a loser.  The people of Arizona owe the country an apology for repeatedly sending McCain off to Washington and then compounding that act of stupidity by electing Flake.  Both are nothing more than modern day Benedict Arnold's.

Flake voted against Obummer simply because it was easy and he could bolster his record as fighting Obummer's liberal/progressive agenda.  Remember, he's only been in the Senate for 5 years, all under Obummer.  He was an early NeverTrumper who has supported mass immigration, both legal and illegal.  Flake is the personification of all that's wrong with Washington. "Conservatives" like Flake are the problem.  We the People created the Trump movement, not go-along-to-get-along politicians like Flake, Rubio, McCain and Graham, to name just a few, who do whatever the spineless McConnell tells them to, while surrendering any claims to being defenders of the Constitution.  Everything Obummer did could have been stopped but instead, the Republicans became silent and indifferent enablers who are now terrified that they might be rightfully identified for what they've allowed to happen to our Republic.  Flake and his ilk should be dissatisfied with Mr. Trump, they’re why we elected him. 

I think it’s safe to say that most Republican voters have had more than enough of the NeverTrump wing of their party.  They lost, and lost overwhelmingly.  If they cannot accept the decision of the Republican voters or at least remain silent, they have no business being in our party.  They just need to be honest and become Democrats. Going after Trump is going after those who voted for him. Any Republican who believes that that is a winning strategy will find out how far it goes in the primaries when Trump voters throw them all out.  We have had it with this garbage.  If Flake wants to do the work of a Democrat, get out of the party and become one.  After all, the stock market is up, business revenue is up, wages are up, Illegal immigration is on the way down, and consumer confidence is up.  Thank you President Trump!  Meanwhile, healthcare reform appears dead, tax cuts have not yet been acted upon and border wall funding is minuscule.  Thank you congressional Republicans!

Let’s face it, the Republicans did little more than roll over and play dead for the entire eight years that we had to tolerate Obummer being in the White House.  All we got was lip service.  And now they want to stand in opposition to Trump, a guy who’s a member of their own team?  Flake and the many other RINOs were only too happy to throw their support behind Hitlery.  Even after the base pretty much repudiated the ‘Establishment’ types in the primaries because they could not be trusted.  So here's hoping Trump supporters can defeat Flake in 2018.  His weak poll numbers are only going to get weaker.  And these RINOs need to have their collective head examined if they think they can bring our President down and then pick up all the pieces he pulled together for his victory.  And if they do manage to bring down our President the Republican Party is through.  They will never again win another presidency and become the permanent minority party.  Which may be what they’re really after.

RINOs like Flake represent a very clear and present danger to this country.  All they’re doing, and have been doing since election night, is to throw a tantrum because it turns out that we can have immigration enforcement without comprehensive amnesty.  They kept dangling enforcement so they could double the number of illegal immigrants per year to 2 million and to legalize those already here.  Sorry, we got enforcement without letting you flood the country with cheap labor and letting you destroy the language and culture.  Yet they keep babbling on about “our broken immigration system” blah, blah, “comprehensive immigration reform,” blah, blah, “path to citizenship,” blah, blah, “illegals are better than American citizens,” blah, blah, and “xenophobia, nativism, and racism.”  There are a lot of Senators who don't realize how much trouble they may be in.  And all the donor money in the world won't make up for a lack of votes.  Just ask Hitlery if it worked for her.

Flake has managed to progress from being just your average run-of-the-mill backbencher to being one of the more prominent back biters in Congress.  Flake has literally never done anything throughout his entire political career.  He opposes everything conservatives want.  He's pro-choice, pro-open borders, pro-higher taxes, and against school vouchers.  I mean who is this guy to call for Congress to block the President from his own party?  Flake and his RINO cohorts are telling America to F- off.  So the time has come to remove as many of them from office as we can and replace them with those who love their country.  So because the Republicans can get nothing done in the Senate, it’s somehow the fault of the President?  This is nonsense and he knows it.  With the election of President Trump the Republicans were handed an opportunity to do the right thing and yet they still can't get it together.  It’s a shame and not what the American people voted for.

America was built with hard work, sweat, and a lot of blood. The two major parties are embarrassing our country.  The Democrats by pushing their social agenda issues, and the Republicans constantly afraid of offending the Far Left.  The Republican old school types have grown accustomed to kneeling in front of their Democrat betters and receiving their abuse and liking it.  Meanwhile, Trump has fought back and I look forward to watching Trump endorse those candidates who choose to run against incumbent RINOs like Flake.  “Make America Great Again” is happening and ‘The Establishment’, both right and left, just can’t handle it.  None of them thought that President Trump had a snowball’s chance in Hell of beating Hitlery, and nine months later they are still unable to accept it.  So now we see the RINOs teaming up with the Democrats in what has become a less than covert effort to topple a duly elected president.  And we the people must make it known that this is simply unacceptable.

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