Thursday, August 3, 2017


As I have said before, it’s these days that I watch very little ‘Fox News’ but, having said that, I did recently catch wind of something that was said by one of the hosts of a new program on that network, one which I am very much in agreement with.  This new program is called "The Fox News Specialists", and the host to whom I am referring is Eric Bolling.  And it was his statement calling out those who are opposing President Trump and his agenda that I very much agree with.  These individuals who like to refer to themselves as being ‘conservative’ but are, in realty, nothing of the sort.

Bolling pointed out how RINO Sen. Jeff Flake - who is up for reelection in 2018 - is now busy writing an anti-Trump book.  And he noted that Flake's fellow RINO, Arizona senator John McCain, has also been very outspoken in his criticism of the president.  Bolling also pointed out how RINO Sen. Lindsay Graham is delivering his own brand of Russia-related "anti-Trump venom," adding that Graham is up for reelection in 2020.  The focus of the 2018 election and every election thereafter must be to replace as many of these RINOs as possible with those who ‘are’ conservative.

Bolling said that attacking Trump might not be the best campaign strategy, because once you get out of the swamps of Washington, D.C. and New York City, you see that the American people love Trump.  Bolling said, "The DOW is 22,000, a record 153 million Americans are employed, Neil Gorsuch is on the high court and illegal immigration is falling like a rock."  And added, "Tough to run against that."  He said that "real conservatives" want the country to prosper, while many ‘Establishment Republicans' egos are too bloated to admit the president is succeeding.

He suggested that the Republican Party might be better off without these "bad hombres," and it might be time to "repeal and replace" them in Congress.  Bolling concluded, "Let's make RINOs an endangered political species."  And I could not agree more.  The focus, at least for those on the right, should be to act as that last line of defense between ‘The Establishment’, both right and left, as they do all that they can to prevent President Trump from doing those things that got him elected.  Our response MUST NOT be to elect more Democrats, but to elect MORE conservatives!

Sadly, our current batch of congressional Republicans are creating the impression that they have absolutely no idea how to govern.  And by doing so they are placing in jeopardy why we elected President Trump.  And it would seem that party unity is a concept that is completely foreign to them.  They are obsessed with getting favorable press, getting re-elected, enjoying their perks, and maintaining their ‘gentlemen’ status.  They pay more attention to RINO elites than they do to the people.  Republicans have apparently not gotten the message from the people who are really pissed off at Washington. 

And let me make something very clear here, unless they make some rather significant changes in how they conduct the peoples’ business, I worry that this could very well be their last chance to govern for decades.  And while many Americans are saying that now may be the time for an Independent Party, one that is built on protecting the Constitution and providing for our national defense, I would argue that what we need to do instead is to use the leftists as our example and seize control the Republican Party in the same way that the left has now seized control of the Democrat Party.

Because even after the voters delivered the House in 2010 and 2012, the Senate 2014 and the White House in 2016, all of which the Republicans said they needed in order for them to make the changes demanded by the people, they have still refused to act.  Therefore the time has come for President Trump to begin to call these RINOs out by name.  He needs to go directly to the people and point out in very clear terms just how it is that these RINOs are now working arm in arm with the Democrats in the continuing attempt to prevent him from doing what we, the American people, elected him to do.  

And the RINOs had better listen to the people or they will soon be made to become extinct.  With all things considered I feel that President Trump is doing a good job.  All Republicans in Congress have a choice to make, support the president or be replaced with someone who will.  Come 2018 we the voters must get rid of as many Democrats and RINOs as we can.  We must act on our disgust with Washington as we did when we picked as our leader a man from outside the beltway and tasked him with draining ‘The Swamp.’  He can’t be stopped if the American people are behind him.

Frankly at this point I’m not sure if there is anything I can say that would prevent what seems to be a growing number of my fellow conservatives from simply giving up on the Republican Party.  I would only ask that they reconsider and, if their district or state is currently sending a Democrat or RINO off to Washington, become a recruiter, or sorts, to convince potential conservative candidates to run against those currently in office.  We the People do still control our own fate, but if we are to have any chance of succeeding, we must get off the bench and onto the field.

Call me naïve, but we can’t afford to simply throw up our hands and complain about how many times we’ve been lied to by those who have told us that they believe as we do, only to find out later that they don’t.  What we must do is replace them with someone else, and if that proves too, to have been a mistake then we try again.  What we must NEVER do is surrender to those on the left, because that is exactly what they want us to do.  And who knows, in the end the left may still come to win but we must do all that we can to make them know that they have been in a fight!

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