Tuesday, August 22, 2017


As most of you know there is, in Congress, this rather odd assortment of bizarre individuals commonly referred to as the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC).  And it is the leader of this group who recently stated that his group is now weighing whether to join Democrat attempts to impeach President Donald Trump.  This band of racist misfits made the announcement on Monday during a call with the media.  Democrat Cedric Richmond, the chairman of the CBC, announced he is planning a meeting to decide if the members of his caucus will join impeachment efforts.  It was during a conference call that he said, “You can make an argument based on pure competency and fitness to serve, and that’s the conversation the caucus will have.” And he went onto say, “Am I concerned about high crimes and misdemeanors? Absolutely. Am I concerned about this president’s fitness to serve? Absolutely.” 

Other members of this dysfunctional and corrupt group, Democrats Al Green and ‘Mad Maxine’ Waters, have also repeatedly called for the impeachment of Trump.  It was back in June, after a few people were handcuffed during a protest against the health care reform bill, that that racist loon ‘Mad Maxine’ said, “Instead of disabled people in wheelchairs, the only person who should be dragged anywhere is Trump — down the hall, to impeachment.”  And am I the only one who sees the irony here in that the one thing, and I mean the ONLY thing, that prevented Obummer from being impeached was the fact that he’s black?  Because never, at any time in our nation’s history, had there ever been a man who had demonstrated less competency or less fitness to serve as president than did Barack Hussein Obama!  And now these racist hooligans want to throw our WHITE president out office?  And for what?  Being white?

And apparently Richmond has also seen fit to ask several historically black colleges to cancel a meeting with the Trump administration currently scheduled for next month in light of Trump’s supposedly ‘insensitive’ comments regarding the Charlottesville, Va., riots.  Give me a break!  He said the president’s comments showed a lack of concern and compassion for black students.  Trump first blamed “many sides” for the violence during the riots, and then explicitly called out neo-Nazis, the Klu Klux Klan and white supremacists a day later.  Omasoa Manigault, an aide to Trump, has said that the White House had no plans to cancel the upcoming meeting with historically black colleges and universities.  Apparently, the president and CEO of the Thurgood Marshall College Fund has also asked the colleges to pause the meeting, again citing concerns over Trump’s reaction to the white supremacist rally in Virginia.

So let me get this straight: We're supposed to tolerate this group of people who are so fixated on race that they formed their own little clique which then does not allow people of other races to join, and who use their political power to advance only the interests of those who are of the same race?  Obviously the ‘Congressional Black Caucus’ is a racist group created for no other reason than the specific purpose of advancing discrimination against anyone who isn't black.  And it would seem that this group of racist malcontents views working to derail President Trump and the tearing down of historic statues as being far more important than trying to figure out why blacks are killing blacks in record numbers and in so many our Democrat controlled cities or why Planned Parenthood is permitted to murder thousands of black babies every single year.  Go figure!

And perhaps if more of our so-called black ‘activists’ were willingly to sit down and have a serious “discussion” about race in America, then we as a nation would be much better off.  But instead, far too many of these ‘activists’ seem far more interested in being nothing more than agitators and thugs.  But hey, who can really blame them?   First they were slaves on plantations controlled by Democrats and now, 150 years later, they're still slaves, on a plantation called the Democrat Party.  At least back then, their slavery was pretty much restricted to the south.  These days it seems to be just about everywhere.  The black culture in America is a failed one, and has been ever since they collectively sold their soul back in the 60s in exchange for government goodies.  What began as a Republican Civil Rights agenda, became a Democrat dependency/perpetual victimhood way of life.

And why is it that we have a Congressional Black Caucus in the first place?  I mean, what function does it perform, other than as a means of bringing racism into the halls of Congress?  And the fact that some of its members actually worked and marched with Dr. King leaves me scratching my head.  I mean, maybe, just maybe, they should reflect on that and start calling out the segregationist policies that the left and progressives are proposing for safe houses, black only campus days, etc.  They have been deafeningly quiet when it comes to this form of segregation.  If Confederate statues are being removed because they represent men who fought for the South and thus for slavery, then the CBC should also support the removal of MLK from history's celebration of desegregation because current blacks seem to be very much in favor of the left’s very clear desire for a resurgence of segregation.

And the fact that these progressive Black geniuses don't like this president surely must mean that he's a “racist” deserving of impeachment, right?  Never mind rational thought, commonsense, and the Constitution.  If these black Democrats say impeachment is in order, then that's that.  Case closed, right?  Well, that’s only because this racist bunch of sociopaths has already ‘weighed’ their collective brains and come up with zero, zip, zilch, nada and they've run out of other stupid things to do or say.  They're doing nothing more than to work to protect their little piece of racist turf.  If they can't keep the pot of racism bubbling, they know they'll all be looking for real jobs, and we know none of them are up to that task since there isn’t a functioning brain cell that can be found anywhere among them.  If it weren't for ignorant Democrat voters they'd have been kicked to curb long ago.

And personally, it’s to my way of thinking that we could make the same ‘competency and fitness to serve’ argument against every one of the members of this odd assortment of racist scum.  I mean, seriously folks, what have any one of them ever accomplished for anyone other than themselves.  And if this is going to be the standard by which we measure one’s suitability for public service then most of those in this little group would likely end up being impeached for being racists and as such unfit to serve in any capacity above dog catcher.  And in a way I hope they do decide to toss their colored hat into the impeachment ring!  America is already growing sick and tired of race based groups and this will only serve to make it just that much worse.  The working class know the Democrats and Republicans have it in for them, Trump is the ONLY person standing up for them. 

Where’s their concern when it comes to how many blacks were shot in Chicago last weekend, or so far this year?  Or how many were shot during all of last year?  All we hear from them is, “Vote for us because Republicans are evil.”  Yet after 60 years, or longer, of Democrats running nearly every big city in America, most continue to suck for black people who remain stuck in living in them.  These pathetic old fools don't want to help black folks, because their whole reason to exist as a caucus in the first place is so they can better perpetuate their racial grievances.  And either they fail to realize or are too stupid to understand that the Democrats only tolerate them because of their votes and the fact that they are for sale for the right price.  If they truly cared about the black people, they would first and foremost take care of your own constituencies, which are truly worse than many third world ghettos. 

Sure, why not continue to support the party of slavery. You’d think these racist frauds would spend a little time reading up on American history and after doing so give the Democrats a swift kick in the ass plus a short goodbye.  But instead they continue to keep their black constituents un or under educated, jobless, dependent on government services, in crumbling, crime filled inner cities and without hope. Worthless politicians who will once again suck up to the party of racism.  The racist CBC members will almost certainly vote to support impeaching Trump although they cannot identify any high crimes or misdemeanors that he has committed. The racist radical left wing black caucus does not believe in the Constitution or the rule of law.  Imagine if whites in Congress formed a Congressional White Caucus.  Democrats are determined to make the U.S. look like Venezuela.  Or worse. 

And finally, the hypocrisy of those on the left, including the members of this rather unique group of angry black folks, becomes all the more obvious when one comes to understand that it’s at the same time that the Democrats accuse President Trump and millions of his supporters of being white supremacists that they worship one of the most prominent white supremacist this country has ever produced.  That being, of course, Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, the butcher of tens of millions of innocent babies.  And equally hypocritical are their accusations that those on the right are neo-Nazis.  Hypocritical because one of the biggest supporters of progressive causes, the Hungarian Jew and know Nazi sympathizer, George Soros.  And yet this leftist scum has the nerve to accuse our president and his supporters of being something that they know that they are not.  And I find it disgusting!  

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