Wednesday, July 18, 2018


The meltdown of the left that was initially brought about by the election of Donald Trump as president, and that has only intensified over the course of the last 18 months because of the president’s unprecedented level of accomplishment, has now intensified further because of what has been described as comments deserving of nothing less than impeachment.  And now we have another Democrat busy searching for some way to bring about the impeachment of our president, a Democrat whose family patriarch was known for being little more than a common bootlegger.

And yes I’m talking about Democrat Rep. Joe Kennedy III.  You see, it was Kennedy who recently called on the White House, actually it was more a demand, to publicly recount what occurred in the private meeting between President Trump and Russian President Vlad Putin.  Now how is it in any way appropriate to make such an insane demand of a president?  Would this boob ever have made the same demand of Barry ‘O’?  Of course not!  The Democrats have become increasingly unhinged and are desperate to grab at any straw they can in their quest to bring down the president.

It was during an interview on, where else but, the Communist News Network (CNN), our ‘fake news’ headquarters, that this genius actually suggested that if the White House does not come forward, Congress should bring the president’s translator to testify, and under subpoena if necessary.  While he acknowledged that the proposal is complicated by potential legal issues around privilege, he said “it shouldn’t get that far.”  He argued that without the testimony of officials or from the translator, the U.S. will have to depend solely on the Russian readout of the private meeting.

Kennedy said, “This is a horrible thing to say: The President of the United States has no credibility when it comes to this issue.”  And he went onto say, “This is a serious national security issue, and all that I’m asking for is that we understand what the president agreed to.”  Kennedy refused to call Mr. Trump’s comments treasonous, saying instead he preferred to leave that to constitutional scholars.  Because, as we all know, with all of the inbreeding that has taken place within his bizarre little clan of drunks, perverts and drug addicts, scholars are pretty hard to come by.

The congressman said his Republican counterparts “wring their hands” over President Trump’s comments in Helsinki, but they aren’t working to take any sort of action on the issue.  Kennedy also suggested that they are more focused on impeaching Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein than “oversight of Trump and Russia.”  So once again those on the left so very obviously allow themselves to be controlled by their affliction of ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’ as they pursue an issue that the American people, as pointed out by a recent Gallup poll, couldn’t care less about.

Strange that we have a Kennedy who has the nerve to question President Trump's honesty, considering he has so many family members who possess some serious honesty issues.  The Democrats have become so unhinged over what President Trump has been able to accomplish, in spite of entire ‘The Swamp’ being against him, that they want to use what he may have discussed with Putin in a private meeting against him, so much so that they are calling for the president’s translator to appear in a hearing on Capitol Hill.  To hell with executive privilege or government rules

And then in causing me to wonder if there may be something in the water up there in New England, we had Kennedy’s fellow Democrat, Senator Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire, also saying that President Trump’s interpreter “can help determine what President Trump shared/promised Putin on our behalf.”  Shaheen tweeted: “I’m calling for a hearing with the U.S. interpreter who was present during President Trump’s meeting with Putin to uncover what they discussed privately. This interpreter can help determine what @POTUS shared/promised Putin on our behalf.”

But seriously, we have Nancy Pelosi unable to string enough words together to form a coherent sentence and still Democrats worry what our duly elected President said to another world leader?  I’d like to know what Lynch and ‘Slick Willy’ talked about on the plane, so let's subpoena the pilot!  I’d also like to know how those in Congress get wealthier every day on the salary they make, so let's subpoena their accountants!  I’d like to know how the DOJ gets away with funding leftwing terrorist causes from the DOJ slush-fund, so let's subpoena the former AG!  So where does it ever end?

Personally I’m thinking that President Trump is likely setting Putin up for a rather sizable fall. And I couldn’t care less about what he says, I watch what he does.  Think about it, oil is quite literally the life blood of Russia.  And understand this, oil accounts for 52% of ALL federal revenue for Russia.  That is insane.  If the price of oil crashes on Russia, the country will be devastated.  And we have the power to do it.  Be honest, weren't you surprised when President Trump, out of the blue publically called out Germany for Russian pipeline deal?  And I loved every minute of it!

This is yet another fake Russia scandal that is nothing more than another half-baked attempt at impeaching the president.  These traitorous deep state stooges can’t do anything to President Trump, or his interpreter, for holding a run-of-the-mill diplomatic conference with the leader of Russia. I get the feeling this was supposed to be their supposed ace in the hole in their continuing effort to take down the president, but their plans to overthrow America have been badly falling apart, so this ‘ace in the hole’ is built on quicksand and it just ain’t working.

I think we can count on the fact that every day there will be some new hysterical reason for impeachment. This is what the hate America crowd really wants. Continual uproar, deep state plots, threats, investigations, riots, etc. And now a Kennedy is going to investigate a diplomatic meeting of the President.  We can trust this Kennedy because he's an up and coming young one brought up in the proper Kennedy--Save the Nation--mode.  Sorry, but the last thing we need, and I mean the VERY last thing, is to have the fate of our country resting in the hands of a Kennedy!

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