Thursday, July 5, 2018


I must say it’s become increasingly clear that Democrats today possess very little love for America.  This pathetic bunch of losers would rather mooch off their neighbors than to go out and get a job in order to support themselves and provide for their families.  And they continue to put forward the argument that ‘American’ values are under assault, when in reality it’s their leftist ‘values’ that have no place in America.  And if you have any doubt that these people hate this country you need look no further than a recent statement from Tom Perez, Democratic National Committee chairman, which made very clear the sentiment of his Democrat Party.

Because it was Perez who issued a rather bleak message in observance of the Fourth of July, in which he portrayed the United States as being a deeply troubled nation, and suggested that President Donald Trump’s policies are to blame. The statement read: “As we celebrate our nation’s independence, we recognize that America’s founding promise remains out of reach for too many families. Too many members of our society are still struggling to find a good-paying job or get the health care they need. Too many women, LGBTQ Americans, people of color, and people with disabilities still face inequality and injustice across our society.”

And it was this same statement that went on to say, “Everywhere we look, our most fundamental values are under attack. Thousands of children have been separated from their parents at our southern border,” he added. Perez also attacked the Supreme Court: “At our highest court, workers’ rights are being taken away, voting rights are under assault, Muslim Americans are being discriminated against because of their faith, and women’s right to choose is under threat like never before.”  Perez concluded: “Democrats reaffirm our commitment to fighting for the values of inclusion and opportunity for everyone.”

I think it is worth pointing out that Perez’s rather comical statement came just one day after he said that socialist candidates like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez were “the future of our party.”  Perez, as you are likely aware, is notorious for using profanity when attacking the Trump administration and the Republican Party. Last July, for example, he declared that Republicans “don’t give a shit about the people.”  Meanwhile, it is a majority of Americans who agree with the president, and disagree with the Democrats, according to a new Gallup poll that found 55% of U.S. adults believe the country’s best days are ahead, up from 47% in 2012.

So apparently Mr. Perez, as so many others in his party seem to have done, has since traded in those favorite rose-colored glasses of his, the ones he wore every day during the Barry ‘O’ years and, with the arrival of President Trump, and seems to have now replaced them with something that provides to him an image that is more in line with his politically leftist ideology.  And the fact that Democrats can so easily refuse to admit that things are now obviously so much better than they were when Barry ‘O’ was in office makes them impossible to take seriously.  They are so obviously transparent when it comes to their pure hatred of the president.     

Let’s face it, America gets better with each and every regulation that gets erased, with every Barry ‘O’ Executive Order that gets flushed, and with every liberal policy that we able to uproot.  When I think of the bloodshed expended to free people from Socialists and Communist tyranny, it amazes me that there are still people willing to buy into the rubbish we continue to hear from the Democrats as they work to push their failed policies onto America.  Everywhere this ideology has been tried the ONLY result has been failure and abject misery.  There is not one place that can be pointed out as being a Communist or Socialist success.  Not one!

So by all means, let’s abolish ICE, let’s throw open our borders, impose the strictest of gun controls, work to impeach President Trump, raise taxes, bring back Obamacare, on and on.  The Democrats seem to think that this Latina Communist they recently elected there in the Bronx is the new model for America?   Personally I happen to be under the impression that what we just might be witnessing here is the self-destruction of the Democrat Party.  Because the truth is, if there is ANYTHING that sucks about America, it’s the Democrat Party.  Yet there are those too stupid to realize that they are simply being played by corrupt politicians.

Democrats are reaffirming just how anti-American they really are. The Democrats are against everything American, and they are interested in representing no one but themselves.  The America that they apparently want to live in is not ‘our’ America.  It is a construct of their brainwashed minds, full of inequality, racism, and intolerance.  It is polluted with Leftist propaganda, and built on nothing more than lies. They need a hard slap, politically speaking.  The only areas where our nation is deeply troubled are those areas considered to be Democrat strongholds.  Places such as New York, California or Illinois and cities like Chicago, Los Angeles and New York.

The majority of us took time yesterday to celebrate America's birthday, along with our flag, our anthem and the fact that we are free.  And, of course, we made sure to celebrate our many Veterans without whom this grand experiment in human freedom would never have lasted.  Meanwhile it was those on the left who likely took the opportunity to burn a flag and, if an opportunity were to present itself, to kneel for the national anthem.  As for our veterans and the military, I’m sure we all know how it is that most of those on the left feel about them.  More often than not our military is viewed as a wasted expense and those serving seen as less than human.

The die was cast in 2009. The 2008 election was supposed to be the beginning of 40 years of solid Democrat rule.  The Democrats had the House, the Senate and the Presidency. But Democrats overplayed their hand resulting in the Republicans first winning the House, then the Senate and finally the White House.  The Democrats are now desperate. Which is why they are all so angry. They don't know what to do except to act like toddlers who have had their toys taken away. The ‘leadership’ is feeble and unable to control their crazies, and, I think, are to some degree afraid of them.  And it’s the crazies who seem to be steering the party.

Democrats have long hated the entire concept of America, but until recently they were better able to keep their hatred under wraps.  And they hate the notion that we the American people should be permitted to possess those rights granted to us from our God including those of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  Democrats view everything in terms of identity based on race or some other emotionally based attribute rather than holding that people are made in God's image. Thus, they are moral relativists, angry, jealous people who will engage in any and every means (racial quotas, socialism, abortion, indoctrination) to justify their ends.

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