Monday, June 17, 2019


Every now and then, albeit typically by accident, a Democrat will say something that actually does have a ring of truth to it.   Granted, it is a very rare occasion.  And it was just recently that just such a thing occurred, and it was from Nancy Pelosi that we heard it.  And while what she said was intended to be just another derogatory comment directed at, of course, President Trump, I would argue that it might have had just the opposite effect.  Because what she said, and rather confidently so, was that President Trump did not have “shared values” with the Congress.

Let’s face it, the Democrat Party has always tended to lean pretty far to the left regarding its governing philosophy.  But the modern day Democrat Party has now been taken over by the radical left, who have succeeded in moving the party to the point where it now chooses to support what are some pretty extreme positions on everything from abortion, and ‘climate change’ to healthcare.  So I have no problem with the fact that the president I voted for does not share the same values of these leftwing fanatics.  What’s important to me is that the president shares ‘MY’ values!

So it was during an interview this past Sunday with one of CNN’s many resident ‘Trump Haters’, Fareed Zakaria, that Pelosi said President Trump did not have “shared values,” with Congress.  And I would only ask Nancy, “So what?” Personally I, as well as everyone else who voted for him, prefer that he doesn’t!  Because what’s important to those of us who voted for him and who continue to support him is whether or not he shares the same ‘values’ that we do.  Because neither do WE share what Nancy refers to as being the ‘values’ of most members of Congress.

And so it was Trump-Hater Zakaria who said, “Let me ask you, though, about presidential power. Is there a kind of usurpation of congressional authority? Since 1976, when Congress declared a National Emergency Act, Gerald Ford signed it, there have been fifty, the presidents have declared 59 emergencies. 32 are still in place. We still have national emergencies in place about Macedonia, about Lebanon, about the Iran hostage crisis. Is it time for Congress to start much more seriously overseeing these kind of executive usurpations of power?”  Spoken like a true hater of Trump!

Naturally Pelosi said, “Yeah. I think Congress were accomplices in some of these things, but were dealing with presidents with whom we had shared values and to give the president the facility to do what he needed —or hopefully one day, she needed to do. But it has gone too far. And if it’s a national emergency, it’s one thing but if it’s to declare a national emergency that doesn’t exist, isn’t —is an exploitation of an opportunity that shouldn’t be taking place.”  The more this moron speaks, the less sense makes.  And rarely when talking about the president does she ever make sense.

But might not it have been better, and even a bit more accurate, for Pelosi to have said that it’s the majority of those in Congress who actually don’t share the values of the president or his supporters?  But that’s only because he, and they, don’t share the Democrats’ penchant for murdering the unborn, for open borders and all of the drugs, crime, welfare costs, disease and violence that comes with it. Nor does he, or they, share the Democrats’ lunatic green deal policies or what has become their rampant antisemitism in favor of the Moslems who want only to destroy America.

And because President Trump chooses not to share the values of Democrats, he has been able to turn the economy around and created an environment that has made possible record employment, record low unemployment, and the highest consumer confidence and business optimism in decades.  He is rebuilding the military, and sending a very clear message to the Chinese regarding trade, is strong on the border and illegal immigration (but needs Congressional support), and more.  In other words President Trump is for EVERYTHING that the anti-America Democrats are against. 

Now you’d have to be a complete moron, and we are talking about Nancy Pelosi, not to understand that President Trump, the outsider non-politician, was elected largely because he did NOT share the values of those in Congress.  And if you want to talk about usurpation of Congressional authority, what about the rampant offloading of congressional authority, and responsibility, to what has essentially become the fourth branch of government, one made up of legions of unelected, like-minded big government bureaucrats who retain power no matter who’s in the White House?  

It’s the supposed ‘values’ to which Pelosi refers that forms the basis for the position of the Democrat Party on any number of issues.  For instance, it is their ‘values’ that apparently allows for the imprisonment of political opponents, the offering of all manner of ‘free’ stuff, such as free college, free student loans, free doctors as well as free medical treatment, all of which will, of course, actually be paid for by taxpayers, and also the call for reparations for slavery which officially ended over 150 years ago.  So why is it that President Trump should agree with Democrat values?

Listen, it is at the center of every new proposal that we see coming from the Democrats that we find the beating heart of Socialism.  That governing and economic philosophy that has failed everywhere and every time it has been attempted and yet continues to have strong support amongst those within the Democrat Party.   So again I find myself wondering why it is that Pelosi expresses such shock regarding the fact that our president has no interest in sharing those ‘values’ that now seem to be shared by a pretty sizable majority of those who identify themselves as Democrats!

So finally, knowing this president as we all now do, and what the Democrat Party, which has now moved, or been moved, so far to the left now stands for, Pelosi still seems to feel justified in accusing the president of not seeming to be on the same page as the Democrats when it comes to the subject of ‘values.’  And at a time when nearly every Democrat now running for president speaks very favorably of Socialism, it was at his last State of the Union address that the president made quite clear, America will NEVER be a Socialist country.  So don’t talk to me about values!

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