Friday, June 7, 2019


Well, with word now coming that our stellar members of Congress are now angling for a way to get themselves a pay raise, I think it’s only fair to say that it’s becoming painfully obvious that they are no longer the least bit interested in even trying to keep up the charade that they are responsible individuals interested only in working on what’s best for the country, and the people.  Obviously they are far more interested in working only on what’s best for themselves.  And with the number of hours these boobs put in, far from deserving a pay raise, these pathetic clowns are only deserving of a pay cut, and a big one!

Let’s face it, what exactly is it that they feel they have done over the course of the last few years that could in any way have convinced them they are now deserving of a raise?  I’m serious.  Have I missed some big important bill that does something about securing our southern border or does something to curb the massive flood of illegals coming into my country?  Or, has there been at least some modest attempt to reel in our astronomical national debt?  No?  Because unless they’ve done something about either of these two very important issues then I’m afraid I just don’t see them being worthy of receiving any kind of a raise.

I mean really, I see no reason for sugarcoating things, let’s just call these people what they truly are, just a bunch posturing liars who have yet to solve, or even TRY to solve, ANY of our numerous pressing problems since being first elected to their prestigious positions.  They only succeed in making matters far worse!  And most have chosen to simply ignore the oaths they took upon assuming their office just as they have also decided that they are free to disregard how the Constitution makes pretty clear what their role is in our form of government, and that it is their JOB to do more than to simply resist and obstruct.

And so we now have the Democrats, who you will remember control the House, working feverishly to come up with a way to unfreeze the cap on congressional salaries that would result in a $4,500 cost-of-living raise next year.  Congress froze base congressional salaries at $174,000 during the recession in 2009. However, Democrat lawmakers are planning to capitalize on the chugging Trump economy by pushing to resume their previously automatic cost-of-living increases.  The party has scheduled a vote on a $1 Trillion spending package next week that includes the annual bill funding congressional operations.

And it is this same measure that also just so happens to have conveniently left out language that has been in effect since 2010 that would prevent lawmakers from receiving an annual cost-of-living increase to the $174,000 base salary for rank-and-file lawmakers.  Slimy Democrat Evan Hollander said there’s significant bipartisan support for such a measure.  He said, “There is strong bipartisan support for these modest inflation adjustments.”  Well no shit, Sherlock!  And that’s somehow supposed to make me what, exactly?  To feel sorry for these overpaid, underworked crooks?  Sorry, but that just ain’t happenin’.

And then it was this very same boob who then went on to say, “If members want to alter or eliminate the [cost-of-living adjustment], they should do so through the authorizing process — not appropriations bills.”   And if all goes as Democrats hope it will, lawmakers will see a $4,500 raise next year.  It was Steny ‘Gasbag’ Hoyer who actually acknowledged the difficulty of the change from an optics standpoint.  He said, “I don’t have any intention of recommending that we turn it off.”  And he added, “It’s not only having an effect on members of Congress, it’s compressing salary structure.”

And it was old Steny who then went on to say, “I don’t think there’s ever a time when people think it’s very good politically to do.”  He continued by saying, “In this present climate, where the president says we have one of the best economies in the entire history of the world, I don’t know.”  Lawmakers would now be making roughly $208,000 base per year if not for the decade-long pause on automatic increases.  And if you break down how much these clowns make to the actual number of hours worked, they’re likely making $500 an hour. Which is most certainly a good gig if you can manage to con voters into voting you into such a cushy job.   

And frankly, I find it all a bit disingenuous that it’s the very same people who are now so very enthusiastically pushing for Socialism, and who are already making insane amounts of money, that are the same one essentially saying , “I deserve more money that the taxpayers should be forced to cough up.”  And they actually seem to have convinced themselves that they are somehow really deserving of making more money.  Yup, self-serving to the end!  President Trump donates his salary to rehabilitate military cemeteries and backstabbing members of Congress want a raise even as they continue the job of selling out America.

And just in case you haven’t been keeping up, we’re now over 20 Trillion dollars in debt, and speaking for myself what I would be recommending is that we start garnishing the wages of these useless hacks until such time that they finally start doing something to address that.  After all, we the people didn’t create this mess, THEY did!  Or here’s another idea, how about we have every member of Congress working for free until such time they are able to approach the spending of the people’s money in a much more responsible way.  But then I suppose something like that is purely wishful thinking on my part.

Collectively these so-called ‘leaders’ that we’ve managed to keep electing, have done squat since this Congress began except to conspire against the legitimately elected president. They have done absolutely nothing when it comes to solving the many problems facing Americans today.  They are far too concerned about paving the way for those wanting to come to this country illegally, and those already here, illegally, and to encourage what is little more than the outright butchering of babies while at the same time paying off their campaign obligations to their rich party friends.  They care little for working class Americans.

What we have now managed to bring down upon ourselves is nothing less than the very same sort of tyrannical government that our Founders had tried to prevent, and in their own way had tried to warn us against.  And it’s all thanks to a growing number of uneducated, and uninformed, voter's, who seem to have made somewhat of a conscious decision to abdicate their responsibility, as citizens, to elect those to Congress who will actually represent we the people.  Voters need to be far more selective when deciding for whom to vote.  We need to do our homework and look beyond idiotic campaign ads that are nothing more than propaganda.

It’s all pretty ironic really.  We the people would like our immigration laws upheld, meanwhile the Democrats just want a raise.  Most of us would like to see a wall built, the Democrats want a raise.  We would like to see the issue of our crumbling infrastructure finally being addressed, the Democrats want a raise.  A great many of us would like to see our out of control spending being addressed, and perhaps some much needed spending cuts applied, the Democrats want a raise.  And it is a great many people who want the Democrats to go straight to Hell and to not pass go and to get NO raise!

And you know, as much as they would like to, and try to, Democrats can’t have it both ways.  How is it that they can call it ‘serving’ our country when they’re collecting outrageous salaries and are the beneficiaries of even more outrageous benefits?  They get everything free travel, food, even haircuts, not to mention them and their families all getting rich from various types of insider trading.  They should be treated more like employees after all they’re supposed to work for us, it’s not the other way around.  And perhaps a good way to determine their pay would be to base it on the average pay of their constituents.  That would be fair.

And how is it that any of these clowns are able to maintain a straight face when claiming their need for a bigger paycheck? And yet, it’s these very same overpaid scumbags who repeatedly drag their feet whenever there is any mention of a pay raise for those in the military and yet are right out front regarding those poor folks servicing in Congress who are barely able to make ends meet.  And it is the very ones now trying to erode the very foundation, ideals and principles that America was founded on that have the gall to feel that they deserve MORE money for taking part in this type of treachery.

And if we’re being honest here, being a member of Congress was NEVER meant to be something one could make a career out of.  And while everyone wants to get paid way more than they're worth but few actually get to set their own pay.  Why not put the measure up to the ‘popular’ vote and see how that turns out?   And it would be in a perfect world that those in Congress would meet up for 30 days every two years, in case of emergency, and only get compensated for food and lodging for that time.  The rest of their time would be spent close to their constituents working, and living, in the environment their legislation creates.

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