Sunday, October 4, 2020


I think we can all safely agree that comedy today is not about comedy, Hell, it’s not even about trying to be funny.  And comedy, above all else, is supposed to be funny.  I may be dating myself but I remember the comedy of Bill Cosby (before I knew he was a pervert), Bob Newhart, and the like.  The guys who could be really funny without being vulgar.  I mean how many times can you say the F-word before it ceases being funny and nothing but ignorant.  And we’ve now progressed beyond the mindlessly repeating of the F-word to where today, instead of striving to be funny, late night hosts and comics simply bash President Trump.

It’s weird, but it’s almost as if they’re somehow required to get their ‘street creds’ by continually bashing President Trump, coming up with whatever juvenile insult they can to bash the man in some kind of a twisted competition with their celebrity idiot friends to see who can be the best at insulting our President. Their minds and hearts are so filled with darkness and hatred for President Trump that they’ve lose sight of everything else and are oblivious to the fact that what they’re saying isn’t the least bit funny. They just spew bitterness, looking to score points by bashing President Trump at the expense of being funny.

And so it was that all of those who chose to tune in to the season premiere of NBC’s “Saturday Night Live,” were witness to one of these celebrity idiots.  You see it was guest host, the unfunny Chris Rock, who opened the show with a monologue that took a jab at President Trump over his COVID-19 diagnosis.  Rock called it the “elephant in the room,” then said his heart went out to COVID, referring to the President’s medical condition.  He said, “Before we even get started, let’s — you know, hey, the elephant in the room: President Trump’s in the hospital from COVID, and I just want to say my heart goes out to COVID.”

And it was then in what, I can only assume, was an attempt at being funny that this imbecile, Rock, went on to say, “This is a special show this show is quite different than every other show. There are so many protocols — everybody in this audience has been checked, and all week I’ve had things going up my nose. Every day I come in here — I haven’t had so much stuff up my nose since I shared a dressing room with Chris Farley.”  Rock then continued, “Now, you know, the world is insane right now.”  And he then added, “But one thing we can agree upon, COVID, has ruined our plans. We all used to have plans before COVID.”

He said, “Remember we all used to have plans? My sister was getting married, man. I paid Bel Biv Devoe $80,000, man. And I can’t get it back. I had tickets to Coachella, man. I know 200,000 Americans are dead, but I’m not seeing Rage Against the Machine this year, man. That is a travesty.”  Rock had better hope he doesn't get it. It would be great to hear everyone remind him “their hearts go out to Covid.”  Rock is a follower. He does what his master wants him to.  Because he does the left laughs at him, so he thinks he's funny.  He chooses to demean himself, but that's alright, he’s never been funny, merely a court jester.

Sorry. I am not doing good for these Hollyweird nutcases.  I am not supporting them by watching them in any venue, I am not going to give them a pass for their uncontrolled hatred or disgusting comments.  They hate me and they hate my ideals. They spew vile hatred toward me.  They stand for forcing the people of this country to live under their socialist values, something that is absolutely abhorrent, they support and bail out Antifa and other domestic terrorists who are physically harming and killing people, destroying buildings and businesses, and it goes far beyond them calling President Trump or conservatives bad names.

Being a Christian does not mean not fighting back when someone is trying to truly do harm to you or simply giving up when your God-given morals or values are under threat.  I certainly would never do a liberal Hollyweirdo personal harm, but I am in no way supporting them or standing by while they seek to do me harm.  They have been coddled and bowed to for most of their adult lives.  What else would you expect them to think?  Once you hit the “big time” nobody is gonna mess with you, right?  And I don’t even know if it will dawn on them when the Chicoms come for them, and they will, that they’ll realize they ain’t so special after all!

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