Sunday, October 18, 2020


Can I just say that ‘Fox News’ should have fired ‘Commie Chris’ Wallace immediately after his pathetic performance as the supposed ‘moderator’ of the first presidential debate between President Trump and ‘Creepy Joe’ Biden.  And the fact that they didn’t tells us all that we really need to know about that which was once referred to as the ‘Fair and Balanced’ network.  And when ‘Commie Chris’ laughed with Biden and shared their thoughts together about Trump, that was the final nail in ‘Commie Chris’s reputation as an impartial moderator. 

And while most became suspicious of ‘Commie Chris’ motives after watching his antics as ‘moderator,’ he essentially removed any and all doubt regarding his political perferences by his calling into question a recent New York Post article regarding some, at least potentially, damaging emails from Hunter ‘The Crack Head’ Biden linking his dad, and current Democrat nominee for president, ‘Creepy Joe’ to his Ukraine business dealings.  And in so doing ‘Commie Chris’ seems less a journalist than a spokesmoron for ‘Creepy Joe’s campaign.

You see, it was this past Friday during an appearance on ‘Fox News’ “America’s Newsroom” that ‘Commie Chris’ commented on the New York Post article in question.  ‘Commie Chris’ said, “I can understand the concern about this story. It is completely unverified, and frankly, Rudy Giuliani is not the most reliable source anymore. I hate to say that, but it’s just true.”  Giuliani, not a reliable source?  And what makes him unreliable, the fact that he supports the president?  Is that what we expect to hear from an objective and unbiased ‘journalist?’

And it was from there that old ‘Commie Chris’ continued by saying, “There is a story in the Washington Post in The New York Times today saying that the National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien had to tell the president in December of last year that the intelligence agencies thought that Giuliani was being worked by Russian agents and was being used to spread Russian disinformation. Until we’re able to independently verify the story, I’m suspicious of it. It is worth checking out, but I’m suspicious.”  Big deal, he’s suspicious!

Meanwhile both Twitter and Facebook chose to limit their users from even posting a link to the story, prompting ‘Commie Chris’ to say, “Having said that, when it’s on the front page of the papers, when the president of the United States is talking about it, I think they cut off people from being able to even discuss it is a bridge too far. If you want to put up something that says this is unverified, be careful, that’s fine, but to say to Americans, the president talking about this, but we’re not going to let you talk about it, that troubles me.”

Look, one would have to be blind not to see, at this point, that ‘Commie Chris’ is very clearly in the tank for ‘Creepy Joe’.  He’s apparently not the least bit interested in the truth of the matter, one way or the other, or even if Giuliani may be making up his astounding claims, something a real journalist, which ‘Commie Chris’ is not, would do. And you know, if Giuliani had presented something negative about President Trump it would be for divulging such information that he would soon become nothing less than a patron saint to the left.

And while we must not see Rudy Giuliani as being a credible source, we must, above all else continue to see ‘Commie Chris’ as a credible arbiter of information.  The very same guy who just outed himself as a blatant hack when he chose to disregard his role as ‘moderator’ at the Presidential debate and entered the match as ‘Creepy Joe’ Biden's tag team partner.  Talk about an unreliable source!  You can’t make this stuff up, but the ‘fake news’ media gives it their best shot.  ‘Commie Chris’ is about as much of a ‘journalist’ as I am a brain surgeon.

Over the course of the last four years it’s become pretty common knowledge that ‘Commie Chris,’ far from being a bona fide ‘journalist,’ is nothing more than a left wing hack. Intelligent people know who, and what, ‘Creepy Joe’ is, he’s a con artist.  He claims to care about those in the middle class, the ones who actually have to work for a living.  And claims to be the only one capable of bringing us all together, and while the ignorant and informationally challenged may believe him, there are a great many Americans who don’t.

As you may recall, there was not one word from ‘Commie Chris’ on any of the unverified propaganda used in the attempted coup perpetrated by the Democrats.  Not one word from ‘Commie Chris’ on all the stories from ‘anonymous’ sources.  And yet, ‘Commie Chris’ screams like a little girl over this Hunter Biden story complete with crack pipe pictures and all.  I’ve never before seen a guy willing to go to the lengths ‘Commie Chris’ has to tank his own credibility.  He’s right up there with fellow Fox News’ Trump hater, Juan Williams.

So ‘Commie Chris’ apparently thinks that it somehow all makes far more sense that ‘Creepy Joe’ was not involved, and Burisma paid out tens of millions of dollars just for the pleasure of working with son, Hunter?  Hunter was a drug addict with zero experience in the energy industry. It’s seems obvious, to everyone but ‘Commie Chris’ that Burisma was paying for access to the Vice President of the United States, and that ‘Creepy Joe’ was involved it in up to his armpits.  Corporations simply don’t hire drug addicts for millions of dollars per year.

And am I the only one to have noticed that whenever a guest, or real journalist speaks the truth about the corruption surrounding the Biden Clan, ‘Commie Chris’ comes running to the rescue almost instantaneously?  He’s even attended a few of the many fundraisers for ‘Creepy Joe’ out there in Hollyweird. The more power these radicals get, the more freedoms we lose. Plus, how many times have they leaked questions?  Like Donna Brazile with Hitlery and Kamala likely had access to them prior as well. Yet, still Pence kicked her butt!!

I’m beginning to think that ‘Commie Chris’s only role there at Fox News is to attract to the network those on the left to whom the truth is irrelevant, especially on all matters having to do with President Trump.  Roger Ailes’ model of giving conservatives a mainstream news option has morphed into the next generation Murdoch model of attracting the left as well. And they have succeeded in taking much of the leftwing networks viewers.  It’s ‘Commie Chris’ who speaks for establishment Trump haters and a large segment of leftwing viewers.

‘Commie Chris’s bias against Donald Trump becomes more evident every day. Giuliani, who was the mayor of New York, during 9/11, and known as "America's mayor," and a celebrated barrister, is not reliable?  Taking emails directly off a hard drive proven to belong to Hunter is not reliable?  Is this miserable creature of the left implying Giuliani is lying about them? Can't be anything else.  Literally the last 4 years we've dealt with hacked, stolen, leaked allegedly true stories but more importantly, unverified and unsourced garbage from corporate media.

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I’ve pretty much given up on ‘Fox News.’  Other than tuning into Tucker every now and again, there’s nothing that I watch on the ‘Fair and Balanced’ network for the very simple reason that more often than not it is neither fair nor balanced.  And the network’s anti-Trump biases have been steadily becoming much more obvious ever since the obvious meltdown demonstrated by their election night panel back in 2016.  These days there’s very little difference between Fox News, CNN and MSDNC.

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