Friday, July 16, 2021


Leave to another braindead Democrat to make excuses for the cruel, corrupt and murderous dictatorship in Cuba. Yup, it takes a special kind of stupid, or just a case of being blatantly dishonest, for any American politician, regardless of political party, to come rushing to the defense of communist leaders anywhere, but especially in one of this country’s closest neighbors. But then when it comes to today’s Democrats there’s nothing that they can say that should cause even the slightest raising of the eyebrows. They continue to show their true colors because they think they have this whole ‘election’ thing figured out to where they can never again lose an election.  

Which bring us to this past Thursday’s broadcast of MSDNC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports,” during which Sen. Chris Coons, Democrat, stated that the oppression of Cuba’s Communist government “has created the conditions, in combination with our sanctions and with COVID, for a popular uprising.” Coons listed examples of countries where “government action is oppressing their people and causing famine, so too is the case with Cuba, a country where longstanding Communist authoritarian regime repression of their people has created the conditions, in combination with our sanctions and with COVID, for a popular uprising.”

And it was moron who continued by saying, “My hope is that the Cuban people will be successful in changing the government in Cuba. But the reality is we also can’t turn a blind eye to human suffering around the world, no matter where it occurs. So, my hope is that we will, as a country, with one voice, forcefully speak out against the repression of the regime in Cuba, while at the same time expressing our solidarity with the Cuban people and their legitimate aspirations for better lives.” So what is it that he’s implying here? That it’s all America’s fault for not trading with Cuba? Does this idiot not understand that Cuba is still free to trade with the rest of the world?

The Democrats are clearly beside themselves when it comes to blaming America, or at least trying to, for the problems in Cuba. Notice that they conveniently leave out of the equation that the U.S. embargo on Cuba started with the JFK Administration back in 1962, and a Democrat has been in the White House for 26 of the last 59 years that it’s been in place. But somehow it must still be President Trump’s fault because, ‘Orange Man Bad.’ And even if it were President Trump’s fault, it would only mean that he was guilty of forcing them to live in the communist economy they claim to be so superior. The embargo only hurts them to the extent that their system is parasitic.

Democrats, like Coons, are clearly in favor of throwing a lifeline of American wealth to the Communist elites in Cuba. And who among us who is the least bit surprised by that? The only thing that will bring about change in Cuba, is the Cuban people! Making sure their leaders become more interested in what’s best for the people and not what’s only best for them is the only way that the Cuban people can finally achieve true FREEDOM! So I think that it’s in the not distant future that we will come to see just how badly the Cuban people desire to be free. And once they have rid themselves of their corrupt leaders it’s then, and only then, that we can address the blockade.

Coons seems to think that America is somehow responsible for the ‘popular uprising’ taking place in Cuba. But what is now taking place, the leaders of Cuba brought upon themselves. What has been made to happen to Cuba, via these citizen protests, was the fault of the miscreant, sociopathic, communist leadership, plain and simple. Bad actors must be segregated and dictatorships must be confronted. Years ago Cuba was not the communist shithole country it is today. It was a vacation paradise in the Caribbean. Castro made it what it is today. Maybe Coons has forgotten the Mariel Boatlift and the fact that much of Miami is both Cuban and Venezuelan.

Again it’s Democrats, just like Coons, who are desperate for the communists in Cuba to remain in power, blaming the uprising on anything, and everything but the brutal communist dictatorship. It’s hilarious, although, I must admit, slightly nauseating as well, how it’s none of these idiots who will publicly blame Communism as the reason for why Cuba is in shambles. And why is that? Because communism is precisely what they now have in mind for this country. Plus no one wants to say anything that might offend the Communist Chinese, our future overlords and masters of the universe. The silence of these people, in regard to criticizing communism, is deafening.

Before any consideration is to be given to throwing Cuba any kind of a lifeline, Cuba must first make some serious changes. Then, and only then, we can modify the embargo, not the other way around. Sanctions are meant to punish the Cuban government. If we remove them unilaterally, we will do nothing more than to enrich and to prop up the Cuban totalitarian government. This is not a difficult concept! Democrats will never understand this and will always resort to blaming American. After all, it’s what they do, because America must be blamed for all the ills of the entire world. Democrats hate this country and are determined to bring it down.

Coons is nothing more than an apologist for communists everywhere. I never thought I’d see the day when Democrats in the U.S. would be so openly supporting totalitarian Communist governments. On the other hand, I never thought I’d see a totally open southern border or an administration that was intentionally restricting and shutting down our own energy supply to intentionally raise energy prices to hurt low, and average, income Americans and to purposely increase inflation. And yet, here we are! And they even try to justify what it is that they are doing by essentially saying that, at least they aren’t Donald Trump. How absolutely ludicrous is that?  

Those like Coons are nothing if not totally dishonest. The whole idea of sanctions on Cuba was, and continues to be, to make it difficult for the dictatorship and to encourage the people of Cuba to stand up and to take action. There must be change in Cuba to a more democratic form of government and is not a communist regime. And this will not be accomplished by making it a bed of roses for them. In the past decades Cuba received billions of dollars in aid, first from the Soviet Union, then from Venezuela. And now it’s Communist China who has entered into the picture, and we all know why. For the very same reason that motivated the old Soviet Union.

This latest scenario provides to Democrats a sneaky way for them to provide their support to the communist regime and, of course, blame President Trump for all the problems. This way they can continue to cozy up the communist leaders and praise them just as ‘BO’ did. To be honest, communism truly is a mental illness, it brings out the worst deviants in a society. These people clearly demonstrate they have no concerns for human rights or freedoms, just a lust for power over the masses through tyranny. Nothing is beneath them to gain this power They will lie, cheat and resort to violence, even murder. To them the end always justifies the means.

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