Tuesday, July 13, 2021


You’d have to be damn near braindead to view any Democrat as being a responsible, mature adult. Especially after the stunt recently pulled by Democrats in the great state of Texas. And it was a stunt. But then, Democrats have a rather long and storied history of pulling such political stunts. Especially whenever they don’t get their way. A history, to be perfectly honest, where they not only seem very proud of their behavior, but quite often actually brag about it. And so, it was once again that we were all subjected to what today passes for, at least by Democrats, as adult behavior. Personally, it would be funny if the consequences were not so disastrous.

You see it was these Democrats in Texas, acting like the crybaby bitches that they are, who rather than do the job that they were elected to do chose instead to behave in a manner that seems to have them all very proud of themselves. Democrats always view themselves as being so much more clever than their opposition. When in fact it’s their behavior that makes it very clear that they are nothing more than a pathetic bunch of crybabies essentially saying that they’ll hold their breath until they turn blue if they don’t get their way. But we shouldn’t be surprised by such behavior, after all it’s something we’ve seen coming from them for decades.  

So. Democrat members of the Texas state legislature have now fled the state for the second time this year in their effort to deny Republicans a quorum to pass voting integrity legislation, flying maskless to Washington, DC. Oddly enough, the Democrats claim that they are defending democracy but are, instead, very clearly subverting it. What we see here with these Texas Democrats is a bit of a pattern, because they thwarted the effort back at the end of the 2021 regular session by staging a walkout, again leaving Republicans without a quorum to vote on the measure, Senate Bill 7, in May. This is their childish response when they know they can’t win.

The spectacle of runaway Democrats has a long and ignoble history. The tactic was first tried in 1924, during a mutual standoff in Rhode Island in which Democrats, in the minority, refused to allow Republicans to conduct business, and so the Republicans went to Massachusetts in protest. But the runaway tactic has been typically used by Democrats in recent decades, often with the enthusiastic support of the ‘fake news’ media. In 2003, Texas Democrats fled in a failed attempt to prevent Republicans from passing redistricting legislation. Their effort failed when party unity cracked, as one of the “Texas Eleven” decided to return home and break the logjam.

In 2011, Democrats tried the tactic in several different states as a reaction to Tea Party-driven conservative wins in the 2010 midterm elections. Also that year Wisconsin Democrats fled the state to deny Republicans the majority necessary to pass Gov. Scott Walker’s public sector union reforms.  Left-wing activists also held weeks of demonstrations outside the state capitol in Madison to support the runaway Democrats. Also in that year, it was Indiana Democrats who fled to Illinois in an attempt to stop Republicans from passing “right-to-work” laws, which allow employees to take jobs without having to join a union or pay union dues.

Frankly, I am sick and tired of hearing how we all need to get along and how these Democrats are all just like us. No, they are not! For some idiotic reason, way too many on our side are of the opinion that Democrats are decent, albeit a bit misguided, people with different ideas. But they are nothing of the sort. First off, if they were decent people, they wouldn’t be Democrats. Secondly, they would be willing to work along with us to make this country a better place for everyone. But they aren’t. With Democrats it’s always their way or the highway. Are these people really worthy of their positions as leaders of this great country? NO!!!

Bipartisanship always means Republicans caving to what it is that the Democrats want. You never see Democrats trying to reach across the aisle and work with Republicans. The ‘fake news’ media is nothing more than a bunch of radical leftists simply spewing the talking points provided to them by the Democrat Party. There’s no longer any objectivity, no unbiased presentation of the ‘news,’ only lies. Nothing more, nothing less. Democrats care only about themselves and their ability to maintain their ability to rule over those whom they neither agree with or even like. Democrats hate America and they hate anyone who refuses to bow down before them.

It totally befuddles me that being asked to show a form of personal ID in any way interferes with one’s right to vote. There are only two ways that one should be permitted to vote. In person at your identified polling place in your neighborhood or request an absentee ballot. Both should require the presentation of an ID. Anything else leads to voter fraud. In addition, the simple rule is if your ballot is not in the hands of the Clerk and Recorder or representative, it is not to be counted. And federal control of our election process is not the right way to go, because it only opens the door to even more voter fraud, which is the goal of Democrats.

The last Democrat who presided over a growing economy that his policies were directly responsible for was Kennedy the tax cutter. ‘Slick Willy’s economy was the result of him sticking for the most part to Reagan’s policies. Carter’s fiscal policy was disastrous, much like ‘Creepy Joe’s is shaping up to be, and ‘BO’s anemic growth was just a continuation of the slogging economy of the Bush years, because as it turns out no matter how incompetent the administration, no matter how many times they grind their heel onto the throat of the economy, like ‘BO’ did, the American people will find a way to conduct their business as free of government oppression as possible.

America used to stand something. It was a natural reflex to stand for our anthem and gave a handshake to a vet, made sure our families were safe. We took time to teach children about real life, also to not grow up so fast. We respected our law enforcement for the most part who did their duty in making our communities across America safer at night. We once had a military that our world had respect for, a fighting force for a nation that could back itself up, we worked with people and waved to our neighbors. We had the life most could dream of and immigrants that couldn’t wait to wave out flag too and find prosperity. What happened to this place?

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