Thursday, July 15, 2021


Let me start by saying that never has it been in the history of these United States that we in this country have had to contend with an entire political party that is so very determined in its efforts to so thoroughly destroy this great country on every single level. And make no mistake, there is not a single Democrat politician, whether local, state or federal, who does not wholeheartedly support the party’s long-term goal of bringing about a total and complete collapse. And oddly enough, it’s only those of us who oppose this endeavor who are constantly being portrayed as the villains, for no other reason than because we wish to salvage what’s left of our country.

And there seems to be no shortage of ways that Democrats are willing to go about describing those of us who chose to support President Trump in the past, as well as those who continue to support him today. We’ve been labeled as being “deplorables,” the “dregs of society,” along with the standard names of Nazis, racists and, of course, my own personal favorite, white supremacists. And it’s now a Democrat running to regain the House seat he lost in 2020, who has gone back to the basics by simply referring to supporters of Donald Trump, as morons. Which is rather odd when you consider the fact that it’s his party that has the moron voting bloc locked up.

It’s ex-Democrat Rep. Harley Rouda who, in running to regain his old House seat he lost to Republican Rep. Michelle Steel, in 2020, has called Republicans who voted for President Donald Trump “morons.” Rouda’s comments were made at a town hall hosted by the Laguna Beach Democrat Club. And it was during his remarks that Rouda said, “Trump being at the top of the ticket” in 2020 was one of the reasons he lost his House seat. He went on to add, “The fact that six million more ‘morons’ voted for this man, is mind-boggling to me.” But, he noted, “Thank goodness about 11 more million Americans voted for [President] Joe Biden.” Talk about delustional!

Rouda also blamed Democrat “low-propensity, uninformed voters who came out and voted for Trump and the down the ticket.” He said that “impacted” him. And he continued by saying, “When you look at this district, it was 89 percent turnout. So 89 percent of the registered voters voted.” Rouda said that having 89 percent voting is “good,” but the Democrats need to do “better” in order to make sure the voters are “informed.” Rouda said they have “a tough road ahead” to win back the seat since “she is the incumbent, but we have done this before.” He said, “We know how to turn this seat from red to blue, and we will do it again.”  Yup, just cheat!!!

Apparently Rouda thinks it’s a good strategy to tell Americans how much he hates them simply because they disagree with him. Because the best way to win back those people who voted against you, is to insult them. Democrats have now gotten so used to rigged elections they no longer care what you think. And it would appear that the closer Democrats think they are to achieving their Socialist dream, the more honest they are about their attitude towards voters. I appreciate the fact that the Democrats are displaying such total disregard for voters of any party. But I think most Americans are seeing what “fundamentally changing America” really means, and they don’t like it.

And after only 6 months, it’s ‘Creepy Joe’ & Co. who is causing financial and social damage that will likely take several years, if not decades, to fix. ‘Creepy Joe’ is incompetent and anti-America beyond belief and the strategy is to call me a moron for voting for President Trump? Anyone who becomes a Democrat, or votes Democrat, is a weak-minded moron who is easily controlled by the ‘morons’ in the ‘fake news’ media because they have no independent thought on anything. They’re like a flock of birds. Unity, inclusion, healing the nation, these are the messages Americans want to hear. It’s always someone else’s fault when a Democrat loses a seat.

As far as I’m concerned it’s far better to be a conservative moron with the wisdom to vote for Donald Trump than a reprobate genius who foolishly votes for any Democrat. President Trump is very much a Patton-like political figure. Look, lots of people cringe when he speaks, or when he used to tweet, but his policies were productive for poor and middle-income families. He only offends those who fail to see how seriously destructive leftwing thinking truly is. Oh, and we’re the morons who don’t burn the American flag, we’re the morons who work for a living, we’re the morons who prefer Freedom and Liberty and we’re also the morons who actually think for ourselves.

But it would seem that the true morons among us are those who continually, and repeatedly, vote for those like Rouda and others in his party. Those who are in favor of reversing America’s ability to become energy independence, who support proliferating racist critical race theory, who support defunding our police, the party that opposes voter integrity laws like photo ID and signature verification, the party that busies itself in promoting the bogus ‘climate change’ farce and the party that supports open borders. And it’s also the party that ignores the systemic racism as practices, predominately, by ‘Creepy Joe’ and the Democrat Party!

Apparently, Rouda subscribes to the belief that math is now somehow racist and is checking his whiteness by not being able to count. President Trump got at least 75 million votes in 2020 and we’re supposed to believe that ‘Creepy Joe’ Biden got around 80 million. Now, speaking of morons who are the people who thought it would be a good idea to install a man as president who doesn’t even know where he is half the time and a vice president that sounds dumber every single time she opens her mouth? Blame President Trump for your own deficiencies, call 75 million Americans “morons” at you own risk, and bray like the Democrat ass that you are.

A Democrat seeking office will say just about anything while completely vacant of shame or decency. The dehumanizing and targeting of more than half the nation is inhuman and dangerous. Since there tends to be no downside that may force them to adjust their behavior, where is all this leading us? I’m pretty sure I know where. As long as the so-called opposition is silent, terrified of the vicious media attacks or worse, our entire media complex will repeat the nonsense worldwide and their constituents will become so used to the brutish behavior no one bats an eye. There is no downside and until there is this will continue until the spark is lit.

I don’t care what your political beliefs are. It should bother you when Democrats continue to insult half the country and act as if it was the right thing to do. Either they think Trump voters are the enemy and/or they are very confident they will never need their votes to win any future elections. Not the way to bring the country together but exactly the way you would keep it divided. Hate, strife and division is all Democrats have to offer, not to mention insecure borders and weakness shown to our enemies abroad. Even with an election that stinks to high heaven with questionable integrity, is this what Democrats really wanted from a Democrat administration?

Finally, to ignore the fact that we are now living in what are truly some very scary times, is to deny reality. We seem to have a rather significant number of our political elite who, in exchange for a few pieces of silver, have become allies of certain foreign powers interested in bringing about the demise of our country and replacing it as the world’s sole superpower. So the time has now come for all Americans, regardless of race, religion, gender, or sexual persuasion to come together and ignore those trying so hard to divide us. We must put our petty differences aside and come together in the name of a cause that’s so much bigger than ourselves.

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