Friday, October 29, 2021


Well, as they say, better late than never, I suppose. Because it would seem that more Americans are finally waking up and beginning to recognize the fact that old Tony Fauci is little more than a fraud and a quack. Too bad they were so slow to realize that or there might now be thousands, if not may hundreds of thousands, of Americans still alive today. But nope, it was this mad scientist who Americans allowed themselves to be convinced was the guy who was going to save them. But instead, this so-called savior of mankind viewed those very same Americans as being nothing more than lab rats and as a way to make for himself a great deal of money.

But word now comes that some of the shine has now worn off of America’s favorite mad scientist. Some new polling numbers now that make quite clear that Tony has fallen out favor with many Americans. You see, it’s now a plurality of voters who believe that he’s nothing more than a liar who should be forced to resign. After the revelation last week that Fauci lied under oath about giving our mortal enemies in China funding for gain of function research, his public credibility landed squarely in the toilet. And it’s after all the other disgusting stuff that recently came out about this guy, that makes me wonder why he hasn’t yet been strung up by his gonads?

Rasmussen recently asked 1,000 likely voters a series of questions about Fauci and his myriad of controversies. These two questions are the most revealing. Respondents were asked, “Do you believe Dr. Anthony Fauci told the truth about U.S. government funding for gain-of-function research?” To which only 33 percent said they believe that he told the truth, while a plurality of 49 percent say he lied. They were also asked, “Should Fauci be forced to resign?” Only 40 percent said no, while a plurality of 46 percent said yes. A third question shows that the government and media’s attempt to cover up the lab leak theory failed rather badly.

You see, respondents were asked, “How likely is it that COVID-19 was originated in a Chinese laboratory?” And it was 71 percent who said it is “very” (49 percent) or “somewhat” (22 percent) likely, while a mere 16 percent said it was “not very” (10 percent) or “not at all” (6 percent) likely. There is just no question the public has lost confidence in Fauci, the current head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and ‘Creepy Joe’s chief medical advisor. He’s been a walking punch line for months now, and the only reason the White House and media continue to put him out there is to dissuade Trump supporters from getting vaccinated.

You see, it’s the organized left that wants Trump supporters to die, to remain unvaccinated, and using Fauci as the face of the virus is the perfect way to kill off Trump supporters. The White House and Democrats understand that Fauci is the last person anyone on the right will listen to. After all, Fauci is a mad scientist who tortures and murders puppies and monkeys. He’s also a neurotic mess who said Christmas might have to be canceled, and on the following day said never mind. He also lied about being taken out of context. Fauci is a mean, little, lying piece of trash who should have been given the hook more than a year ago.

Fauci is responsible, at least in part, for millions of deaths around the world. He must be made to pay. But that said, I wouldn’t hold my breath that he will ever be made to pay for his many crimes. While he should be arrested, charged, tried, found guilty and incarcerated, it’s likely that nothing will ever be done to make him pay for all that he has done. He should also lose his golden parachute of a pension, but I’m pretty that that’s unlikely to happen as well. Criminals, like Fauci, will always be celebrated by Democrats and therefore will never be prosecuted. They are hailed as heroes, their crimes ignored while it’s their accusers who are treated like criminals.

I don’t think that Fauci ever viewed his job as one of providing actual facts to the American people. It was, and continues to be, about subterfuge. Fauci out and out lied and manipulated information from the very moment that this plandemic began. I often think his role was to create the most confusion possible. He knew what this virus was, and he knew exactly where it had come from on day one. It’s human nature to want to believe that people are basically good. So at first, most people genuinely wanted to believe the good doctor, but it wasn’t long before his statements seemed to contradict one another, causing many to question what they were hearing.

Fauci should have gotten out while the getting was good, but he got addicted to the spotlight and he got greedy. And as this plandemic continues, the more we’ve come to find out about this guy, with some of it being pretty unsavory. He had to have known his rather nasty side would eventually see the light of day, but for whatever the reason he couldn’t quite bring himself to abandon fame and fortune. He’s not going to go willingly, of that there can be no doubt. He’s going to need to be forcibly removed, but who is it in our current administration who supports to doing that? ‘Creepy Joe?’ Hardly. Does any Democrat support doing such a thing? No!

And so, America is now under the control of a bunch of very hateful people. Americans had better wake up and soon or we will lose our country forever. Most Americans just want to be left alone and so they tend to allow much of what those in charge are doing go unchallenged. But the madness that surrounds us must now be challenged, it can not be allowed to continue. And it is commanding those of us who want nothing more than to be left alone to take action. We must all try to alter the course of our country, and we can start by viewing this plandemic for exactly what it is. As means of control the likes of which we have never seen before.

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