Wednesday, September 7, 2022


There really can no longer be any doubt that those on the Left have become completely and most thoroughly unhinged. They appear to have been driven totally insane by the fact that it’s a majority of Americans who refuse to go along with their crackpot ‘the world is going to end in 5, 10 or 12 years, multi-gender, open borders, anti-fossil fuel’ agenda and the fact that it has been predicted voters will likely be voicing their opposition very loudly come this November. And so, it is every leftwing nutjob out there that is now crawling out of the woodwork to assail anyone and everyone who dares to disagree with their vision of what America should be.

And it’s all nothing more than yet another attempt on their part to rile up those who comprise their kooky base and to somehow convince them all that it’s those who are opposed to seeing be America destroyed that are to be considered the real enemy. Case in point would be a guy by the name of Dean Obeidallah. Obeidallah is very clearly a kook, and it was the left-wing radio host who, during an appearance this past Monday on MSNBC’s “The ReidOut,” actually said that America was in a battle against “MAGA” Republicans. And on Joey calling Republicans semi-fascist, Obeidallah said, “I think he was reading my tweets, Joy. I’m pretty sure that’s what did it."

And this same boob went on to say, “I’ve been tweeting for over a year, daily reminder, today’s GOP is no longer a political movement. It is a fascist movement that has embraced white nationalism and wants to impose its religious beliefs as law. Boom. Shorthand, we call that the GOP. That’s what we’re dealing with. Take a step back. You mentioned Hillary Clinton. When they were investigating Hillary, do you remember, uh-oh, they indict Hillary, Hillary supporters are going to commit acts of violence? We didn’t hear that because that’s the normal way things go. If someone’s indicted, they defend themselves in court. Not Trump. Not the GOP."

He added, “CBS polls showed 60% of Republicans view January 6 not as terrorism but as an act defending freedom. That should scare people. We’re dealing with a movement, as President Biden talked about, that political violence and cult worship is how democracies die. MAGA is how democracies die. I’m glad President Biden tried to sort of walk that gap between, here are good Republicans, and there’s still some, and then here’s MAGA. It’s no longer Republicans versus Democrats. It is Americans versus MAGA. That’s the fight and framing I would like to see going forward.” “Americans versus MAGA” is the fight? And yet he still expects to be taken seriously?

‘Americans versus MAGA?’ So I wonder, does he speak of the very same ‘Americans’ who spent months destroying so many of our American cities? Or might he be talking about those “Americans” whose love for the nation is reflected by their constant threatening to pack our courts with leftist activist judges until the Judiciary Branch of our government is rendered a useless formality existing only to rubber stamp the radical Democrat agenda? I'll bet he’s referring to the “Americans” who are so kind as to point out all the “Fascists” in America while they conspire with social media to silence any and all dissenting voices? Are those the “Americans” of which he speaks?

Meanwhile, it’s back here on planet Earth that it’s become us against the corrupted ‘fake news’ media. And us against these liberal nut jobs trying cram the “next thing” down our throats. It’s us against an increasingly tyrannical government made more so by the incompetent woke fools. Most of us here believe with our eyes, not our ears. If you think our government is made up of saints, you’re very foolish. We have great evil here, just like the rest of the world. We are free only because we are well armed. Women and Beta boys will be the downfall of America, not forces from the outside. And that is something we simply cannot afford to allow to take place.

“Make America Great Again” is the very definition of being PRO-America. That’s why the left hates it so. They are not pro-American in any true sense. Their default setting is that America is a flawed nation because it didn’t abolish slavery at its founding (and never mind that eight decades later it had a war with itself to resolve that issue). And so, they don’t care that practically every black or brown person on the planet who doesn’t live in America, would prefer to. And it’s because of that “original sin” that, in their minds, America should cease to exist. They’d rather have us be like Venezuela than try to replicate and exceed what our forebearers did.

It has always been rather difficult for me to wrap my head around how it is that anyone would think that making America great, is somehow a bad thing. But then that is exactly the revolting phenomenon that we have before us today. Democrats claim to be the party/people of Democracy, but they do not practice any of the Founding Principles. The abhor all that this country was founded on. So this guy, Obeidallah, might actually be onto something although, I’m quite sure, not as he intended. It is a fight between those PATRIOTS who want to “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN” versus those like him, the Democrats and RINOs who want only to put America LAST!

And maybe this guy, Obeidallah, can explain just what part of wanting to “Make America Great Again” the Democrats are so adamantly against? It is making American energy independent? Is it taking measures to keep inflation low? Is it allowing Americans to keep more of the money they work so hard for by keeping taxes low? Is it putting trade policies in place that encourage a return of manufacturing jobs to America? Or, perhaps is it the desire for a secure southern border? It’s become painfully clear that those on the left hate everything about this country. They claim to be the only real Americans. The side that can’t even define what a woman is.

The Left’s greatest fear was realized when the man they said would be a colossal failure, not only wasn’t, but turned out to be a ‘yuge’ success. Mocked and derided, over and over again, he proved the establishment DC Lifers were wrong. It started with cries that war with North Korea was imminent, and then he met with Kim Jung Un, problem solved. Then ISIS simply disappeared. Then he passed amazing tax reform and renegotiated a disastrous trade deal, NAFTA, got Communist China, Russia, and Iran under control, brought peace to a war-torn Middle East, courtesy of the Abraham Accords, moved the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem and created a roaring economy.

And add to all that the fact that he passed REAL prison reform, secured our Southern border, and on and on and on. So much accomplished in so brief a time, politically speaking, and with so little help from those within his own party and despite the numerous roadblocks put in place by the Democrats. All the while he was badgered by a rouge FBI, enduring nearly two years of a bogus investigation that came up empty just as they knew it would. Then we fast-forward to a fraudulent election, and more recently an unprecedented FBI raid. Never an apology, never a retraction, and now this nonsensical framing of “Make America Great Again” individuals as extremists.

Democrats have stolen our elections, our children, our sovereignty and our means of educating our young and they think we will do nothing? It’s ‘DESTROY AMERICA versus MAGA.’ That’s the reality. We are witnessing history. The breathtakingly pathetic treason of Joey B was well-known long before the election, and yet those on the left enabled this disastrous downfall of America. From an abysmal foreign policy, no border, no energy independence, record inflation and an increase in crime, this is what the left wanted. And Joey, after 50 years of showing what sort of man he is, was their choice. The choice of those who so hate this country and want it destroyed.

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