Saturday, September 3, 2022


Apparently, Joey B gave some sort of a prime-time speech this past Thursday, one that, if I understand correctly, sounded like something that might have originated from somewhere deep within the bowels of Hell instead of from the birthplace of this nation, Independence Hall in Philadelphia. And as best as I can tell the only purpose of the speech was to make clear how it is that those of us who continue to support President Trump represent some great threat to our Republic, described repeatedly by Joey as our American ‘democracy.’ And yet it’s Joey who, along with his party, now represents what is likely the greatest threat this country has ever faced.

And so it was that during this “Soul of the Nation” ‘speech of his, a speech said to be given in defense of the very foundations of our Republic, that Joey B called upon all Americans to “stop” MAGA Republicans, whom he consistently cast as being a dark force against ‘democracy.’ While much of the *president’s dark and brooding speech focused on demonizing MAGA Republicans, one particular moment took the demonization a step further when Joey B appeared to suggest that Americans take up the mantle of isolating those of us who continue to support President Trump. Joey B said this after portraying MAGA Republicans as a direct threat to American ‘democracy.'

Joey said, “MAGA Republicans do not respect the constitution.” And he went on to say, “They do not believe in the rule of law, they do not believe in the rule of law, they do not recognize the will of the people.” He said, “MAGA forces are determined to take this country backwards.” He added, “Backwards to an America where there is no right to choose. No right to privacy. No right to contraception. No right to marry who you love. They promote authoritarian leaders and they fan the flames of political violence.” It was a great speech, if you replace “MAGA Republicans” with Democrats. Look back over the last 19 months and you’ll see who the real enemies of America are.

And the *president went on to encourage Americans to fight against this dark and wicked ideology, characterizing MAGA Republicans as a minority, even though 70 million people voted for Donald Trump. He said, “We are not powerless in the face of these threats.” And he said, “We are not bystanders in this ongoing attack on democracy. There are far more Americans, far more Americans, from every background and belief, who reject the extreme MAGA ideology than those that accept it.” Joey continued saying, “And folks, it’s within our power, within OUR HANDS, yours and mine, to stop the assault on democracy."

Joey said, “I believe America is at an inflection point. One of those moments that determines the shape of everything that is to come after. And now, America must choose, to move forward or move backwards. To build a future or obsess about the past. To be a nation of hope and unity and optimism, or a nation of fear, division, and darkness.” Joey B condemned supporters of President Trump and in so doing focused intently on raising fears of his political opponents, and desperate tried to paint the Republican Party as being dangerous and “extremist.” But not a word he said had the ring of truth to it. It was all nothing more than hate filled political rhetoric.

Joey said, “They promote authoritarian leaders and they fan the flames of political violence that are a threat to our personal rights, to the pursuit of justice, to the rule of law, to the very soul of this country.” The *president repeatedly claimed he rejected political violence, despite repeatedly calling for his fellow Americans to rise up against those who are supporters of President Trump. He said, “This is a nation that rejects violence, as a political tool. We do not encourage violence.” He said violence was a tool of the MAGA Republicans, focusing intently on the “insurrection” on January 6, as an angry mob stormed Capitol Hill to protest the 2020 election.

At another point in his speech, Joey B argued that people who were critics of his economic agenda were “white supremacists” and “extremists.” The president tried to define MAGA Republicans as those who believed Americans had “no right to choose, no right to privacy, no right to contraception, no right to marry who you love” and did not mention inflation, gas prices, or border security. He warned, “MAGA Republicans have made their choice.” And he said, “They embrace anger. They thrive on chaos. They live not in the light of truth but in the shadow of lies.” Joey is too demented to realize that he’s actually describing himself and his own party, not MAGA Republicans.

So we see when you have your enemy cornered and they are out of options, they usually just start screaming and yelling profanities. Now Joey is trying to enlist the help of his base for voter intimidation, that’s because he knows he lost before and he’s going to lose again. Joey is asking one American political faction to fight another American political faction. This is blatant violence solicitation, if not encouraging a civil war. Presidents don’t do this, dictators do. And who knew that people who love America and want only for our own government to “Make America Great Again” by putting “America First” were bad for America? Joey B needs to go, and go now!

And like none of us can remember watching so many of our cities being burned down, federal buildings being vandalized, police stations being burned, small businesses being destroyed billions in property damage as it all played out each and every night on the news while at the same time Democrat leaders were busy cheering on and even encouraging the violence. Americans need to get their head out of the sand and recognize what it is that’s going on here. Democrats want to completely change this country to a one-party authoritarian rule, and we’ve just got the speech from our *president giving the marching orders to take this to the next level. So game on.

Which party is it that had judges overruling various state legislatures regarding changes to voting methodology? Not Republicans. Whose son is intertwined with Communist China and the Ukraine because of his father’s influence? Who is it that’s shutting down oil drilling creating skyrocketing energy costs for the masses? Who is allowing labor unions to define public education policy? Which party has created a two tiered justice system? Which party is taking political prisoners? Which party has politicized law enforcement? And now the military? Certainly not MAGA Americans, nor even the Republican Party. Joey’s claims are nothing if not completely ludicrous.

It was the Nazis who lit the Reichstag fire and blamed their enemies. And then their mob forced parliament to hand over power to Hitler. MAGA isn’t the problem, it’s a president that is so out of touch he actually thought this was a speech about saving the soul of America, when it came across like a call to arms against half the country who don’t agree with the liberal mantra and/or policies. Our *president encouraging Americans to murder other Americans for exercising their First amendment rights because it challenges the elite’s lust for anti-American totalitarianism. This is pure tyranny via massive voter fraud. This is most un-American thing I’ve ever heard.

This speech only enforces my thoughts that the mid-terms are bought and paid for by the Democrats. They’re not even trying win votes anymore. They’re simply doubling down on all the divisive, incendiary and toxic rhetoric. To be more accurate, they are no longer acting in the best interests of America, they are acting to undermine everything that America was founded on. But look, we all know who the real fascists are, all this is, is more deflection from the left. But I must say, I don’t recall ever seeing it quite this bad in my life. This is insane. Once you have convinced people that the other side is evil, then any actions taken can be excused in the fight against that evil.

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