Friday, September 9, 2022


I can only assume that old Joey B spends a good deal of his time reading the various ‘fake news’ accounts regarding his exceptional political acumen as well as the rather spectacular job he’s doing as *president, to point where he seems convinced that the American people actually think he’s doing a great job. And he was recently heard doing a bit of bragging about how a recent poll shows that IF a political rematch between himself and President Trump were held today, he would win. Now keep in mind this is at the same time that another recent poll, from Rasmussen, shows that a majority of Americans, 52 percent to 42 percent, want to see Joey impeached!

Yup, it’s 77 percent of Republicans, 50 percent of Independents and even 32 percent of Democrats who would like nothing more than to see Joey kicked to the curb sooner rather than later. Confused yet? Look, there can only be one reason for us to already be seeing such polls regarding, as of right now, that which is a hypothetical contest. But at the same time, for one to accept such a poll as being anywhere near reality one would be required to possess “the willing suspension of disbelief.” It’s anyone with a brain that understands that Joey B did not legitimately win the 2020 election. And you’d have to be moron to think he would win any future election, legitimately.

But be that as it may it was in front of a very friendly audience this past Thursday, at a reception for the Democratic National Committee (DNC) in Maryland, that Joey B expressed interest in some of the latest polling showing his approval ratings going back up after plunging to historic lows earlier this summer. And it was then that he was heard to say, “It doesn’t do a whole lot to show the new polls showing me beating Trump by six or eight or whatever the hell the numbers are.” Joey was likely  referring to a Wall Street Journal poll released last week showing that him holding a six-point lead over President Trump in a hypothetical rematch.

Joey indicated that Democrats had to do well in the midterm elections in order to help defeat the rise of what he again described as the “extreme MAGA Republicans” led by President Trump. Joey said, “We have to win this off-year election for more reasons than just being able to move our agenda forward.” Adding, “We have to.” And Joey urged Democrats, Independents, and “moderate Republicans,” aka RINOs, to reject what he labeled as being the “extreme” proposals from “MAGA Republicans.” He derided Republicans for being “climate deniers” and blocking Democrats’ green energy agenda. It’s Joey’s radical agenda that is badly in need of being defeated.

Joey said, “Guess what? Unfortunately, what’s happening now, nobody denies we have a climate crisis.” And he went on to say, “The survival of our planet is literally on the ballot.” Joey said that if just two more Democrat senators were elected, he would act to make Roe v Wade legal nationwide, ban assault weapons, protect social security, Universal pre-kindergarten, restore childcare tax credit, and pass election reforms. You’ll notice that nowhere does Joey mention the need to do anything about bringing down the price of gas, taking those measures necessary to reduce crime or to secure our southern border, only stupid drivel about the survival of our planet.

The biggest problem for those of us on the right is the fact that we have far too many RINOs, or those “moderate Republicans” that Joey refers to, to contend with. RINOs, those Democrats who have successfully infiltrated the Republican Party and who act as willing accomplices in the Democrat effort to advance their ‘Death to America’ agenda with its open borders, its embracing of criminals while demeaning law-abiding American patriots, endless attacks on our Constitution and erasing the white race. White lives matter too. Sadly, the anti-American enemies, who exist in both parties, don’t care. Corruption is now rampant among those who have sold America out.

Joey B has proven himself to be an enthusiastic supporter of America’s decline by pushing inflation out of orbit, sending billions to Ukraine, and for what? He gives the finger to half the country in an angry speech while he unleashes a corrupt DOJ and rogue FBI. And don’t think it’s just because he’s terrified of President Trump, the complete destruction of America isn’t yet within his reach. He’s doing his level best to get us into a civil war that he thinks his side will win. He’s crazy and an idiot, but that doesn’t seem to matter. Democrats blatantly cheat and lie and right in front of your face and still it’s many who believe everything they say. It’s all by design.

Joey B quotes the one poll not making any sense showing him winning meanwhile there is a dozen plus showing him losing and losing badly. After 40 years of accomplishing nothing in politics, and two years spent ruining this country, he thinks he could beat President Trump. His reputation is one of a bully who has always made the opposite of right decisions and was a habitual liar. He ran three times for President and lost and the only reason he was elected the fourth time was through massive fraud and deceit. And now that he’s shown what he can do in the office by ruining our country, why would any true patriot vote for this pitiful piece of shit.

Joey and the Boys keep running up inflation and gas prices, letting criminals rape and murder, importing illegals sucking down social services, pushing racism in schools, and kowtowing to Communist China, I have a hard time believing that regular Americans are going to just buy what they’re selling. And it’s the folks in the ‘fake news’ media who are executing what is nothing short of a full court press to make us all think that Joey B is unbeatable by President Trump. That’s right folks, Joey will beat President Trump by 300 million to 10 million votes. It’s already been programed into the machines, just like last time. We need to get back to the basics or all hope is lost.

Oh yes, by all means, give us more abortion, higher inflation, higher gas prices, give away of our limited treasure to a foreign government, flood our country with illegals, protect the law breakers, ignore the exploding crime rate, accelerate government spending through the roof, yes give me more of this. Who in their right mind would vote for more of this? The liberals have the schools, the media, Big Tech, and most of corporate America is on their side. Propaganda, if repeated enough, will eventually takes root and be accepted as truth. People are too brainwashed and too lazy to do their own thinking and research. Americans need to vote as if their lives depended on it!

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