Tuesday, November 8, 2022


I very much doubt that one could find a politician anywhere on the planet that is more disconnected from the governed, more detached from reality, more politically dishonest and more politically corrupt than is Nancy Pelosi. This fossil, this decrepit old woman has singlehandedly done more to destroy this country than any other person living or dead. And yet, AND YET, this shriveled up old bitch, this doddering old hag has the nerve, and the unmitigated gall, to repeatedly refer to President Trump as being a thug and to those Republicans who support him as being a cult. Have you ever heard a more insane statement uttered by anyone?

And love him, or hate him, it cannot be denied, even by this dingbat Pelosi, that President Trump did more for this country in four short years, that Pelosi has done in her many decades in government. Yet it was Pelosi, just this past Monday, during an appearance on CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360” who argued that the Republican Party is “yielding to a cult” and a “thug” in former President Trump. And it was this genius Cooper who started things off by saying, “The former president of the United States, Donald Trump, Elon Musk, others have spread stories casting doubt on what happened, fomenting conspiracy theories. What do you have to say to them?"

Pelosi said, “It’s really sad for the country that people of that high visibility would separate themselves from the facts and the truth in such a blatant way. It’s really sad, and it is traumatizing to those affected by it. They don’t care about that, obviously. But it’s destructive to the unity that we want to have in our country.” She added, “In fact, this is a one-sided assault on our democracy, an assault on the credibility and integrity of our elections and the rest. There has to be some adult supervision on the Republican side in order to say enough. We need a strong Republican party in our country. I’ve said that over and over again."

Pelosi concluded, “The GOP was a strong Republican Party, done great things for our country, and they should take pride in that instead of yielding to a cult, to a thug, actually, the way I see it.” Quite frankly, it makes my skin crawl and actually turns my stomach when these criminal shameless deep state career politicians are quipping to an equally corrupt ‘news’ media stooge. They with an ethical, moral and conscionable facade, make out like they’re honest and decent and trustworthy people when they are the exact opposite. They are a hidden pit to the blind and poisoned water to the gullible, they lie and deceive and are never brought to account.

On the contrary, it’s from where I’m standing that it’s Pelosi who exhibits thuggish behavior. It is her hate of this country that has made her so determined to destroy it. She claims that the stories spread by President Trump, Musk, and others, about the assault on her husband are “destructive to the unity we want to have in our country.” Yet this was after she had called President Trump a “thug” and referred to the MAGA movement as being “a cult.” This woman’s hypocrisy, as well as her treachery, seems to have no limit. How do you create unity when you brand the leader of the opposition party a thug and the 75,000,000 Americans who voted for him a cult?

And as far as I’m concerned, any politician with a (D) after their name has no right to talk about thugs or cults! Democrats are the criminal class in Washington, and have been so for decades. They seem to have reached their peak, the corruption of Joey B. and Pelosi is there for all to see. It is always amusing how the “woke” flock that worships the government, accuses President Trump of having a cult because their indoctrination will not allow them to see how it is that they have deified President Trump by endlessly accusing him of committing what it is that they themselves have committed. The American people are not blind, they know who the crooks are.

I worry about going to bed in the midst of a Republicans blowout on election night only to wake to hearing how Democrats not only kept control of Congress but even managed to gain seats. We’re being told that some states may not actually decide outcomes for weeks, is this to give Democrats time to ‘find’ the number of votes needed. Clearly the Democrat plan of increasing crime, opening the border, and unlimited abortion isn’t working for them. Nor is their repeated calls for defunding the police, nor their claims that our ‘democracy’ will be in jeopardy if Republicans win. We are a ‘Constitutional Republic’ based on the rule of law, not mob rule!

To say that Pelosi is anything other than a self-aggrandizing, self-serving bitch would be the understatement of the century. Pelosi says that she wants a strong Republican party that will keep the old crooked system from being taken down so she and her buds in Congress can keep the ‘pay to play’ money coming in. She is totally ignorant of what’s most important to the American people. This election is a battle between those who want to kill babies, those who can’t define what a woman is and those who think the Earth will end in 12 years and those who want reduced inflation, our domestic energy producers unshackled, law and order and a secure border.

And if ever there was a ‘political thug’ in Washington, it is certainly Pelosi. Her control over her caucus, her outrageous embarrassment of President Trump’s State of the Union speech, her referring to Republicans in the most slanderous terms, all make her far more abusive and a far greater “threat to democracy” than is President Trump. Her creation of, and control over, the bogus January 6th Committee makes clear just how far she is willing to go to crush democratic processes. Beyond the January 6th show trial was the absurd surrounding of the Capitol with concertina wire and National Guard troops for months because of “threats made against the Capitol."

This woman has learned nothing in the last six years. Absolutely nothing. Yielding to a thug? Seriously? Democrats are the ones directly responsible for causing the inflation we are now burdened with, and will likely continue to be burdened with until the next presidential election. And it’s the Democrat who have inserted us into a conflict with a nuclear power costing us upwards of dollars. Meanwhile, Democrats weaken our own national defense through the dysfunction of WOKE ideologies. Democrats are like a malignant form of cancer. Commonsense is not a cult. And don’t shoot the messenger, lady. Your party initiated, and nurtured, ALL these distortions.

And finally, you gotta love it when Democrats talk about themselves. No Nancy, Republicans are fighting against the thuggery of the Democrat Party. We resent being told what to think, what to say and what to do by your socialist thugs. We are tired of being spied on by our government, we’re tired of the socialist radicals in our government claiming we are domestic terrorists and white supremacists. We want our freedom and our country back and our leaders to obey the Constitution of the United States that limits their power. God help America if the real tyrants and criminals don’t go to jail. We want honest elections and secure ballots without fraud and cheating.

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