Monday, December 12, 2022


For those of you who have yet to realize, although I’m not quite sure how that’s even possible, that the Democrat Party is just chock full of some of the most unscrupulous and hypocritical douche bags on the planet, along comes Democrat Heidi Heitkamp, one term U.S. Senator from North Dakota, to make sure you do. For those of you unfamiliar with Ms. Heitkamp, this scumbag is a real piece of work. Elected to the Senate in 2012 it didn’t take the people of North Dakota very long to recognize their mistake, she was denied reelection in 2018. And apparently since then she has busied herself by being a ‘fake news’ talking head hired to spew all the hate that she can.

You see, it was ex-senator Heitkamp who said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week” that if the House Republicans subpoena *president Joey B’s son Hunter, then the Senate Democrats should investigate President Trump’s daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Jared Kushner. Always with the threats. Left-wing degenerates like Heitkamp, and their ‘fake news’ cohorts have been “going after” President Trump, his family, his friends, his business associates for over six years, so bring it on you freaking skank!!! The swamp does not want Hunter to be investigated because I’m sure he would implicate far more people than just his father. Hence Heitkamp’s attempt at intimidation?

And then, in discussing Senator Joe Manchin that Heitkamp said, “I think – Joe’s got to decide whether he’s going to run again, right? So that’s the interesting thing there. He’s not going to become a Republican. He’s going to continue to do what he’s always done, which is speak his mind and, you know, drive deals, like the Inflation Reduction Act, which was really what a lot of Democrats ran on at the end.” I’m no more a fan of Manchin than I am a fan of any other Democrat. Manchin has repeatedly stabbed the people of West Virginia in the back and yet they keep re-electing him. It would seem that the people of West Virginia are no smarter than the people of Georgia.

And this genius then went on to add, “And so when you look at this, the whole dynamics of the Senate right now, it really — when you say you don’t know want they’re going to do with subpoena power, you heard what Elizabeth Warren is talking about doing, subpoenaing Jared and Ivanka to talk about the $2 billion Saudi thing. And that’s a shot across the bow if you’re going to go after, you know, Joe Biden’s son in the House – maybe we ought to look at the deals that were done by Jared and Ivanka when they were in the White House.” She reveals what a Democrat is. Harass a family, without basis, to protect the crackhead son of one of their own. Typical!!!

Imagine that, a sleazy POS Democrat making all manner of threat against the family of President Trump, who would have ever thought it possible. I’m shocked…NOT! So here we have another leftwing hack making the argument that if the Republicans dare to investigate what has come to known as the Biden Crime family, the Democrats must then immediately retaliate by ‘investigating’ certain members of President Trump’s family. Now why am I not surprised to hear that? Why don’t we stop screwing around and nail as many of these criminal Democrat scumbags to the wall as we can. It’s not as if there’s any shortage of evidence floating around to get them 20+ years.

And so it is that once again we have sleazy Democrat who not only has no problem with doing whatever is necessary to cover up crimes committed by a fellow Democrat but is perfectly willing to use every resource at the disposal of the government to attack innocent Americans because of their politics? And besides, it’s not Hunter's corruption that anyone is concerned with, it’s the ‘big guy’s.’ Communist China and Burisma weren’t paying all that money Hunter’s business acumen, they were paying for the access that he was happy to provide to Joey B. Do we need any more proof that the leftist government is covering for the Biden crime family's corruption?

And whether, or not, the Republicans investigate Hunter Biden it will have no effect on their investigations of the Trump family. They will merely claim that it does. Have you noticed any let-up among the Democrats in their never-ending attacks on President Trump, and his family, since he first announced he intended to run back in 2015? The Democrats using the government to punish their enemies is as inevitable as the turning of the Earth. The only way you can possibly stop it is to do it yourself, then at least you have some bargaining power. But unilateral disarmament that the Republicans seem so adept at, never causes the other side to disarm.

Democrats seemed compelled to bring up President Trump every time one of their own gets caught with his, or her, hand in the cookie jar. Why? First of all, it wasn’t Trump’s son selling his dad’s influence to the highest bidder, the FBI doesn’t have a laptop belonging to President Trump’s kids and showing them committing every act of deviant, perverted, or illegal behavior imaginable. There’s a mountain of evidence against Hunter, literally nothing on Ivanka and Jared, and yet the Democrat position is if you subpoena Joey, then we subpoena Ivanka and Jared. This is nothing more than the petty political bullshit that we’ve come to expect from Democrats like Heitkamp!

Let’s face it, the Democrats have leaked, sued, investigated President Trump in every manner they could. NOW they threaten to subpoena Ivanka and Jared if the House goes after Joey B and Hunter? Any one named ‘Trump,’ or associated with someone named Trump, has already been, already is, or soon will be under Democrat ‘investigation’ anyway. These people have continued to wage war against Trump, his associates, his supporters and his voters. And threatening further war for investigating these unprecedented illegal activities and those of the Biden’s isn’t going to phase anybody on the right, and certainly not President Trump or those in his family.

There is no distraction that the ‘fake news’ media enjoys more than a Trump investigation. Meanwhile, Joey seems to have traded an arms dealer who’s in bed with terrorists, drug cartels and state sponsors of terrorism for a LGBTQ BLM basketball player and his only explanation is, OOPS. So, the obvious corruption of the Joey & Co. can’t be investigated without triggering more political prosecution of the Trump family? Stolen elections have consequences. The Democrats are so afraid of President Trump because he represents us and not them and or special interests. They will not rest until they can point a finger at Trump and say, “See, we told you!"

It seems that ‘justice” has become a ‘tit for tat.’ Nope, nothing dangerous about that agenda. The Democrats have literally turned this country, and everything in it, upside down. They are worse than a cancer and should be removed before they can do any more damage. Joey and his crackhead son are criminals. Apparently, if a Democrat commits a crime and no one reports it, then no crime occurred? This wack job, Heitkamp actually believes the Trump family hasn’t already been investigated? Has she been living under a rock? Every level of federal, state and local government has been mobilized to attack the Trump family and all to damage a political opponent.

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