Friday, December 16, 2022


I think it’s anyone with a brain that would be unable to deny the fact that during the last two years, that they have been in complete control of our government, the Democrats have been very successful in their effort destroy this country. Perhaps even as successful as President Trump was in rebuilding it after eight years of ‘BO’. And despite their constant whining about it, as reflected by many polls, the American people essentially voted to allow the carnage to continue in what were our most recent midterm elections. To have been purposely made to fall so far in such a relatively short span of time, politically speaking, and for the ones responsible not to have been swept from office, in their entirety, was truly quite remarkable.

But I would argue that that says more about the ignorance of the American people than it does about almost anything else. But to blame it all on President Trump I think is a gross mischaracterization of events. But that has not kept politicians on both sides of the aisle from doing exactly that. The RINOs have been blaming him for their inability to produce the much talked about “red wave,” and the Democrats, like Chuckie Schumer, have claimed he that is the reason they were able to avert total disaster by maintaining control of the Senate. You see, it’s according to Schumer that the American people have now, somehow, grown wise to President Trump, a statement, I think, that is based more on wishful thinking and on any actual facts.

It was this past Thursday that Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer made an appearance on CNN’s “The Situation Room” during which Schumer made the comment that the American people will not reelect former President Trump because they have “gotten wise to him.” During the interview ‘reporter’ Jamie Gangel said, “There is a CNN poll that just came out that shows there is little appetite on both sides for a Biden/Trump rematch in 2024.”  She asked, “Do you think *president Biden should step aside?” And it was Pelosi who said, “I hope that he does seek reelection. He’s a person with great vision for our country. He’s been involved for a long time, so he has great knowledge of the issues and the challenges we face. He is the most empathetic president."

And Pelosi went on to say, “He connects with people. The vision, the knowledge, the strategic thinking is all here. The empathy is from the heart. And I think he’s a great president.” And Chuckie said, “Yeah. He’s done an excellent, excellent job. And if he runs, I’m going to support him all the way.” And when asked what it will mean if President Trump run and is reelected President, Schumer said, “I don’t think that will happen. The American people have gotten wise to him. Took a little while, but they did.” Gotten wise to him? That’s right, Chuckie, people got wise to President Trump’s booming economy, energy independence, lower food and gas prices, poor people coming out of poverty in record numbers, and actual low unemployment.

Apparently, Chuckie assumes that most Americans prefer the destructive nature of failing Democrat policies, completely open borders, Democrats buying votes with cash and other perks. Of course, he can always make his case by pointing to the midterm elections and claiming that the American people, for the most part, really do like the direction in which the Democrats now have this country headed in. People like Schumer like to believe that President Trump is losing popularity, and his friends in the ’fake news’ love to produce polls that back them up. But what he, and they, really know is that President Trump is as popular as ever. And what makes Schumer so confident is that he knows the Democrats have now perfected election fraud.

Judging by the results of the midterms, the vast majority of Americans are, I’m sad to say, dumb as rocks. And it would seem that far too many are simply incapable of being made “wise.” The Democrats, and their many allies on the left and in the ‘fake news’ media, lie, cheat and steal us blind. They jab us with poison. They lock us down. Do evil things to our children. And still we re-elect them? President Trump was making us happier, wealthier and most importantly, wiser to ‘The Swamp.’ Now we run around in circles deliriously like your pet dog at feeding time. Getting fed the exact same canned dog food. You could ignore them all day and they’ll be just as happy. Instead of canned dog food they feed us garbage in the form of ‘free’ money.

Joey B. is clearly the worst *president in my lifetime, and I’m now the ripe old age of 70. Hell, even Jimmy Carter was better when compared to this demented old pervert. And if Schumer really does believe that President Trump can’t get re-reelected then why is he, and the rest of the Democrat Party, so desperate in trying to pass an illegal bill to prevent President Trump from being able to even run for the office? The arrogance of our elected officials is everywhere to be seen. They laugh at us, they pass bills so convoluted that it takes days to read them. They have no intention of changing. And it’s sad that we continue to think that our vote, or that anyone’s vote continues to matter. Until the head of the snake is cut off, it remains a danger.

Finally, what millions of Americans have become “wise to” is the rather painful reality that the Left has succeeded in poisoning too many minds beyond cure with their unending attacks, lies and propaganda. They use their manufactured hate of President Trump to blind people on excepting election fraud and ballot harvesting (which is the real election denial). President Trump, almost singlehandedly, got America back on the right track after what was the horrendous eight years of his Democrat predecessor, and that the Democrats, and a good many RINOs, were simply not willing to tolerate. So together they set out to destroy him, and not just politically. And together they have done much in an attempt to prevent him from running again.

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