Saturday, March 25, 2023


So it’s become pretty common knowledge that, these days, there are not a whole lot of people who waste their time watching the ‘Cartoon News Network,’ aka CNN. I mean, let’s face it, what’s the point? After all, you pretty much know you’re going to be lied to, regardless of which ‘host’ you might be watching at any particular time. And it’s in that regard that CNN is much like MSDNC, both are really nothing more than spewers of Democrat talking points and anti-Trump propaganda. So, if you happen to be a leftist loser and someone who also hates President Trump then I would guess that CNN would be your network of choice for ‘news and information.'

And just for the sake of clarity, can we all agree that there is not one bona fide ‘journalist’ to be found anywhere on the entire network. What you have, instead, are boobs like Cooper, Tapper and Lemon, three guys that are about as far removed from being ‘journalists’ as you can get. None of them ever get tired of accusing President Trump of being a racist. However, the real truth here is that it’s they who are racist, and Lemon is ‘married’ to a white guy. And what’s kinda funny, in an unfunny sort of way, is that all of these guys actually fancy themselves as being somebody who’s actually worthy of being listened to when it’s just the opposite that’s true.

And it was Lemon who, just this past Friday, during CNN’s “CNN This Morning,” made the claim that President Trump’s “racist” attacks on Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg and New York Attorney General Letitia James were “really disturbing."

And it’s a partial transcript of this particularly bizarre exchange that follows here:

LEMON: This is really disturbing to me because he’s been doing this for a while, and I think we can’t talk enough about it, where he’s been calling these prosecutors who happen to be African-American, saying that they’re racist. He called Alvin Bragg a Soros-backed animal. He’s turning to his old tricks here of, you know, being racist or racist-adjacent, using that type of language for people.

ABBY PHILLIP: Yeah. And as someone who’s, I covered Trump for years, if you go back and you read his rhetoric, I mean, this goes actually all the way back to the eighties. Trump has a very long history of calling Black people racist.

LEMON: Or dumb.

PHILLIP: Or dumb or using, you know, talking about Baltimore as being, you know, filthy, rat infested. The same thing with Congressman John Lewis district in the Atlanta suburbs. So he has a long history of that. These are I don’t know if we can even call them codes at this point, because I think that it’s pretty transparent. But they are signals to his base, who are much more prone to see Black people in positions of power, in particular in a racial lens, even though what the D.A. is doing at this moment actually has absolutely nothing to do with race. I think we’ve got to just stick with the facts here, wait for them to unfold and not get distracted by what Trump is trying to do, which is to rile up his his base from a political perspective on this issue.

And so as is usually the case with Lemon, as well as with every other ‘journalistic’ dipstick at CNN, he fails to understand that facts are, by themselves, not racist. And President Trump’s comments regarding the racist radical DA Alvin Bragg, and equally racist and filled with hate, Letitia James, are 100 percent accurate and appropriate. The truth of the matter is that Lemon is a moron and is just as racist as are both Bragg and James. Because, you see, Lemon is another of those who want us all to believe that it’s only those of us on the right who can be racist and that would only be because those on the left are far too sophisticated to ever be seen as racist.

Now of course, when it comes to President Trump, we all want someone kinder and gentler. But we had that in candidates like McCain and Romney and despite their attempts at civility and decorum, where did it get us? Nowhere, that’s where! It certainly didn’t prevent them from being attacked by Lemon and his colleagues. But if you evaluate President Trump’s policies, you see clear results. Sure, there’s plenty of warts to point out and President Trump did little to reign in federal spending. But he appears to be the best candidate to preserve the Republic for maybe one more generation if we don’t first get nuked during the remainder of Joey’s stolen term.

And Lemon only views President Trump’s calling Bragg an “animal,” something he’s done to countless others, as a racial insult because Lemon views Blacks as being associated with animals. But that’s his problem, not President Trump’s problem, nor the problem of those who support him. Bragg deserves it. And if someone else had the courage and vision to implement President Trump’s policies, then we wouldn't need him anymore. But four more years would be fine with ne. Four more years of showing Democrats and RINOs how it’s done. Perhaps we should act like adults and just focus on the good things President Trump’s policies brought about and forget his personality.

How dare President Trump actually choose to defend himself against what are nothing more than scurrilous, trumped-up charges. Doesn’t President Trump know that he’s supposed to confess to his alleged crimes before then begging for mercy? I feel it’s time for a little honesty here, no black Democrat, not even some two-bit, piece of shit DA is permitted to be criticized without the one criticizing being accused of racism. Meanwhile, conservative blacks are fair game because they’re traitors to their race. I hate to be rational in this day and age, but isn’t it genuinely racist to accuse people of being traitors to their race just because you disagree with them?

The words ‘race, racist, racism’ have now been completely emptied of content and have now been reduced to being nothing more than weapons to be hurled at one’s political opponents. No serious person any longer takes an accusation of racism at face value, they look below the surface to see the real reason why some rabid leftist, like Lemon, chooses to use the term. Democrats are incapable of discussion and debate so they use these word weapons as substitutes for thinking and analyzing.  And I assume the only reason Lemon keeps making these stunningly stupid remarks is for the attention. Lemon again proves he’s just another incompetent diversity hire.

Finally, while there are a variety of things you can ding President Trump for, racism is most definitely not one of them. He is likely the least racist politician I’ve ever seen. Personally, I think President Trump nailed it. All three of these individuals are extremely racist. Bragg and James are both Soros- backed socialist stooges. Lemon is in a league of his own when it comes to stupidity. This whole thing with Bragg and President Trump is designed to keep the criminal activities of Hunter and the Biden crime family out of the news and off the front pages. That’s all this is about, and if you think any differently, you’re spending far too much listening to those like Lemon.

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