Friday, March 3, 2023


Ever since their apparent decision to be a willing accomplice in the theft of the 2020 presidential election in favor of Joey B., I’ve not seen much need to watch ‘Fox News.’ And it’s been during those few times that I have watched that I’ve noticed that the network seems to have become much less about being “Fair and Balanced,” prompting me to watch it even less. These days the network is far more interested in furthering the attempt by a good number of RINOs, to do all they can to prevent President Trump from being able to run again in 2024. They willingly provide a platform from which RINOs and Democrats continually badmouth President Trump.

And while I do think that they are at least partially to blame for the current state of our country, I wouldn’t go so far as to say that they are the number one cause for the erosion now taking place in this country. But it would seem that Chucky Schumer has a slightly different take on things. You see, it was during an appearance this past Thursday on CNN’s “The Lead,” during a ‘discussion’ on Dominion Voting Systems lawsuit against FNC for defamation, that Chucky made his claim that ‘Fox News’ was the “number one cause” of “erosion in our democracy.” Which, frankly, I thought was a rather odd thing to hear coming from a Democrat like Chucky Schumer.

Chucky said, “The threat to our democracy may be greater than it ever has been before because when people doubt that the elections are for real, democracy is on edge. After all, the wellspring, the heart of our democracy, is that we trust the elections. You know, I worry that if this erodes, our democracy will erode, and my children and grandchildren will not grow up in the grand democracy that gave me, the son of an exterminator, the opportunities that I have had. What caused this? Number one was Fox News and their commentators spreading the big lie day after day, night after night, hour after hour, week after week, year after year."

And he added, “It’s something that I feel. I love this democracy. We line up every November for 200 years and change. We go vote. And the next day, everyone abided by the election, whether we won or lost, even remember Bush v. Gore. And now, all of a sudden, you have this network spreading the lies, doing it very effectively and making a third of the people, two-thirds of the Republican Party, believe this democracy ain’t on the level. You know, when you study dictatorship, this is the beginning of the end. I don’t think it’ll be that here because the American roots of democracy are strong. But I worry about it, and there’s a demand to push back."

Clearly Chucky is a very sick and twisted man, as well as a very dishonest one. And once again, since this dolt needs to be reminded that we do not have a democracy. This country is a Constitutional Republic. And it’s the Marxist-Democrat Party that is the number one cause for all the erosion now taking place in our Republic. Although, I must admit, they are getting more than a little help from those in our ‘fake news’ media, including ‘Fox News.’ Chucky is one of the worst in Congress. There is nothing he won’t say and there is no depth to which he will not sink in his effort to gain more control. He will switch positions on a dime if it forwards the far-left agenda.

It's the corrupt Democrat machine which encourages an invasion and fentanyl poisoning, that gave weapons to the Taliban, that thinks parents should have no say in their children's education and life, promotes racism, and brainwashes the stupid, that is doing everything it can to destroy the Republic, and it’s Chucky, and Joey, who are leading the way. We saw the unconstitutional changes in the voting laws made before the election. What Chucky laments is the fact that people can make their own decisions when told the truth. What truly conservative media there is that remains, along with talk radio, is the best way to get the truth, and the left hates that.

Once again Chucky is the guy they send out to make these idiotic statements because he’s not up for re-election. You just can’t fix this kind of stupid, it’s genetic. Democrats fight every discussion, proposal and action for election integrity. They protest common sense, fight, name call and ignore genuine threats to election security. Democrats are the threat to our confidence in democracy. When every left leaning network said Bush stole 2000 with hanging chads and in 2004 that Diebold voting machines cost Kerry-Heinz the election, there was no threat to the Democracy then, only when Republicans claim election theft does there seem to an issue.

The Democrats want nothing more than to destroy every whisp of opposition, and it is going to be a lot easier if the opposition, aka the American people, is divided. And it’s even easier if we are wasting our energy fighting amongst ourselves. We don’t have to love all those that resist the Democrats, and we don’t even have to say nice things about them. But let’s use our ammo on the worst enemies of all, the Democrats and the ’fake news’ media. The Democrats have a love of censorship for those who don’t follow the party line. Any reasonable person could conclude there was some fraud in the last election, how else do we end up with Joey in the White House?

Meanwhile, supposed gatekeepers of ‘democracy’ like Chucky and Joey who advocate rolling back the First and Second Amendments, blatantly ignore established immigration laws, undermine voter integrity laws, vilify local law enforcement, and weaponize the FBI, DOJ, and EPA, all while pushing the U.S. into a nuclear conflict with Russia and China. These pathetic creatures have zero credibility to criticize anyone. Because nothing says “democracy” like silencing your opposition, right? At the rate Democrats are trashing our rights and loading anti-Constitutional dictums upon citizens, the uprising which is inevitable may arrive much sooner than expected.

Chucky and his ilk are the ones destroying the country, with more than a little help from the RINOs. New York should be ashamed of this idiot, but of course they’re not. I mean how else do you explain the fact that these morons have been sending this ass back to Washington for 43 years. Useful idiots tend to be very reliably idiotic. Democrats are openly destroying the Constitution bit by bit, and then make absurd accusations that conservatives are destroying “democracy.” Every one of these anti-American dirt bags took an oath to uphold the Constitution and yet on a daily basis violate that oath. It makes me sick that a shitbag like Chuck has an impact on my life.

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