Monday, March 20, 2023


So as in every third-rate, tin horn, dictatorship on the planet, what does one do when one must rid oneself of the primary obstacle to one’s ability to maintain one’s political power. Well, you locate a corrupt law enforcement official, in a known corrupt jurisdiction, where there is also a plethora of corrupt judges, and you then accuse the aforementioned political obstacle of some trumped up charges knowing that the seriousness of the charges don’t really matter when you have put into place the mechanism that, to the greatest extent possible, guarantees the desired result. That being, of course, that the political opponent ends up getting sent to prison.

Now transpose this concept on what is taking place in New York with the rumored looming arrest, and potential indictment, of President Trump by Soros funded Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg. The Democrats have tried everything, and I do mean absolutely EVERYTHING, in their effort to forever remove Donald Trump from being able to run for president, or for any other political office. And it has been every single time that they have come up empty. And so now they see this potential arrest and indictment as being their last shot. But as an outsider looking in, and as a complete novice in the legal arena, it would seem to be far from a sure thing.

George Soros, a name I’m sure most are familiar with, has invested vast sums of money in his goal of destroying this country. He stands to lose much if President Trump returns to office. By now, a significant number of American citizens are waking up and starting to become aware of Soros’ activities against this nation. If our elected president is restored to office, I expect a lot more details about the attempt to bring this nation to its knees will be revealed to the American people. I would expect a mass awakening would make Soros, and his co-conspirators feel unwelcome in this nation. Possibly even unsafe if citizens ever start enforcing our Constitution.

Joey’s corrupt Attorney General has, I’m sure, issued orders to various ‘Blue State’ Attorneys General to prosecute whomever it might be that is perceived as being a threat to the Democrat Party quest to maintain its political power. American patriots, regardless of party affiliation, must vote to overcome what has now become cheating that takes place on a grand scale. Our greatest threat actually comes not from the Democrats but from our many RINOs in both the House and the Senate. Words mean nothing, only actions. I will vote for President Trump, or I will vote for no one. Never underestimate the dangers we face from the coalition of Democrats and RINOs.

There will be no plandemic next time around to make it so easy for the Democrats to cheat with double mail-in ballots and all the illegals voting. Then, of course, there are all those dead who routinely vote for Democrats. Democrats need to get President Trump out of the way because after what has been made to take place in this country over the course of the last 27 months, even people that don’t like necessary care for President Trump are simply fed up with Joey B. and are saying they intend to vote for President Trump simply because they had a lot more money in their pockets during his tenure. Many are also tired of Joey’s lies and obvious corruption.

The country is falling apart at an ever-increasing rate, and yet the Democrats remain obsessed with getting President Trump. And what benefit does this have for the country as a whole? Does it lower inflation? Does it reduce the price of gas or lower the cost of heating or cooling your home? Do it is reduce crime in any way or make our Democrat controlled cities any safer? Does it make our border more secure? Of course, the answer to all of these questions is a resounding no! But does getting rid of President Trump give the Democrats a better chance of actually winning the presidential election in 2024. Which proves what this is really all about.

Democrats are so very fond of saying that “no one is above the law.” Unless, of course, your name happens to be Biden, Clinton, ‘BO’ or any other Democrat. President Trump has been rightfully identified by both Democrats and RINOs as being a threat. And they are correct in that assumption. President Trump is a threat to “business as usual” in our government and he is a major threat because even when he ‘lost’ his re-election bid he got the most votes for president of anyone in history. Giving the voters another opportunity to vote for him would be a major risk. Democrats know they must stop him, but they don’t know how. They’re about to fail again.

And finally, every attempt made by the Democrats to weaken President Trump has only served to make him stronger. So while the Democrats remain quite convinced that this latest ploy will succeed where every other attempt has failed, history tells us that in all likelihood it’s at best they have far less than a 50/50 chance of success. More than likely it’s only going to enhance President Trump’s chances in 2024 as we all, even Democrats, see this for what it is, another Democrat witch hunt. And would it not be the funniest thing if this turned out to be yet another bust on the part of the Democrats in the ongoing quest to finally ‘get Trump.’

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