Tuesday, June 6, 2023


Anyone who can look at what the Democrat Party has become, in 2023, and is still able to recognize it as what it once was, is blind, stupid or has been complicit in making it into what it is today. While the party has always leaned to the left today, in 2023, the party has become what is nothing more than a bizarre collection of creeps, perverts and degenerates. The Democrat Party of 2023 embodies everything that America is not now, nor has ever been. Those still able to profess themselves to be proud Democrats are some of the most vile, disgusting and evil people on the planet!

And oddly enough, it seems to bother none of them in the least what their party has been made into. In fact, most seem to be rather proud of what their party has been made into. And I must admit that I have zero respect for any of those who can still refer to themselves as proud Democrats. And it is typical of what the Democrat Party has now become that there was a recent all ages drag show in Tempe, Arizona which was actually a political rally.  Democrats joined with a female impersonator at a public “Pride Party” to rally far-left voters for Arizona’s upcoming elections.

And one of the participants of this little freak show/political rally, was a guy by the name of Richard Stevens, who uses the “drag queen” stage name of Barbra Seville. And it was this same guy who said, “It’s not too late to register for the next election and turn the tide” against the Republicans. He said, “It’s insane. It’s insane. Over 500 laws [to curb transgenderism] have been introduced across the country … If we could just elect one more person with views and opinions and commitments to us, like some other people do, we can call the shots and we can protect LGBTQU."

And apparently his anger was directed at Republican legislators in roughly 20 states who have enacted many policies over the last year to protect children. And so the Democrats war against normality continues. These very popular laws protect children from transgender advocates, shield them in sports from opposite-sex cheaters, and guard children from the harmful and irreversible medical procedures touted by Democrat-affiliated transgender groups. What better way to rally mainstream voters than to put on a lewd raunchy drag show, complete with a raunchy rapper?

So, the more repulsive and antithetical to true American values, the more in line with today’s Democrats’ party line. Anyone that “identifies” as Democrat is literally SCREAMING their hatred for this country. There is nothing a Democrat could do at this point that would ever make me vote for them. They aren’t trying to get new voters from the undecideds. They are just trying to shore up their deranged, vile base. For at least the last 15 years, I have accepted the premise that you cannot be a Democrat and have a conscience at the same time. They continue to confirm this day after day.

While I agree with all efforts to stop these performances in front of children, in the end it’s adults (parents) that are taking the kids there. Six year-olds aren’t taking Uber to drag shows. Anyone that exposes their children to this crap should be called out, I don't care if it’s a friend or relative. The perpetual self-victimhood of the left is perpetually tiresome. I simply cannot imagine constantly exhausting that much energy with nothing to show for it other than another fake victim card. Democrats aren't even trying to hide their true colors. They’re actually proud to be perverts!!!

One reason for the surge of gay and trans mania now taking place is because Democrats do not believe they can be voted out. They believe they have rigged the election system so that they can’t lose. They don’t have to consider public opinion! They have most of the judges, a lot of the Prosecuting Attorneys, many of the police officials, the FBI, the DOJ, most of the federal bureaucracy, and election commissions in Democrat cities on their side. They can’t lose! We now have to restore honest elections, replace social justice with law and order, and tear down the establishment!

People will tolerate a lot, but that tolerance tends to end pretty abruptly when someone starts messing with their kids. It’s the hill that most people will choose to take a stand on and maybe even choose to die on. The Left essentially went from, “We just want to be left to the privacy of our own bedroom,” to homosexual parades, disgusting out-in-the-open celebrations, and forced acceptance of their sexual perversion in what was near record time. Those degenerates, and the parents who take their children to such events, should all be arrested for child abuse!

Democrat just never seem to know when enough is enough. They never seem to be satisfied with the current level of insanity, they always feel the need to push for more. And they never seem to learn, ever. They did the same thing with abortion. Their demands went from abortions within the first three months, to within the first 20 weeks, then up to the moment of delivery and then finally even after delivery. Until the Supreme Court was essentially forced into taking action, returning some level of sanity to the issue by returning it to the states to decide.

There are no such things as ‘family friendly’ drag shows. Drag shows are a form of burlesque; ridicule and vulgarity are the entire point. Everything about a drag show is sexual; the clothes, the makeup, the songs, the jokes, everything. If you enjoy that sort of entertainment, fine, you’re an adult and may do as you please. But you don’t take kids into strip clubs. You don’t take kids into dive bars. And you don’t take kids to drag shows. If you can’t understand that maybe you’re an adult who shouldn’t be around kids, perhaps even your own if you would take them to such an event.

After 71 years of life I find it difficult to believe that a supposedly civil and rational people would tolerate the level of perversion that Americans are tolerating today, and worse, that one political party actually pushes it. When I was twelve, I understood how homosexuality was abnormal. As I grew older and became acquainted with queers, I thought society was wrong to look down upon and even punish homosexuals. Now I see I was wrong and that when a society essentially endorses or licenses abnormality and perversion those people will attack society to change or destroy it.

Democrats don’t care about the rights for trans to, abortion in the third trimester, normalizing Satan worship or anything else. They only care about cultivating Conservative outrage. Without angry conservatives, they have no one to call Nazis. That’s why Democrat issues are becoming more and more extreme. The best thing to do is to ‘Bud Light’ them. If a library hosts a drag show story hour for children, stop going to the library until they shutter the place. If a teacher in a school is pushing rainbows concealing campaigns about anal stimulation, run from that school.

I’ve often asked myself why it is that the Democrat Party has not yet been reduced to being a permanent minority, fringe kind of a kook political party whose members rarely, if ever, are able to get themselves elected to public office. The fact that they have been able to remain a viable party says much about the current state of our country. I really do not understand how any person of average intelligence remains able to vote for anyone who runs as a Democrat, it’s absolutely mindboggling. I voted for a Democrat once in my life, and I’ve been trying to live it down for 50 years.

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