Friday, June 16, 2023


Is there anyone in all of American politics who is more useless, on any number of levels, than Willard Romney. I dare say, there is not. And for a guy who professes to be such a devout conservative, his actions tell a much different, and a far more revealing, story. Willard, as at least some may recall, was one of the RINO pieces of shit who voted to confirm both Merrick Garland and that worthless asshole Mayorkas. Not exactly the actions of someone who prides himself on being a conservative. And when looking at his record as a Senator, if one didn’t know better, one would likely think that the man is a Democrat, certainly not the conservative he claims to be.

And it was as recently as this past Friday that old Willard provided us all, or at least the couple hundred of us that might have been watching, with yet another example of why so many if us view him as being such a RINO turd.  You see it was then, during an appearance on MSDNC’s “Morning Joe,” that Willard said he was “angry” that President Trump is putting the country through “angst and tumult” over his classified documents indictment. What “angst” is President Trump putting us through? Where has this moron been, it’s Joey whose been busy for the last 29 months putting us through “angst.” Willard and Joe Scarborough are birds of a feather, and both suck!

Willard said, “I’m angry. The country is going to go through tumult as a result of one thing, President Trump didn’t turn over military documents when he was asked to do so. All he had to do was hand them in. I’m sure his counsel told him, hand the documents in, particularly when the subpoena came. But for some reason, he decided not to. He held onto them. Why? That’s the question. Why is the country going to have to go through all this angst and tumult? Why didn’t he just turn the documents in?” This pathetic loser giving us advice on how to win elections is nothing less than hilarious. After all, he’s the guy that let himself get beat by ‘BO.'

And BBC anchor Katty Kay said, “Yeah. Yesterday we had the indictment of Jack Teixeira, the young army officer who had put all of those national security documents online, and the Justice Department in the indictment said retaining and distributing and mishandling classified documents is a threat to America’s national security. Clearly it’s a different case. He put them online on a gaming website. Trump didn’t do that. He kept them in boxes, but he showed them to people who shouldn’t have seen them, and he kept them in Mar-a-Lago where we know people come in and out. We know that Chinese operatives have tried to get into Mar-a-Lago to find things."

This moron then went on to say, “You don’t think, as Ben Rhodes, Obama’s former national security advisor has said, that Mar-a-Lago wasn’t ground zero for foreign espionage efforts?” So, if “retaining and distributing and mishandling classified documents is a threat to America’s national security” Ms. Kitty Kay, then please explain to me, if you can, why it is that Hitlery, ‘BO’ and Joey are all free to walk about totally unscathed when it’s supposed to be no one who is above the law. They say the difference is that she cooperated when she bleached her hard drive and smashed her cell phones while they were under subpoena. Ok, makes sense. NOT!

These people think that they can just make shit up as they go along, and all of us schmucks too stupid to understand will simply believe whatever it is that they tell us. It’s the Trump haters like Willard, along with the Democrat party, the corrupt DOJ and FBI who are the ones causing all of the “angst,” not President Trump. Willard’s duplicity and self-righteous indignation continue to assist him coming across as a total narcissist. Personally, what I think it is that makes Willard the most angry is the fact that President Trump chose not to make him his Secretary of State, which is probably a very good thing. Willard’s hissy fit is nothing more than pure sour grapes.

So yes, it’s President Trump who’s the problem, not Joey, not Hitlery, not Garland, not a compromised FBI, not a phony dossier, not the Pelosi/Schumer duo, not the ‘Big Guy’ and his 5 million bucks from nowhere, not the RINOs like Willard and not BLM or Antifa. Nope it’s all President Trump. This guy is such a sorry sack of shit! Most people have come to recognize the fact that Willard is nothing more than a spineless wimp who quicky backs down at the slightest hint of conflict or disagreement. I’ve always found it rather odd that this clown was the best that the people of Utah could find to represent them in the Senate. They surely ended up with the shitty end of the stick!

And Willard is another one of those who fails to understand that if it weren’t for them Donald Trump likely would have never been elected in the first place. Because there would have been no need for him to run. And what Willard is likely most angry about is the fact that he knows that had he defeated ‘BO’ back in 2012, instead of simply wimping out, it’s that too that would have likely kept Donald Trump from running for president in 2016, because Willard would have been running for re-election. But he didn’t win, instead he went all squishy. You can say what you want about President Trump, but one thing you can’t say about him is that he has ever gone squishy.

And it was Willard who also spoke out against candidate Donald Trump during the election of 2016. Yet President Donald Trump was still gracious enough to sit down with him to talk about the Secretary of State job. President Trump also endorsed Willard in his Senate race. And how does Willard repay him? And now Willard goes on MSDNC, where facts don’t really matter. The truth here is that the Democrats are prosecuting a political opponent, and that seems just fine with Willard, at least as long as that opponent is Donald Trump. And this is the man who could have been our president, how scary is that. I’m thinking that America likely dodged a bullet.

Those like Willard still don’t get it, and they likely never will. So instead of blaming themselves, they continue to blame President Trump. They don’t get that after decades of watching our members of Congress roll over and take it up the butt, we were tired of it. We wanted a fighter. And wouldn’t you have thought that once we had shown them that all we wanted was a fighter they would have finally figured it out? But nope! And so these haters of President Trump continue to justify their disbelief by claiming that President Trump is the one who’s a half-witted, bumbling mullet who can’t string a sentence together while being incapable of getting anything done.

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