Friday, September 29, 2023


So what is it, do you think, that makes Democrats feel that they alone are able to do whatever it is they may deem necessary in order to defend what they insist upon calling our “democracy” and that the Republicans are never to be allowed the same luxury when feeling the need to take action to protect and defend that which they have taken an oath to do so. Why is it that whenever Democrats are concerned, what’s good for the goose is never good for the gander. But for as long as I can remember, and I’m now 71 years old, that’s exactly the way it has always been. And sadly, we have had far too many on our side who were unwilling to fight back.

And it is once again, brought about by the ongoing impeachment inquiry into the ‘Biden Crime Family,’ that we are now seeing this very same thing being made to play out. You see, it was this past Thursday that a Democrat member of the U.S. House, Jamie Raskin, during an appearance on CNN’s “The Source,” hosted by Kaitlan Collins of President Trump Town Hall fame, tried to make the claim that several Republicans were “embarrassed and humiliated” by how weak the case against *president Joey actually is in the impeachment inquiry hearing earlier that day. But how could it be weaker than the impeachment inquisition executed against President Trump?

Raskin said, “It demonstrated to the whole country that there really is no evidence at all supporting the idea of impeaching President Biden.” He continued, “We saw a meltdown on the Republican side of the aisle, where the Republican members were fleeing the committee room in droves, embarrassed and humiliated by what was going on.” Collins said, “Do you really see them turning back from an impeachment inquiry?” Raskin added, “I don’t see them moving forward right now because you’ve got something like 15 or 20 Republicans at least who are not going along with it.” And, of course, he was never pressed to provide the names of those Republicans.

Collins said, “Do you think they’ll second-guess it?” Raskin said, “I know there was a lot of consternation and alarm on the Republican side to see how weak the case was.” Collins said, “You heard that directly from Republicans?” Raskin said, “Oh, directly on the floor. In fact several Republicans were saying to me that the right wing is now saying that Kevin McCarthy actually set it up to be a failure because he didn’t want to proceed with impeachment. They couldn’t believe that such a disaster would just happen by accident. I think that attributes a lot more organization and foresight to Kevin.” The disaster would be to ignore the actions of the crook in the White House!

Look, this is nothing more than what the Democrats, and those in the ‘fake news’ media, have long been known for, making some asinine argument and yet never being challenged to back up any of the idiotic claims being made. We’re all just supposed to accept at face value whatever we’re told, and to simply move on. Once again, we’re simply expected to believe that there is no there, there, when there is a mountain of evidence that tells us otherwise. Raskin has the reputation of being a liar. He lied big time about Russian collusion. He will lie to anyone, anywhere, anytime, about anything. And those in the ‘fake news’ media allow him to get away with it.

To be perfectly blunt, Raskin is nothing if not a straight-up liar. He knows he’s a liar, we know he’s a liar and he knows, that we know he’s a liar. And yet he keeps on repeatedly spewing his lies. And it’s the vast majority of those in the ‘fake news’ media that are also straight-up liars by choosing to simply ignore all of Joey’s corruption that is staring us all right in the face. It’s absolutely disgusting, and more than a little disturbing, what the Democrats are able to get away with today all because of a complicit media. And unless both the Democrats, and the ‘fake news’ media can be held accountable I have no doubt that America is done.

But the truly scary part in all of this is that Raskin may actually believe all of the nonsense he spews. Which, if true, should cause reasonable people to call into question his fitness for elected office. And if there is no evidence, as Raskin, and every other Democrat so confidently claims, then why are so many Democrats, so frightened? Wouldn’t you think that they would want the investigation to go forward. It reminds me of the effort on the part Democrats to stymie every effort to do any sort of a forensic audit of the 2020 presidential election. If they were so sure their guy won, then what’s the harm in taking actions that would have proved it?

And oddly, if you substitute the name ‘Trump’ for ‘Biden’ suddenly this entire issue becomes “an existential threat to our democracy.” It’s become painfully clear that the Democrats no longer fear the people, and if we ever want to have any hope of having decent governance, they must. And sadly, much of the problems that America is being made to face today could be very easily solved if those in the ‘fake news’ were actually bona fide journalists and treated both sides equally. Their decision to take sides is doing immense damage. It isn’t just a matter of the news, it impacts voters. Not everyone takes the time to hunt for the truth on their own.

A leftist shill from the Democrat Party is asked his perception of what Republicans are doing, and a member of the ‘fake news’ chooses to run with it. It’s just another example of partisan gaslighting. The facts in this case point squarely to an extreme level of corruption and influence peddling the likes of which we have never seen before. The Democrat strategy is to scream, deny, and deflect. But what should we expect from the likes of Raskin? The man’s father was a communist and his wife is another screwball. Moderate Democrats are well aware that their party has gone woke. They see it and yet they say nothing and the rest of us pay the price.

Ah yes, the Democrats, the party of the Klan, the party of lynching, the party of eugenics, the party of segregation, the party of slavery, the party of abortion on demand, the party of no borders, the party of burn-the -American -flag and replace it with the pride flag, the party of destroying the nuclear family, and of destroying women’s’ sports, the party of equity rather than judicial equality and the party that rejects capitalism. And yet it is the Democrats who continue to accuse MAGA Republicans as being extreme? They’re talking about you and talking about me. Joey is a demagogue and an autocrat and a sick, nasty, pathetic excuse for a human being.

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