Friday, September 15, 2023


Is it just my imagination or are we, the American people, simply supposed to accept as fact that Democrat politicians, at least most of them, are blatantly corrupt and that there should never be made any sort of an attempt to either apprehend them and, most definitely, nothing should ever be done to punish them. You see, apparently it’s because Democrats care so much about society’s downtrodden that we should allow them certain, how shall I say, liberties in exchange for all that they have done ‘for’ us. And so, it’s whenever Democrats are involved in anything questionable that we are always told that there is simply “no there, there” and to simply move on.

And so you see, it was this past Wednesday, during an appearance on CNN’s ‘The Source,’ that so-called Democrat strategist James Carville said that House Speaker Kevin McCarthy launching an impeachment inquiry into *president Joey was actually a good thing for Democrats because the case is, according to Carville, “nonexistent.” Carville said, “My honest opinion is the people they have leading it are not very smart. In fact, they’re borderline stupid. James Comer, Jim Jordan against the people in the House that will be on this committee like Dan Goldman.” Carville has always been one of those guilty of putting his mouth in gear before his brain was engaged.

Carville continued, “These are very smart people. I don’t think the White House needs to worry too much about this and let these congressional Democrats who are whip smart will just eat these people alive. I so want them to do this. I can’t tell you how much.”  And it was anchor, and one of CNN’s resident bimbos, Kaitlan Collins who said, “You want them to have the impeachment?” Carville answered saying, “I want to hold hearings. I want to let the American public see how nonexistent the case is, that the president didn’t do anything wrong, and I want our people who are quite effective lawyers to get them on cross-examination and make fools out of them."

Collins said, “I don’t want to put words in your mouth, but it sounds like you’re saying impeachment could be a good thing. Is that correct?” Carville said, “Correct. You’re not putting words in my mouth.” And he then went on to add, “I was happy when McCarthy got out there and said that. I thought wow how could we get so lucky?” Carville is merely pushing the Democrat's spin, and the CNN bimbo is eating it up. But back here in the real world, the impeachment will likely highlight the millions of dollars given to the Biden Family for no apparent reason. The American people, at least those who don’t vote Democrat, aren’t stupid. They’ll start smelling a rat.

Of course, the ‘fake news’ media will not report on any of the criminal actions by the Biden crime syndicate, therefore many will likely stupidly conclude that the Biden crime family did nothing wrong. It will be sold as just another conspiracy originated by that mythical vast right-wing. There is plenty of evidence pointing to Joey’s involvement here, and a proper investigation will undoubtedly develop direct evidence that only a fool could ignore and/or rationalize. Hence, we have dweebs like Carville there doing their best to discredit the investigation before it really gets off the ground and clowns like Ms. Collins are obviously willing to assist wherever they can.

However, the Committee will likely show that: 1) Hunter took boatloads of cash from foreign nationals, 2) Hunter provided zero services for said boatloads of cash, 3) Joey was communicating with Hunter about these foreign nationals, 4) Joey ‘helped’ solve the problems the foreign nationals faced. And the ‘fake news’ media will spin it as Joey just being naïve and helping out his son without knowing that Hunter was getting paid boatloads of cash. A majority of voters already believe Joey is a crook, how do you think they will see it after this evidence slowly drips out week after week. Good luck. Carville, the king of gaslighting, out busy spewing his unique brand of drivel.

And if Democrats can impeach President Trump, not once but twice, based on nothing but fairytales that they essentially wove out of whole cloth, then the Republicans ought to do pretty good by revealing the many actual facts of how Joey has made millions by selling out his own country. And, of course, the Democrats will continue in their attempts to manipulate and gaslight the American people. And, as I said, those in the ‘fake news’ media will do their part, whenever called upon to do so. Nothing to see here folks, move along, move along. We all see the incredible corruption and bribery the Bidens have engaged in over the years, we are neither stupid nor blind.

And finally, Carville is likely thinking it will be like ‘Slick Willy’s’ impeachment back in the 1990s. So he has historical precedent that Republican impeachment attempts have helped the Democrats in the past. The Republicans do have a bad habit of stepping on their own ‘dicks’ when they press forward. So I can see where he is coming from. But he should be wary because it’s a different time, and people are far more wary of the press. But that’s not to say that ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSDNC and even Fox will most assuredly all carry the water for the Democrats. And, as we all know, the average Democrat voter is basically pretty stupid and totally incapable of discerning fact from fiction.

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