Thursday, November 30, 2023


Riddle me this, is there anyone, anywhere, other than perhaps the most brain dead of Democrats, or most devout of our Trump hating RINOs, who cares what Adam Schiff has to say on the subject of President Trump, a guy who he clearly despises and has been lying about for the last eight years. The natural reaction for most people whenever this boob appears on their television is to either change the channel or to get the sudden urge to go take a dump. I mean, if you’re genuinely interested in the truth, then to spend any amount of time listening to this boob is nothing more than a waste of time. You see, he hates President Trump, and wants you to hate him too.

And it was this past Wednesday that Schiff was again hard at work, out smearing President Trump and those who support him as only he can and where else but on MSDNC. And it was during this particular appearance that old ‘Pencil Neck’ said that he believes there are hundreds of “cowards” in the Republicans Party who willingly enable President Trump to tear down of our institutions. This worthless piece of shit actually has the nerve to accuse President Trump of wanting “to tear down our institutions?” So I’m curious, just what was it that President Trump did while in office that would indicate that he has this desire “to tear down our institutions?"

Schiff said, “Donald Trump could not have done any of the damage that he inflicted, the tearing down of our institutions, the causing Americans to distrust our election process, weakening the foundation of our system, and that is voting, but for the willing enablement of so many of her colleagues in Congress. One of the terrible realizations of these years is how many enablers there were and how few people of courage and conviction there were also.” And he said, “And it gets to a fundamental truth that the historian Robert Carroll once described in an interview, when he said that power doesn’t corrupt as much as it reveals."

This boob then went on to say, “It doesn’t always reveal the best, but it says a lot about who we are. It revealed Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger to be people of great power and conviction, but there were also literally a hundred Kevin McCarthys and Elise Stefaniks that have put our democracy in peril.” All of this drivel coming from a guy who wants to make it so the American people aren’t able to vote for President Trump in 2024. That’s a threat to our democratic process. Schiff is a pathological liar. He has no knowledge of what is true. It’s pretty sad that this country can produce people like Schiff and then actually elevate them to positions of influence.

Anyway, Schiff added, “I remember speaking to Adam Kinzinger and he was saying that people keep saying Liz and I are so courageous. It’s not that we’re so courageous, but we’re surrounded by cowards. I think what we’ve come to learn is we knew inherently that courage can be contagious, but we also found during these years is so can cowardice. No one would speak out.” Cheney and Kinzinger weren’t courageous, and they weren’t heroes. They were merely stooges for the Democrats. Courage would have been to stand up against Pelosi and demand that the Republicans appoint who they wanted to the committee instead of becoming part of the cover-up.

And so it is once again that we’re hearing accusations that our supposed ‘democracy’ is somehow in peril and all because of President Trump. On the contrary, our Republic has been made to be hanging by a thread because of Democrats like Schiff and the corrupt dimwit that we now have in the White House. And in a just world, Schiff, and the rest of the traitorous hooligans in the Democrat Party, would be made to pay for their reckless behavior that has resulted in irreparable damage being done to this country. And for what? Sadly, this country can never be properly fixed until those who have worked so hard to destroy it have been made to pay the price for their crimes.

And it’s rather strange, don’t you think, how it is that President Trump is somehow still to be blamed even though he is NOT in power and the Democrats who are. And let me remind all one more time, we do not have a democracy, we have a Republic. A democracy is four wolves and three sheep voting as to what is for dinner. A Constitutional Republic gives the sheep the right to arm themselves and to challenge the vote. Democrats want to establish THEIR version of democracy where the people have no say. Schiff and his Democrat Party has done nothing but attack our Bill of Rights, our Constitution, and everything that is NOT corrupt about this country.

I don’t recall it ever being reported, truthfully, during Trump’s presidency of one instance in which President Trump threatened any one of the rights enshrined in our Constitution. And with the current state of our ‘news’ we surely would have heard. Oddly enough it’s been since the Democrats took over in their 2020 coup that we have many instances including, but not limited to, the weaponization of our DOJ/FBI to persecute people for their political beliefs and a government that colludes with social media companies to stifle free speech and to suppress information. So tell me, who is the only threat to democracy. President Trump is only a threat to corrupt Democrats.

It’s gonna be full bore from now until the next election. The BS will be so thick you’ll suffocate. Democrats have nothing to prop Joey up with, he’s an abject failure. So, they will name call and push one lie after another. And their Democrat voters will vote Democrat again even as they complain about all the things Joey has fucked up. And if President Trump does win, the Democrats will spend the next years criticizing him for not fixing the problems created by Joey, as they do everything in their power to hinder him. A vicious cycle. Also, sadly, many ‘RINOs’ will join their Democrat buddies in destroying anything good for the American people.

And I would love to hear Schiff explain just which institutions it might be that have been torn down by President Trump and Republicans. Instead of making outrageous claims, how about some actual substance and some real facts? It is the Democrats who have been very hard at work eroding our rights. The only attacks on democracy are from the Democrats trying to rig another election by going after their political opponent. And never are they called out to explain any of their behavior by anyone in our ‘fake news’ media because, I assume, most of our supposedly unbiased and objective ‘journalists’ don’t really care. They hate America as much as Democrats do.

Knowing what we know now, it’s many of these same institutions that now employ many bureaucrats of questionable allegiance that need to be torn down. And even before all of the corruption and wrongdoing was exposed and laid bare since the Trump presidency, the American public had had enough of the elitism and the business-as-usual from the powers that be. That is why President Trump was chosen as our human wrecking ball. Schiff doesn’t know, or won’t acknowledge, that our distrust of the government and the voting shenanigans dated way back to before Donald Trump descended from that elevator. That’s all on the Democrats.

Finally, Schiff, and every other one of his rabid, leftwing compatriots, took an oath to both protect and to defend our Constitution against all enemies both foreign and domestic. Unfortunately, they seem to be rather selective when it comes to living up to that oath. Democrats, including our man Schiff here, are far more interested in coming up with increasingly inventive ways of destroying, rather than defending, our Constitution. Democrats have come to see themselves as being rather entitled to run roughshod over this country and her people. Which begs the question, when will real Americans finally have had enough, standup and put a stop to all of this madness?

Wednesday, November 29, 2023


Wouldn’t you just know it that yet another puke-bag RINO has again slithered out from his place in the shadows to spew much the same sort of drivel that we’ve continued to hear from so many others of his ilk in their ongoing attempt to do all that they can to prevent President Trump from being re-elected. I know, shocking, right? Like I’m sure none of us saw that coming. This time around it was some clown by the name of Matthew Dowd, whose only apparent claim to fame is that back in 2004 he was some sort of a strategist for the Bush-Cheney campaign, a team that I am now very much embarrassed to admit that I voted for, not once but twice.

So anyway, it was this past Tuesday, during an appearance on MSDNC’s ‘The ReidOut,’ that this doofus Dowd claimed that President Trump will be criminally convicted in at least one of his cases before the Republican National Convention. My only response to Dowd would be to say, “So freaking what?” Let’s face it, any convictions resulting from some cockamamie kangaroo court proceedings won’t be worth the paper that it would be written on. It’s meaningless. And it’s strange, don’t you think, that he would go on the ‘ReidOut’ to make his pitch. After all, was he not trying to get the attention of Republican grassroots folks? If so, then I’m afraid he rather badly missed the mark.

Host Joy Reid said, “How bad is it going to get next year, in your view? I think it’s going to be rough, but Matthew, how bad do you think it’s going to get?” Dowd said, “Awful. I don’t think we have ever seen this kind of convergence between a former president running for office again in the midst of multiple trials held simultaneously while he wins primaries and caucuses. The people running against him, Nikki Haley and whatever, I think what’s going to end up happening is he’s going to have momentum.” People complain that President Trump failed to drain the swamp as promised, but he did manage to take it low enough for us to see scum like Dowd.

And he went on to say, “He’ll win Iowa, win New Hampshire, win South Carolina, and he’ll basically all but be the nominee, and basically be there, and then he’s going to get convicted before he goes to the RNC Convention in July. So he’ll be the nominee, but be a convicted nominee in the midst of this, and then we’ll be headed to a general election with the nominee of a major political party convicted, at least in one court, if not in two different courts in this time.” Could this guy be any more pathetic? I seriously doubt it. And how dare this scumbag refer to himself as a Republican when his inner Democrat comes shining through so brightly!

And he went on to add, “A convicted felon running for president under the Republican Party. We have never in my life have ever seen a calendar that will unfold in that manner. But it also is going to be so weird while this is going on, Republican voters voting for him to be the nominee of the party as he’s convicted.” But seriously folks, who really cares about the baseless opinions of some jumped up nobody? If you’re appearing on Reid’s show, to bash President Trump, you’re just not credible. Reid is the sleaziest, ugliest, most homophobic racist, who gets away with her in-your-face-lying-phony ‘journalism,’ and who possesses a zero amount of intelligence.

When you choose to purposely ignore the fact that it’s all fabricated and has been nothing more than seven years of pure political harassment since even before he became President, then you show your hand. You make clear that you don’t care about law or justice. They just want to get him, and all they do is make him stronger. A stench can be a pleasant odor if minimized, much like some high dollar perfumes. The Trump stench, the one of success and achievement, and it’s hard for losers, like Dowd, to bare because it’s so strong. They hate and denigrate success. How does that old USSR saying go, “I don’t want a horse, I just hate Ivan because he has one."

And it’s all of these so-called political geniuses, all of these supposed ‘strategists,’ who still don’t seem to get it. A conviction would only serve as a badge of honor for President Trump when he becomes President again. Everyone knows he shouldn’t be charged to begin with. His poll numbers just keep going up. President Trump has broken no laws, and rational people are able to recognize that. Meanwhile, they are also able to recognize how it is that actual bona fide crimes committed by Democrats either go completely ignored or result in nothing more than a slap on the wrist. The American people can be pretty stupid, but even they aren’t that blind.

Now I will be the first to admit that upon his arrival in Washington, Donald Trump, while a very successful businessman, was more than a bit of a political novice, and therefore was more than a bit too trusting of those around him. Phonies can be hard to recognize when you’re brand new to a job. And it’s often difficult to recognize just who the backstabbers might be until it’s too late and they’ve chosen to backstab you. Something tells me the next Trump administration will make far fewer mistakes when it comes to selecting members of the team and of the inner circle. It is the Democrats and RINOs who are going to regret stepping outside of our Constitution.

Dowd is nothing more than yesterday’s fertilizer salesman. Despite their bet efforts they’ve been unable to nail President Trump for the very simply reason that he’s done nothing wrong. What these morons still seem not to understand is the fact that most Americans understand that these ‘criminal charges’ against, and any ensuing convictions of, President Trump are purely political in nature, and not in substance. So, President Trump’s supporters simply don’t care. These persecutions have no bearing regarding President Trump’s ability to save our country. Democrat hypocrisy will likely come back to bite them in the ass after President Trump is re-elected.

Leftists are literally beside themselves and can’t believe that conservatives continue to support a candidate indicted for all manner of crimes. They don’t see the kangaroo court because they so desperate want to see President Trump convicted. It may very happen since things seem to rest in the hands of corrupt judges and even more corrupt DAs who want nothing more than to keep him out of office. Clearer heads understand it for what it is, which is nothing more than the political weaponization of our once impartial judicial system. The relentless smearing of President is nothing but theater which falls under the un-American notion of “by any means necessary."

Those not of the left have seen so much propaganda, so much hypocrisy and so much one-sided biased reporting that they know not to take any of it seriously. Add judicial reform to the list of things that President Trump will need to address once he has been successfully reelected. These clowns know that what they’ve said, and continue to say, is nonsense! So I say convict my man Donald Trump, it’ll be the best Christmas ever. The whole ‘plan’ is steamrolling out of control for them. They thought they could get rid of President Trump, but they grossly underestimated his tenacious spirit. He has shown that he’s not going anywhere and in so doing has driven them nuts!!!

What none of these bubble-dwelling imbeciles either can’t see, or refuse to see, is that a ‘conviction’ in any one of these kangaroo courts will SKYROCKET President Trump into the political stratosphere. People are beginning to wake up to the nonsense and those on the left keep confirming our worst suspicions. These same people have been gunning for Donald Trump for seven years, and yet he remains a free man, even without a political machine behind him. That’s because he’s done nothing wrong. But with that said, I have no doubt that corrupt federal law enforcement, corrupt prosecutors and corrupt judges will produce a corrupt conviction.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023


These days, I think it fair to say that all of our ‘fake news’ organizations have gone far beyond being merely biased in how they present the events of the day. Those who millions of Americans still rely upon for their daily intake of ‘news’ and information are nothing more than patently dishonest in their presentation of the events of the day. And what prompts me bring this up yet again is how it’s President Trump who is always portrayed as anti-Semitic and anti-Israel. In truth, it’s Democrats who quite literally hate Israel and are not bothered in the least that there are forces at work who seek nothing more than wiping this tiny country from the face of the Earth.

And Democrats seem to be preoccupied with the notion that Israel actually has no right to defend itself against those same forces. Case in point would be Bernie Sanders. You see, it was this past Monday in an interview with CBS News that Sanders was heard to say, “Well, this was how I respond. Look, Israel was attacked in an absolutely horrific way by Hamas, 1,300 innocent people were slaughtered. Israel has a right to defend itself, but what Israel does not have a right to do, in my view, is to kill 12,000 people in six, seven weeks, two-thirds of whom are women and children. That they don’t have right to do, that’s a violation of international law."

He added, “The United States has always provided support for Israel. I think we have to continue to make sure that Israel can defend itself, but we also have a right to say to Israel, I’m sorry, you can’t just do all kinds of bombing which are killing innocent men, women and children. And also, in talking to a very right-wing Netanyahu government, we have got to say, you know what, we need some thoughts and movement forward toward a two-state solution to deal with the crisis in the West Bank, where Palestinians are being thrown off of their land and are being killed.” The claim that these Palestinians were “thrown off their land” is a work of pure fiction!

Anyway, Sanders went on to say, “So we need, in my view, to say, if you want money from the United States, you know what, you got to hear what we want as well. We just can’t get a blank check.” Spoken like a true commie!!! Sanders is the kind of Jew who sits on the sideline hoping to exploit his heritage without actually having to risk anything. But then there are numerous far left Jews like Sanders who have major psychiatric issues. Their embrace of communism over their own heritage, both American and Jewish, smacks of antisocial personality disorder. Remember his embrace of the Soviet Union, the evil empire. Sanders has lost his mind.

Actually, the Israelis have every right to remove any, and all, ongoing threats. They have put up with rocket attacks and terrorist attacks since the UN deemed what has always been the state of Israel, just that, since the world agreed, “Never Again.” Those like Sanders need to shut the Hell up and allow the Israeli to do what we all know must be done! As for those deaths of women and children, as far as I’m concerned that is on Hamas and the Palestinian people. They could get out, they could hand the guilty over and embrace peace, but that is not their intent. Israel has been left with no alternative and therefore must simply finish the task at hand!

And you’ll notice that not one word is heard from old Bernie about how Hamas is breaking the rules with tunnels under hospitals, Mosques and schools. If innocent women and children are getting killed then it is because Hamas is hiding under them or using them as human shields. Sanders has clearly come off of the rails. As long as those like Bernie see nothing wrong with Hamas continuing to use civilians as human shields, to store armaments in citizens homes, to tunnel below the Gaza city, to use hospitals and schools as cover and as their hiding places for weapons and other munitions, then old Bernie’s words are absolutely meaningless.

Again Bernie, as expected is missing the point, like most on the left. The point here is to see that Hamas and/or the Palestinians never again have the opportunity to do anything like this. The congenital moron, Sanders, refuses to condemn the use of women and children by Hamas as human shields. If Hamas was anything other than a collection of verminous barbarians, they wouldn’t do that, and women and children would be killed in fewer numbers. Also, Sanders refuses to acknowledge the slaughter of Israeli women and children by Hamas. Apparently, Sanders doesn’t consider them to be significant. According to Sanders, only the Hamas women and children count.

And let’s be clear here, if it weren't for Democrats, and the leftists throughout Europe, chasing rainbows and making endless excuses for their abysmal policy failures, the world would be dramatically better off. Palestinians own their plight, those like Sanders only serve to perpetuate their misery by enabling them decade after decade. If the world powers squarely placed responsibility on their leadership, ceasing all funding until pay for slay is ended; the fantasy of UNWRA dismantled; their indoctrination to kill Jews ended; and demanded they sit down and negotiate a permanent settlement, this “conflict” would have ended decades ago.

This is war, Bernie, and Hamas started it. Yes, innocent people get kill in wars. Hamas had no right to do what it did. Murdering innocent babies and children, raping young girls, killing parents and elderly unexpectedly with no warning. Israel has every right to annihilate Hamas, as far as I am concerned. There is no reasoning with them. Those identified as “Palestinians” are all complicit in everything that Hamas does. They stand by while Hamas builds its terror infrastructure beneath the streets of Gaza. They’re dancing in the streets every time something bad happens in Israel or the United States. These people choose to hate, and they deserve no sympathy.

Since Arafat, the Palestinians have been offered a two-state solution, in one form or another, multiple times with extremely favorable terms. Each time the agreement was rejected by them and for one reason. The Palestinians DO NOT WANT a two-state solution, they’ve never wanted a that. What they want the full extermination of Israel and will settle for nothing less. We have reached the point where there can now be only one viable solution, the Palestinians need to eliminated, eradicated, eliminated and obliterated right down to the very last one. Either that or be forced to relocate there in region perhaps to that which is their true homeland, Jordan.

And let’s just say, for the sake of argument, that the numbers Bernie is quoting are accurate, which I doubt. Israel absolutely has the moral right to eliminate that many. Israel was attacked by savages. It certainly has the moral right to eliminate 100 or 1,000 or 10,000 or 100,000 or more of these savage attackers. What Israel does not have the moral right to do is needlessly or sadistically hurt innocents, which is something Hamas savages routinely do. Just listing alleged casualty numbers says nothing. Furthermore, in getting at the savages, Israel may unintentionally harm innocents, especially when the savages purposely use innocents as human shields.

Finally, Israel goes to great lengths to avoid and to minimize casualties of innocents but the same most certainly cannot be said of the other side. Because it is they who seek out the innocents. Merely regurgitating the Hamas government’s numbers of alleged casualties, even if the numbers are accurate and verified, says nothing about whether those casualties are innocents or about the lengths to which Israel has gone in its effort to minimize the risks to innocents while at the same time dealing with the savages that intentionally put those innocents in the line of fire. Democrats seek only to continue the policy of appeasement regarding these radical Moslem fanatics.

Monday, November 27, 2023


Chris Christie continues to forge ahead on this rather peculiar journey of his to forever cement his place among those who have achieved nothing more than a certain level of political mediocrity. As I have said on any number of previous occasions, I’m not certain exactly what Christie is up to, but I’m as sure as I can be that he is not running to be our next president. And I think we can all agree that the ONLY reason that Christie continues to be asked to appear on any of our so-called ‘news’ programs is because he can be counted on to attack President Trump. Christie is merely striking while the iron is hot, because soon enough he’ll have no choice but to fade away.

It was Christie, a supposed candidate for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, who, this past Sunday made yet another appearance on CNN’s “State of the Union” during which he claimed that President Trump’s “intolerant language and conduct gives others permission to act the same.” Christie continues to spew much the same kind of crap that we’ve heard from him before, to the point where you have to ask yourself, are we still pretending that Christie isn’t already on CNN’s payroll, and won’t be announced as a CNN ‘contributor’ five minutes after he exits the race? And how many of those that Christie needs to have vote for him, even watch CNN?

There is only ONE reason that CNN continues to invite this boob into their studio, and that’s to trash President Trump. They try to cover that by asking him questions about Hamas and other issues that he has absolutely ZERO insight on. He’s not privy to inner circle information that would be credible. Hell, he’s not even in the outer circle. He’s a buffoon whose only outlet to mouth off about anything are the left leaning media platforms that ride him like the circus elephant that he is. One really must wonder who it is that are the money men who keep him afloat. He and they both know he that has no chance, his candidacy is nothing more than a means to an end.

Now be that as it may, anchor Dana Bash said, “I want to ask about the spike in hate against Jews in the United States. You told The New York Times that you believe Trump has contributed to this.” Christie said, “When you show intolerance towards everyone, which is what he does, you give permission as a leader for others to have their intolerance come out. Intolerance towards anyone encourages intolerance towards everyone. That’s exactly what’s going on here.” He needs to define “intolerant.” Does he think people are being “intolerant” of the socialist, destructive, deviant and coercive behavior that they’ve been watching take place is a bad thing?

Christie went on to say, “That’s been going on for some time, not just with Donald Trump, but with university professors on some of our most elite campuses in this country, with university administrators and presidents who have been unwilling to stand up against antisemitism on their campuses, most particularly. There should be no campus in this country where a Jewish student is afraid to leave their dorm, a Jewish student is afraid go to their classes, a Jewish student is afraid to go to have a meal in the dining hall. That is outrageous, and it’s wrong.” I swear he just makes this shit up as he goes along, and never once does he ever challenged on any of it.

Anyway, he continued, “I think governors in those states should be sending state police to make sure that they are protected on those campuses. We need to have university presidents who are willing to stand up and be counted against hate. That’s exactly what’s going on here. We saw this display at the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. These are folks who are ignorant. My guess is two-thirds don’t know what intifada is. If they did, they would be ashamed for calling the elimination of the Jewish people around the world, which is what intifada is.” Christie added, “In the end, look, I think that there have been a lot of people who contributed to it."

Christie said, “I believe Donald Trump’s intolerant language and conduct gives others permission to act the same.” President Trump remains intolerant of ‘fake news,’ importing possible terrorists from ISIS influenced areas, letting Communist China continue to plunder our intellectual property and our university’s turning out little haters, that is true! I’ve always been intolerant and taught my children to be the same. I’ve told them to only associate with good, you tend to be the product of those whose company you keep. And I find it rather instructive, as others should as well, that Christie seems only to find ‘intellectual’ soulmates there at CNN.

Does anyone even have the slightest idea what it is that Christie is blathering about? President Trump has been out of office for three years. He’s conducting a successful campaign which is driving his opponents, both in the Democrat Party and his own, insane because nothing they have done, or said, has diminished his polling numbers. To the point where there’s no need for him to debate any of the second stringers. And isn’t it a good thing that people have finally had enough of what’s being done to this country, and watching those who they elect doing nothing to stop it! Being tolerant of all this insanity is how we have ended up bankrupt, both fiscally, and morally.

Let’s face it, it’s seems that those like Christie feel that President Trump can also be held responsible for the Great Depression, both World Wars, the sinking of the Titanic the Challenger explosion and the Spanish Inquisition! And worst of all, President Trump is also responsible for the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs, and over the countless millennia, gave rise to the Democrats, the most destructive force on earth. But since I still like President Trump, I’m willing to forgive him for that. And so it is, the saga is made to continue that whatever Trump is for, the left, in both parties, is against it, even if he’s correct. Which has been nearly 100 percent of the time.

And you know, it’s from where I’m sitting that the only one out busily spreading hate, is Christie! His entire campaign has been one based on nothing more than hate. His only mission is to bash President Trump on any platform that he is able to finagle an invite. How pathetic! No one in recent memory, perhaps ever, has been the target of as much verbal abuse as has President Trump has been. And trying to connect President Trump, to the rise of antisemitism, is a low and desperate act, by the Republican establishment's fat, obnoxious, and failing attack dog. So President Trump somehow forced progressives liberals and Democrats to expose their antisemitism.

So, I guess we’re expected to believe that before President Trump there was no antisemitism? And that before President Trump there were no problems between Jews and Palestinians? Christie thinks Americans lack any sort of personal autonomy and have no choice but to imitate politicians. The thing is, people do not have to indulge, allow, be subjected to, permit or approve ignorant and dangerous false statements and actions from politicians or their agents, that endanger themselves or their loved ones. The whole problem with politics today is that they have eliminated any truth. And when the truth is spoken it hurts them. President Trump hurts them a lot.

Frankly, I think it’s at this stage of the game that the American people should be intolerant. The status quo stage has long past, Christie is a political person, not a reformer. And he clearly has no personal morals. He needs to be aware that some things are intolerable, such as the crimes of the globalist deep state and the politicians that they own. Without the public exposure of those crimes. many of them unspeakable, those crimes will continue, and the criminals will remain in power and continue to make quite war on ‘We the People.’ Yet Christie is all eaten up with concern about manners, while the war against the people goes on unabated.

When the only reason you give people, in your attempt to convince them that you  want to be the president, is that you’re not the last guy many of them voted for, you don’t have much. What makes Christie think he could do better than President Trump? This political low life is making the rounds on every leftwing venue that will have him. Few care what Christie says. Maybe he should look at the reception President Trump gets at football games and other venues. Might be a clue for Christie to recognize just how few actually take him, or his candidacy, seriously and consider him as being nothing more than the poster boy for Stage 4 Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS).

And I ask you, have those on the left been all that tolerant of Christians? Have they been tolerant of Israel’s right to defend itself? Have they been tolerant of those who believe in our Constitution and our freedom of assembly and speech on January 6th? Have those on the left been tolerant of those of us who do not believe that C02 is a pollutant? Have they been tolerant of those of us who have the audacity to believe in only two genders, male and female? Has the left been tolerant of those who stand up and try to protect their kids from pervert child grooming at school board meetings, or who think that babies should be allowed to be born? I think we all know the answer.

And so, it has been faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, that Christie has skyrocketed in the latest polls to an amazing high of…three percent. Everyone who keeps rooting for a conviction as a means of removing President Trump from the contest will be sorely disappointed when he’s back in the oval office. The overwhelming majority of Americans are sick and tired of the corruption of this regime and will vote for the ONLY candidate who actually cares about the American people. And yet, there are those who would rather watch the country be destroyed than to vote for President Trump.

Thursday, November 23, 2023


I have often wondered aloud about how it is that some of the most uneducated people in the country continue to assume that just because they have, only through the grace of God, been able to amass a sizable amount of wealth, they are also worthy of being listened to when it comes to all that ails this country. Which when you stop and think about, it’s more than a little ironic since ALL that presently ails this country has been brought about by those whom these very same people have supported, continue to support, and to whom they have provided mountains of campaign cash. And it’s all of these leftists that literally reek of desperation and fear of President Trump.

And if we’re being honest, it really takes no great amount of skill to do what these people do, it’s really nothing more than the luck of a draw that they have been blessed with a talent that allows them to do what they do. And it’s none of these people who provide anything of value to the fellow man and they rarely use their wealth to do anything other than to spend money on those things that improve their own lives. Much like an athlete that has been blessed with certain abilities, those who are in the business of providing us with ‘entertainment’ tend to take themselves far too seriously, to the point where they feel entitled to lecture the rest of us.

All of which brings me to Rob ‘Meathead’ Reiner, who said Tuesday on MSDNC’s “The Beat” that voting for President Trump in 2024 will cause the United States to “slip into fascism.” Now you have to ask yourself, what does this stupid fuck know about fascism? And what exactly was it that President Trump did during his first term that was fascist? Was it creating our booming economy? Was it making America energy independent for the first time in decades? Or perhaps was it actually making a serious effort to secure our southern border? If not, then it must be the fact that for the first time in history he brought relative peace to the Middle East. Well, ‘Meathead?'

Anyway, Reiner said, “Last segment you talked about how young people are confused. They don’t like Trump, they don’t like Biden, they can’t decide who they wnt to vote for. But I’m trying to impress upon people as best I can that every time we have a presidential election, they always say, this is the most important election of our lifetime, they’re tired of it, this one actually is.” He continued, “You have one candidate in Trump who actually tells you he’s going to govern like an authoritarian. He says it. It’s not a mystery.” Now, as is usually the case with people like Reiner, he provides nothing to back up his idiotic claim, but then neither is he asked to.

And so this dolt went on to say, “And you have another guy who has been there, knows how to run the government, believes in the Constitution, believes in democracy, the rule of law, and you’ve got to make a choice. You have to make a choice. Do we want fascism, or do we want to continue the 248 years of self-rule?” Reiner added, “Right now we’re at a place where it’s a crossroads. Do we want to continue democracy, or do we want to slip into fascism?” And it’s once again that Reiner, like most of his ilk, needs to be reminded that what we have here is not a “democracy.” What we have is a Constitutional Republic, but that matters not to him.

If ‘Meathead’ was as smart as he seems to think he is, he would understand that the only fascism present in our country today is both performed by, and exhibited by, the very Democrats that people like him very enthusiastically support. No matter where you want to look, from draconian Covid restrictions to the censorship of free speech, it’s all Democrats, all the time. Despite all of their sophomoric rants, it’s not President Trump, it’s not Conservatives and it’s not Republicans. Again, it’s because of those like Reiner and those like him and the Democrat politicians they support. ‘Meathead’ has been stuck on the same script for half a century.

As I’ve said, the problem with Reiner, and just about everyone else in his rather pointless profession, is that he actually believes that he is intelligent, and far more intelligent than those whom he relies upon to go to his movies, piss poor as they may be. I doubt very much that he would recognize stupidity if he looked in a mirror. He has been on the train to nowhere for decades! We can only hope the end of the track comes sooner rather than later! Reiner appears to view most Americans as his personal enemy and unworthy of the life that he is able to enjoy. And imagine accusing your ideological opponents of the essence of your own loathsome tactics.

Reiner either seems not to notice, or hopes that the rest of us won’t notice, the fact that everything he says about President Trump is actually true of the traitorous, corrupt piece of shit that now occupies the White House. The writers of ‘All in the Family’ must have tapped into some kind of cosmic connection, because they couldn’t have come up with a better moniker than Meathead! Clearly this country was much better off under President Trump than we are under this demented old fossil, Joey. Liberalism is like a most virulent form of cancer and it’s killing this country. And love him, or hate him, the only shot we have at a cure is re-electing President Trump!

Reiner rather cheerfully overlooks all of the damage done by Hitlery, ‘BO’, Joey and any number of other Democrats have done, and continue to do, to our freedoms. Seems like Fascism is what the left wants, and if President Trump gets back in office, they’re afraid that their power will be greatly diminished. They like being able to have unlimited ‘cosmic power,’ they have no interest in the concept that power belongs to the people, not to the political elites. And just who is it that is actively suppressing any viewpoints other than the ones they approve of, just as Fascists would? Again, that would not be President Trump or those of us on the right!

And on the contrary, ‘Meathead,’ it’s your guy who has proven beyond all doubt that he is the one who prefers to act like a dictator not constrained by our Founding documents. It’s he who ignores Supreme Court rulings, makes unconstitutional mandates for experimental drugs, who jails those he considers to be political opponents, who he makes ridiculous appointments of unqualified, incompetent radicals, who prioritizes illegal immigrants over the American people and is ruining our economy on purpose. President Trump put America and Americans FIRST. He left the White House poorer, where Joey is enriching himself and his family.

And finally, after having heard these loons screaming fascist and Nazi for so long, I’ve actually become kind of numb to it. It’s like being called a racist, what does that even mean anymore? I get it, these people don’t like President Trump. But you must admit that under President Trump life was easier, we had lower gas prices, inflation wasn’t so high, I could feed my family, rent was lower, interest rates were lower, America didn’t get involved in any new foreign wars, our southern border was pretty secure and so much more. So ‘Meathead’ can go vote for whomever he likes, I will vote for my choice and there’s really nothing he can say that will dissuade me from doing so.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023


Those on the left, extreme and/or otherwise, persist in their self-serving belief that we on the right would behave as they would under the same circumstances. Take for instance the juvenile, and quite bizarre, claims that continue to be hurled at President Trump by those who are very clearly borderline psychotic. These people have, quite literally, allowed themselves to be driven mad by their intense hatred of Donald Trump. To the point where they now claim that should the American people actually choose to re-elect him, he will most assuredly retaliate against those who have attacked him unmercifully for what has now been nearly eight years.

And they go on to claim that in an effort to gain some level of revenge, President Trump will unleash upon this country that which would be nothing less than a reign of terror. Now while that would likely be true if President Trump were a Democrat, it is most certainly not how we on the right, nor how those whom we choose to elect, behave. And to accept any of these imbecilic rants as fact, or as being something that might actually come to pass, requires one to be as psychotic as those who continue to make such accusations and to spew such incendiary rhetoric. But such is now the mental state of anyone who proudly calls themselves a Democrat.

And so it was that another example of what has become the continuing dumpster fire that is today’s ‘fake news’ media was recently rolled out just this past Tuesday when the hysterically dishonest Joe ‘The Schmo’ Scarborough assured the country that if President Trump were to be elected, he will most certainly “execute” people, as in have them murdered. So just what’s going on over there at MSDNC, home of what has to be some of the most paranoid people on the entire planet. I say that because ‘Joe the Schmo’ is not the first to make such a ludicrous claim. Some may recall how it was that the sexually confused Rachel Maddow has made the same claim.

This latest example of left-wing lunacy occurred during one of those incredibly smug rants old ‘Joe the Schmo’ has become rather famous for. But this time around old Joey actually outdid himself as he came right out and told his dozen or so viewers that if Donald Trump succeeds in winning the presidency in 2024, “he will imprison, he will execute, whoever he’s allowed to imprison, execute, drive from the country.” Because, after all, that’s exactly what President Trump did the first time he was elected, right? And so ‘Joe the Schmo’ again provides us with yet another example of how he should be the poster boy for ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome,’ (TDS).

Scarborough, as is typically the case, backed this up with nothing more than a pile of bizarre rhetoric saying, “Just look at his past.” And it was from there the ‘Joe the Schmo’ went on to say, “The only thing that stood between him and the destruction of American democracy was the federal judiciary.” Look at his past? Seriously? As far as I know, President Trump has never even hit anyone! Sure, he’s made fun of some people, but who among us is not guilty of that. I mean not a day goes by that I don’t make fun of some moron who’s too stupid to get out of their own way. Speaking of stupid people, it was Al Sharpton who responded with a “No doubt about it."

I think that most people have long understood that if those in the media were ever put into a position where they had to choose between whoring out their credibility or losing elections, they would gladly whore out their credibility without even a moment’s hesitation. And that seems to be what’s happening here. That’s why the public no longer trusts those in the media like Scarborough. These people have exposed themselves not just as biased but as completely unhinged leftist charlatans and serial liars. But they seem not to care. What ‘Joe the Schmo’ is doing here is using lies as a fear tactic to gin up the crazies that are the Democrat base.

With President Trump looking better in the polls than he ever has, even better than when he won in 2016, these ‘fake news’ media like ‘Joe the Schmo’ have become so desperate and so rattled that you now have an anchor of a national news network lying to the American people, or at least the few who tune in to watch his silly little show, about a former president preparing to murder people, to summarily execute and imprison them if reelected. This level of hysteria goes far beyond typical political lies and mudslinging. Clearly the Democrats appear to be genuinely terrified. And when they get even nuttier than normal, then you know they’re feeling the heat.

These days if you dare call a transwoman a man, question the results of the 2020 election, or point out that ‘climate change’ is a hoax those on left demand that you be blacklisted from social media. And let’s face it, no one is going to call Scarborough out for his lunacy. No one will pressure him to retract it. Those in the ‘fake news’ media will allow his smear to stand because that’s how morally bankrupt they all are, and how desperate, afraid, and full of hate they are. Though the lying left is projecting onto President Trump what their plans actually are, I can’t help but think that eliminating some of these of leftist loons would Make America Great Again!

Since the founding of the Democrat Party these people have caused the Civil War, civil strife, massive crime, the intentional destruction of the black family in particular, and all families in general, war after war with no intention of victory, trillions in redistributed wealth, stolen elections, massive crime rates and a national injustice system, everything good has been made bad, they have led the destruction of the greatest mass free education system on the planet. The Democrat Party, from it’s very beginning, has been nothing more than an evil plague upon this country and one that destroys everything that it comes into contact with,

And more recently it’s only one political party that is incarcerating political prisoners, and that would be the Democrat Party. Would Democrats execute people if they felt they had enough power to get away with it? Past experience says yes, yes they would. There has yet to be a low to which they won’t stoop to gain or to keep their power. Democrats are a very unique species, one that is congenitally narcissistic, irrational, and malicious. They actually believe that they are the moral compass even when they are projecting and gas lighting everything. The sad irony here that should be lost on no one is the fact that the Left has killed 200 million people since 1917,

And it’s all because Donald Trump getting elected threw a sizable monkey wrench into the machine! Had Hitlery had won and appointed three Supreme Court Justices, the United States Constitution would now be lying in shreds and this country would be even more unrecognizable than it has been made to be under Joey. Those in the ‘fake news’ media who announce lies they know are lies should be imprisoned. They are in the position to cause some mentally unstable loon to cause serious bodily injury or death against someone they’ve convinced others is a threat. If that happens, it is the same as if the media clown set these unstable idiots on a path to create havoc.

Nothing has been more toxic and corrosive to our people, our country, and our culture than this king of warped, left-wing thinking. ‘Joe the Schmo’ is a good example of what the long-term effects are when left wing thinking is your only way of life. These are very miserable people. The only thing that seems to bring any level of joy to their miserable lives is attempting to make all those around them just as miserable as they are. Rhetorically, this is all they have left, they've painted themselves into a corner. The left always accuse others of what they plan to do. This sounds like an admission that they turn to the usual leftist death squads if they are allowed to.

After three years of socialism, the horror stories about what President Trump will do keeps getting farther and farther out into left field. But most Americans remember  what President Trump actually did while in office and what Joey has done while in office, and it makes President Trump look more competent and trustworthy with each passing day. Hours and hours of mind-numbing propaganda to convince people that President Trump is the villain here, simply isn't working. So we have even more proof that those in the ‘fake news’ media is in league with the Democrats and the extreme left in this country. And their main purpose in life is…fearmongering.

Tuesday, November 21, 2023


It’s official, those afflicted with the mental disorder commonly referred to as Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) seem to now be approaching the point where, I think, we can safely identify as being Stage 5 of their condition, the final phase where the only prognosis is one where those afflicted, for both their safety and the safety of others, regardless of political affiliation are doomed to live out the remainder of their lives safely tucked away in a rubber room. And I have no doubt that the closer we get to the 2024 election those who have thus far been able to keep their affliction somewhat under control, will simply no longer be able to do so.

And it was one of those afflicted, MSDNC talking head Claire McCaskill, who, during an appearance this past Monday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” claimed to be freaked out about the fact that are people who would actually vote for President Trump because she believes him to be “mentally deranged.” And why is it, exactly, that Democrats are always so quick to claim that President Trump is mentally deranged, but can never quite bring themselves to acknowledge the fact that Joey B. is mentally incapacitated. McCaskill is another tired old Democrat attack dog who’s been wrong on every single issue, and who has no qualms about lying to justify her opinions.

And it was McCaskill who then went on to say, “There is absolutely a need to do more and do better and cover the ground more thoroughly in black and brown voters’ houses all over this country. They know what’s at stake. Even the young voters, they know what’s at stake. They know about Dobbs. They know about our military style weapons that are slaughtering children sitting in classrooms. They know that they’re banning books and trying to look down their nose at Americans who are gay and married in this country. They’re not going to stand for that.” And she added, “They know that the Republican Party thinks climate change is a hoax."

She continued, “It’s just a matter of making sure that the campaign prioritizes the communication of those communities. I think they’ve got that. I think what’s hard about it, though, I think we have to admit, we see Donald Trump is so completely unacceptable, a mentally deranged, narcissistic, dangerous, horrible, man that only knows selfishness. The idea that anybody would be voting for him, freaks all of us out. So the fact that there are this many that are saying it out loud to somebody, even though it is anonymously, is enough to just make your stomach hurt.” And since mental derangement is a prerequisite for being a Democrat, she would know.

Quite the contrary, as long as we’re on the subject of what it might mean to be “mentally deranged”, I would argue that it’s at least 99. 9 percent of all Democrats who are actually the ones who are mentally deranged. After all, it’s according to Democrats, and I’m sure Ms. McCaskill agrees, that it’s men who can have babies, five-year-olds should learn about sex, boys can become girls, white children are inherently racist and oppress minorities, parents concerned about the education of their children are “domestic terrorists,” the Communist Chinese are not a threat, it’s acceptable to kill babies up to the moment of birth, and so very much more.

Speaking of mentally deranged, you have to wonder about those who are able to look back over the course of the last three years and see anything other than what has been an unmitigated disaster on every single level. And yet, these very same people expect me to embrace Joey’s catastrophic failure compared to the much better times, under the ‘mentally deranged’ President Trump. Democrats never seem to learn that the harder they press this tactic of theirs, the more entrenched President Trump’s support becomes. Every attack proves just how desperate they are and they promote the persecution narrative that only raises President Trumps poll numbers.

According to those like McCaskill, President Trump is the one who’s crazy because he thinks the people actually know what’s best for themselves and their families, and not the government. Meanwhile, Democrats believe that if they repeat the same nonsense over and over, people will believe them. And it is those in the ‘fake news’ media who work to assist them. But I’m not persuaded that anyone other than the most ardent of die-hards are buying any of it. It’s just another indication of how many politicians have contempt for voters who don’t vote the way they want them to. It also raises suspicions that they also have contempt for any voter, even ones who vote for them.

It's rather amusing how the “woke” flock that worships the government, accuses MAGA of being a cult because their cult will not allow them to see that their god, the federal government, has ordered them to see any disagreement with their gospel as heretical for the blasphemy of their deity. The level of indoctrination of the “woke” is really quite breathtaking. They are incapable of independent thought and merely requote the party gospel which is pure and holy. In short, one would have an easier time arguing the veracity of the virgin birth with an Evangelical than refute the government gospel that the “woke” flock accept without question.

It’s all the time that we hear from leftist loons, like McCaskill, about how it is that President Trump is racist, or that he’s insane, or is somehow a threat to what the Democrats insist upon referring to as ‘our democracy,’ and on and on. But they’re never really able to provide any actual proof of their many accusations. Democrats, again like McCaskill, are determined to repeat their idiotic rhetoric ad nauseam in what is nothing more than an attempt to create converts to their twisted ideology. And they think if it is spewed often enough, and loud enough, their toxic rhetoric will eventually come to be accepted, just as they have accepted it, as being the truth.

McCaskill is either not intelligent enough to understand, or is simply unwilling to acknowledge, the damage that Joey has done, and continues to do, to America and the American taxpayers. She is another of those who spend all of their time telling me why I shouldn’t vote for President Trump and zero time telling me why it is that I should vote for Joey. There is nothing sadder than watching a Democrat politician who lost her re-election and who continues to whine about it. Someone should tell McCaskill that the first step in curing your problems is admitting that you have problems. But admitting you have a problem is not what Democrats tend to do.

The fact that President Trump refuses to go away continues to drive them all absolutely insane.  And while McCaskill may be a loon, she at least has the latest talking point down. President Trump is to be seen as being both dangerous and a threat to ‘democracy,’ and it’s all of President Trump’s supporters who are likewise dangerous and a threat to ‘democracy.’ Democrats would vote for Joe B. if he was on a gurney hooked up to life support. But it’s President Trump who will be re-elected for a third time and it’s on that day that there will again be a flood of liberal tears when Donald Trump is once again victorious. And that will bring a gleam to my one good eye.

Monday, November 20, 2023


Never, and I do mean never, have I experienced a level of frustration regarding a politician than the level of frustration I have now experienced at the hands of my governor, Ron DeSantis. It came about when President Trump declared that he did in fact intend to run in 2024. And DeSantis was then my first choice to be his running mate completing what I then felt was our political dream team. The team that would win and put DeSantis in the position of being able to take the baton in 2028 and with luck would go on to win re-election in 2032. But it all came unraveled on the way to the 2024 election when DeSantis allowed his ego to get the better of him.

But whether it was ego or perhaps because of some outside influence coming from those dead set against another Trump presidency, DeSantis broke his promise to the voters in Florida, one made when asking them to re-elect him as their governor, and he also broke his promise of not running for president if President Trump did. So to my way of thinking, DeSantis gave up a shot at a sure thing in exchange for a shot in the dark. I had such high hopes for DeSantis, and yet he chose to betray those who trusted him to keep his word. And how is that he can still expect people to vote for him after so blatantly lying to so many of them and, essentially, continuing to do so.

If anything, DeSantis has demonstrated that he is not presidential material. I had much respect for the guy until his run for president started. He’s a RINO, and is nowhere near ready for prime time. And he did so once again over the weekend, during an appearance this past Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union,” hosted by Jake ‘Mr. Fake New’ Tapper. You see it was then that DeSantis, presidential wannabe, made the claim that President Trump was too old to be president of the United States. The DeSantis/Christy tag team on CNN will win neither of them many votes. Christy does it because no one else is listening to him, DeSantis is doing it out of desperation.

Oddly enough, he doesn’t seem to be too old to be cleaning DeSantis’ clock and ending any chance that he might have once had to rise any higher than a two-term governor. Anyway, Tapper asked, “Your campaign keeps a running list and keeps tweeting a running list of Donald Trump’s fumbles and accidents and confused moments, that’s what they call them, saying this is why his handlers won’t let him debate, noting times that trump has forgot what state he is in, times he has confused Biden and Obama, confused Kristi Noem and on and on. What do you think about Donald Trump’s mental fitness? Do you think he’s too old to be president?"

DeSantis said, “I have said publicly the president is not a job for an 80-year-old. Donald Trump will be order on July 2025 than Biden was in January 2021. But this is not the same guy as the Trump in 2015 and ’16. That guy would show up on the debate stage, he would barnstorm. Yes, he was off-color, he was edgy, but it was all part of an idea that he was really going to shake things up. Now he’s wedded to the teleprompter, he’s not willing to debate, and he’s running on many of the same things he promised to do in 2016 and didn’t deliver.” He said, “Donald Trump is a high-risk proposition as a nominee, because I think the chance of him getting elected is small."

He continued, “But it’s a low reward, because he’s going to be a lame duck on day one, even if he could get elected.” DeSantis added, “Look, when you get to this point, the presidency is not a job for somebody that’s pushing 80 years old, I think that that’s something that has been shown with Joe Biden. Father time is undefeated. Donald Trump is not exempt from any of that. I think with somebody like me, you go in, I’m in the prime of my life, I’ll go in day one, serve two terms, deliver big results and get the country moving again. That’s what Republican voters want to see.” It would seem me that DeSantis is sounding a little desperate. Best to bow out now.

And thus we have yet another example of how it is that CNN is willing to provide a platform to anyone with an ‘R’ after their name who’s willing to bash President Trump. DeSantis is another Bush candidate who, just like Jeb, can’t win. DeSantis shouldn’t have listened to Rove and waited until 2028. DeSantis struggled to win his first run as Florida Governor because of his congressional voting record and he was running against an avowed Communist under an FBI indictment. And it was only after President Trump’s endorsement that DeSantis started to gain any amount of momentum. People here Floridia’s didn’t appreciate him breaking campaign promises.

President Trump has shown more energy, strength, and vitality on the campaign trail than those who are half his age, including DeSantis. President Trump has held numerous rallies during which he speaks for 60-90 minutes, off the cuff and with no teleprompter. He remembers specific dates, names, legislation, and foreign leader’s policies. President Trump understands the world. I don’t see DeSantis doing anything to prove to people he’s the man for the job. I don’t care how old he is, or isn’t. Too Old? President Trump is fighting numerous political persecutions in court, he does at least one rally every week where he fires up thousands of people, and on and on.

Talk about hammering the final nail into one’s own coffin. DeSantis wasn't smart enough to realize that now wasn't his time. Now, there will be no later for Ron. Disloyalty and poor judgement has consequences. DeSantis, just like every other of those trying to take down President Trump still seem not to understand that no Republican will win the presidency without Trump supporters. DeSantis will likely be out after Iowa. It’ll be embarrassing. He should have excused himself two months ago, thrown his support behind Trump and gone back to being one of the best governor’s Florida has had. DeSantis was NEVER a viable candidate vs Trump.

DeSantis took a shot and missed. He allowed himself to used as part of the Republican establishment’s gameplan to take out President Trump. His political career, I think, is now officially over. The age of the president doesn’t really matter. Proof? Joey is so old he has no brainpower whatsoever. Has that stopped him from giving the left almost everything their hearts desire? Nope. With President Trump you know what you’re getting. America first. No matter how old he gets he will push America first and we will get much of what we want. Is DeSantis America first or is he a RINO who will betray us? I honestly have no idea. No one really knows so just vote for Trump.

In one sense though, I think, DeSantis is right, Donald Trump is not the same guy. He’s not the political novice he was in 2016. Now he’s wiser and has been put through the wringer and continues to fight for America and to lead us. He is the only one who can. I live here in Florida. I will tell you who is not the same guy, and that’s DeSantis. He took globalist billionaire dollars this last election and failed to keep his promise to us. He said he would not run for president but is keepers changed his mind. DeSantis would do himself a favor to come home, Florida needs his full attention and regain the faith of all of us then maybe he can be president someday but not this time.

Finally, DeSantis will be forever known as being a two-term governor. He has roughly three years left in his second term. What’s he planning to do next? He’s sabotaging his future in politics and it’s a little sad to watch. And then there’s President Trump, like the doctor with a terrible bedside manner. He tells you that you need to lose 50 pounds and to stop smoking. You’re offended and you’re angry, you come up with 10 reasons why you think he’s crazy. And then one night while you’re sitting there watching TV with a beer in your hand, you suffer a heart attack. You wake up in the ICU and finally realize that he was the only one who was telling you the truth.

Saturday, November 18, 2023


It was this past Thursday that soon to be former Democrat Senator Joe Manchin stopped by to pay a little visit to one of ‘Fox News’ more prominent NeverTrumpers, Bret Baier, appearing on FNC’s “Special Report.” And it was then that the outgoing senator addressed speculation that he would be seeking the White House as a third-party candidate in 2024. Now it might be worth mentioning that Manchin is an “outgoing” senator for the very simple reason that he decided not to run for re-election because most recent polls seem to indicate that if he had, in fact, chosen to run he most likely would have ended up going down in a rather spectacular defeat.

And yet, oddly enough, he thinks himself worthy of being president and apparently views himself as being a far better option than the two currently leading contenders. It was during this recent exchange that Manchin gave low marks to the two parties’ frontrunners, *president Joey and President Trump. And he told Baier that he had little confidence in either and warned of severe consequences if President Trump were to win a second term. And, of course, being no fan of President Trump himself, Baier did little more than to simply nod his head in agreement. After all, he certainly wasn’t going to disagree with anyone talking badly about President Trump.

Manchin said, “Well, first of all, we don’t know on Super Tuesday who the two candidates may be on the Democrat and Republican side.” And he then went on to say, “But right now, I guess all odds are they will be Donald Trump and Joe Biden. And I’m as honest as I can be with you, Bret. I believe that Donald Trump being elected again would destroy democracy as we know it. I — I’m concerned. I’m very scared because he’s already said what he would do. He’s going to use the power of the office for revenge. He’s going to basically — he doesn’t believe that — the only election — what he believes is, the only fair election is the one he won."

Manchin continued, “And he doesn’t believe in the rule of law, to where the law only pertains to everybody but him.” He added, “It’s a horrible situation.” He said, “And I just — I’m scared of that. That would destroy our country as I know it. And Joe Biden is not the person when he came there saying, I know how it works, I can bring the country together, I’m a centrist. Well, he’s pulled clear far to the left. So, let’s see what happens. Will anybody change? I don’t know. Will the rhetoric change? But if we don’t mobilize the moderate, sensible, what — we’re going to call them the radical middle, OK, the radical middle.” A Democrat talking about rhetoric, too funny!!!

Manchin went on to say, “Those are people that make commonsense decisions, that run their life, that run their family, that run their businesses, from the center-left, center-right, not from the extremes.” He concluded saying, “And that’s what’s happened.” And added, “And the business in Washington is too darn good. The Republican business and the Democrat business is pretty darn good here. And they’re not going to change their model. So, unless we push it, it’s not going to — nothing will change.” On the contrary, nothing will change until those within Manchin’s own party are finally held accountable for their win-at-all-costs approach to elections.

I can’t think of any reason why President Trump might want to take revenge, can you? I mean, I can’t think of why he might believe that the law only applies to him and not to the Democrats, can you? Let’s face it, President Trump has been the target of vengeful Democrats ever since he was first elected, if not even before. We are sick of this two-tiered justice system we have where laws only apply to conservatives and not to liberals. What President Trump will do is not revenge, but only the setting of things back in the proper order. If elected, he should do exactly what he promised to do the first time, drain the swamp! That, my friends, is exactly what Manchin is afraid of.

Manchin’s idiotic comments prove only that he refuses to acknowledge the level of destruction that has already occurred in America, and primarily at the hands of those in his own party. And after all that has transpired over the course of the last three years, especially when you consider where things were when Joey first set foot in the Oval Office, for Manchin to claim that electing President Trump would bring the end of ‘democracy,’ is simply ludicrous. But thankfully, what we have here is not a ‘democracy,’ we have a constitutional republic. And if Mr. Manchin doesn’t know the difference, then I’m afraid that he is nothing more than part of a serious problem.

On the contrary, instead of bringing about the end of ‘democracy,’ a Trump re-election would more than likely bring about that which would be the beginning of the end of the Establishment and of the Deep State. That’s what has those like Manchin so terrified. Corruption in our federal government is now dangerously rampant. Granted, while President Trump may not have succeeded in completely draining ‘the swamp’ during his previous time in office, he was, at least, able to drain it to the point where so many of the swamp rats, previously able to operate with some level of anonymity, were forced out into the full light of day becoming visible for all to see.

Manchin says President Trump would ruin ‘democracy’ by somehow seeking revenge, but he says little to explain how? President Trump’s list of accomplishments during his first term in office are there for all to see and millions of Americans benefitted, regardless of race, gender or sexual persuasion. Our economy was booming, our borders were more secure than they had been in decades, American was also made to be energy independent for the first time in decades, inflation was low, regulations were reduced, foreign powers were controlled, our military was made powerful, and much more. And yet this is the man that Manchin claims is a danger to democracy?

I am sick and tired of Democrats using their mantra of “the end of our Democracy”, for everything that doesn’t suit them. Seems like it’s far too easy to use that nonsense as justification for anything they do to hang on to power. It’s nothing but fear mongering, and they know it. They promise to “govern for all” with “centrist policies”. The only problem is that the Democrats, including Manchin, have now swung so far left that anything close to center is now to be considered to be “far right extremism.” What’s so ironic about Manchin’s claim is that the Democrats sought vengeance the moment Trump was elected President, and they’ve yet to stop.

Manchin knows President Trump has plenty of reasons to seek revenge. What the Democrats, along with their media sycophants, have done to President Trump is evil. Of course, Democrats are afraid of another Trump presidency, but not because of revenge, but because all of their corruption will have to stop. Do you ever wonder why it is that there’s never a Democrat who votes against their party, they vote in a block because the penalty for voting against the party must be very severe. They don’t want what’s best for the country they want only what’s best for their party. And although Manchin may like to portray himself as a ‘centrist,’ he most certainly is not.

Manchin is a globalist, one Hell bent on maintaining power to the elite, all under the guise of “protecting our democracy” and portraying himself as a “moderate.” If he was genuinely interested in taking care of his constituents back home, he wouldn’t continually do just as he is told to do by Chuckie Schumer. Manchin has never been “middle of the road” kind of guy. Instead, he’s been a spineless wimp his entire political career, playing up his fake ‘old timey’ bona fides to the folks back home while keeping to the leftist side of every critical vote. He caves like a West Virginia coal mine and gets bulldozed by the worst leftist elements of his party.

And Manchin conveniently forgets, or simply chooses to ignore, that Joey has been doing the very same things that Democrats have long accused President Trump of doing or will do if elected. They keep saying President Trump has no respect for the rule of law, yet it’s they who constantly ignore it. They continue to accuse him of doing what they have been doing for decades. They make these generic statements, “Trump is breaking the law,” but what did he do and how did it violate the law? When did he do it? They have no answers, just claims of bogus offenses that exist only in their demented minds and in the pages of their bought-and-paid-for ‘news’ media.

Perhaps the brand of ‘democracy’ Manchin wants to save, and has benefitted from, needs to be destroyed, so that we can finally return to the government our Founding Fathers envisioned. Manchin wants to save the fraud in our elections, legislators doing their time in office and becoming multi-millionaires in the process, a wide-open Southern border, and a government that has broken its social contract with the governed. I suggest that Manchin is very happy with the system of ‘democracy’ that works like a charm for the ruling class. He needs to get over himself, he’s No Savior, and he’s no profile in courage. Conceit, hubris, and greed are his calling cards.

Finally, Manchin has managed to end his career looking more like a stooge of the left than the independent statesman worthy of being President. It was his support that enabled passage of the so-called ‘Inflation Reduction Act.’ The name itself is a joke. A year after passage Manchin decried its leftist administration and implementation by declaring he might repeal it. Realizing he had stepped in dog shit and was at risk of tracking it across all of West Virginia during a campaign, he wisely chose not to run. Now his thinking is: Well, if I can’t get elected to the Senate in my own state, then maybe I should run for President. Manchin, a loser who’s a legend in his own mind.

Friday, November 17, 2023


Desperation, thy name is…Democrats? It should now be apparent to most that as more and more Americans become increasingly disenchanted with the direction in which Joey now has the country headed, the more desperate Democrats have become in what has been their continuing effort to remove President Trump from the game, to permanently sideline he who they view as being the greatest threat they face when it comes to their ongoing mission to destroy America. Their current point man in this, their continuing propaganda campaign, would appear to be none other than that veteran of the January 6 committee, and slimy piece of shit, Jamie Raskin.

And it was this past Wednesday, during an appearance on a quirky little CNN show called, “Laura Coates Live” that Raskin put forth the claim that President Trump does not need to be criminally convicted of insurrection for the 14th Amendment to disqualify him as president. Now it would be reasonable to assume that someone who spent more than 25 years as a constitutional law professor, might actually know a thing or two about the subject matter. But actually, all he has continued to demonstrate is a rather extraordinary lack of knowledge of it. But like a used car salesman trying to sell you a piece of shit car, he can spit out facts about it.

Anyway, Raskin said, “The authors of the 14th Amendment themselves dealt with that question. They felt that if someone sets themselves at war against the Constitution, and engages in the most profound anti-democratic act of trying to overthrow an election by installing themselves in office with an insurrection, then at that point, they are constitutionally barred. So, when people say, it is undemocratic what the voters decide, that’s like saying, let Vladimir Putin run for president, even though he’s not a U.S. citizen because it would be undemocratic to deny that choice to the voters. The Constitution has already made that judgment."

He continued, “I think what we need is a judicial determination of whether or not an impeachment by the House, 57 to 43 vote in the Senate, enough to establish as a civil proposition that he’s engaged in insurrection or whether you need additional adjudicated fact finding by the court. But nowhere does it say that you need to have a criminal conviction in order to make section three of the 14th Amendment apply.” I think the Democrats have beat that dead horse beyond all believability. But that said, the stupidity of so many Americans would see to know no bounds. Therefore, it’s all things therefore remain well within the realm of possibility.

Raskin seems to forget, or simply chooses to ignore, the FACT that every Democrat candidate since Carter has challenged the legitimacy of the presidential election after they lost. All tried to overturn the election, and not once did a single Democrat ever object to any of those challenges. All that President Trump did was to question the fairness of the election during a time when every means possible was used by Democrats to secure a win. Not a single challenge was allowed in the courts because Democrats controlled the courts. All Trump did was attempt to explore all LEGAL means of challenging the vote counts where fraud was clearly obvious.

The only people who believe January 6 was an insurrection are Democrats. By Raskin’s own logic it would seem all that is now required to bar someone from the ballot is the Democrats declaring that the candidate should be barred because of their opinion. If this is allowed, it will be precedent for Democrats to do this into perpetuity. This is their definition of “democracy.” Reaching far out into left field seems to be a habit Democrats have developed in order to politically destroy their opposition. To scheme and engage in a conspiracy to remove your opponent from the ballot because your side cannot win fairly is indeed the most profoundly undemocratic act ever.

I’m not surprised that Raskin and those like him are quivering in their boots fearing President Trump will run and quite possibly even be re-re-elected. Why would this loser be concerned about it? Why does Raskin feel the need to discuss a private citizen possibly running for President? Guilty until proven innocent, that’s how Democrats choose to deal with those they view as a threat to both them and their agenda. Clearly the those in the Democrat Party are grasping at any straw to try and stop President Trump. They are terrified of what President Trump will do to these criminals and their cronies operating in the shadows, and they should be scared.

Granted, people will say all manner of strange things when they’re scared; they’ll understandably even lie to get back to where they again have a feeling of safety and security. Their fear is real, they have tried everything possible in their attempt to slay the monster, but nothing has worked and now they are out of ideas. So much time and so much money spent, and all for naught. You can bet they are now of a mindset where they think President Trump can actually win this thing. Everyone now knows the King is feeble and the court has been ruling. Raskin is nothing more than a liar and a fraud, and he absolutely reeks of desperation. Democrats are in full panic mode.

Thursday, November 16, 2023


So riddle me this, just what is it, exactly, that makes Chris Christie honestly believe that there is anyone, anywhere, who actually gives a flying fuck about anything he may have to say on the subject of President Trump, or anything else for that matter? And does he also honestly think that there are enough people who believe that he is using this newfound platform of his, as a supposed candidate for president, as anything other than a platform from which he is free to attack President Trump, and all under the guise of merely being a political opponent running for the same office. And who’s paying Christie to stay in a race he has no chance of actually winning?

So anyway, it was during an appearance this past Wednesday on MSDNC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports” that Christie, a supposed candidate for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, made the claim that President Trump will be convicted in his federal election interference case. Christie said, “You and I both know why Donald Trump is not on that debate stage. It’s because I am. After I’ve qualified for this debate, that means I’ll be in every other debate from here forward. We’re going to fight each other at some point. I’m going to hold him to account for the fact that he is not fit to be president of the United States, he is unfit by his own conduct."

He added, “Come this spring, Andrea, he is going to be convicted by a jury here in Washington. And do you know who is going to convict him? Mark Meadows, who now has a cooperation agreement with the federal government. He’s going to sit 20 feet from Donald Trump in a courtroom down the street from where we are, and he’s going to say Donald Trump committed crimes on his watch and that he lied starting on election night, knowingly, about the results of the election, and instructed others, including Mark Meadows, to commit crimes to try to overturn the election. We cannot have that kind of person as a nominee of either major party."

Christie touted, “I’m the only one out there in the Republican Party in this race saying it.” He also claimed to be the only one in the race who’s actually running against President Trump. Mitchell said, “Let me ask you about the Republican contest then. Donald Trump on Veterans Day gave a speech, a scripted speech, and then he posted it as well. This was no accidental ad-lib, referring to getting rid of the vermin, using language that Hitler and Mussolini used. Then his press spokesman said we’re not talking about extinguishing, we’re talking about eliminating or changing something. What kind of language is that for the front-runner by leaps and bounds?"

Christie said, “That’s what I’m hearing and that’s why I’m running against him. As you know from watching the race closely, I am the only candidate running against Donald Trump. Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis seem to be running against each other for second place. Good for them. But when Nikki Haley stands on the stage on Wednesday night and says Donald Trump was the right president for the right time, when Ron DeSantis continues to defend Donald Trump, you cannot beat someone unless you run against them.” Christie is another of those who claim to be a Republican but are, in fact, Democrats who would rather see a Democrat in the White House than President Trump.

Christie added, “The only path to the Republican nomination for president is not around Donald Trump or next to Donald Trump, it is through Donald Trump. And the fact is, I’m the only person willing to do that. I’m the only person with the guts and the experience to be able to do it.” This guy continues to berate President Trump but fails to communicate exactly what his policies are. “I hate Trump,” really isn’t much of a platform to run on, nor does it convince all that many people to vote for you. Which is why his supposed candidacy quite literally makes absolutely no sense to me. Christie never explain how he would better the lives of Americans as president.

Good God, this clown has more fat between ears than he does around his waist. This isn’t exactly a news flash, of course President Trump is going to be convicted, how could he not be when the deck stacked against him the way it is. Not a single person doesn’t believe that. After all, that’s exactly what happens in our current “kangaroo court” judiciary. Just look at that sycophant idiot judge in New York. Telling the defendant, on the stand testifying, to shut up because he doesn’t care what the witness has to say. I think it’s safe to say that President Trump was convicted before the trial even began. And Christie seems to be very much in favor of that.

I mean, it’s quite the lopsided scenario that we’re watching play out here, and it seems not to bother any of President Trump’s opponents, which says far more about them than him. We have corrupt Democrat prosecutors, corrupt Democrat judges and severely tainted juries all poised to convict President Trump. But a word to the wise, the majority of Americans are neither blind nor are they particularly stupid. And thus far these ‘legal’ antics have accomplished the opposite of what was intended, as they have only made decent Americans support President Trump even more. Democrats know they can’t defeat President Trump in an honest election, hence all these legal shenanigans.

Look, there are any number of reasons I could never support Christie for president. Clearly, he’s delusional. Instead of being our campaigning, he should be seeking psychiatric help. It’s scary that someone this delusional is running for the presidency. His poll numbers are worse than both DeSantis and Haley’s poll numbers, and his are laughable compared to President Trump's numbers. What alternate universe does Christie reside in? You would have to be a complete moron not to recognize that he’s only ‘running’ in order to get free media face time to bash President Trump and make himself look like a drunken fool. Stick a fork in him, he was done a long time ago.

And if I was a betting man, I’d be willing to bet that the only reason Christie continues to get any amount of airtime, on any supposed ‘news’ network, is because he can be counted on to trash President Trump, and those in the ‘fake news’ media love that. This is exactly the nonsense that makes Christie a bad choice for any government office. Christie can’t possibly know for certain the future outcomes of these proceedings against President Trumps, unless it’s been predetermined by the deep state, and they’ve tipped Christie off to their diabolical plot. Christie is doing nothing more than to play the part of stooge, a part he’s only too happy to play.

Now I will admit that back in 2016 I was bit reluctant to get onboard the ‘Trump Train.’ But once he was the nominee, I was all in, and have been all in ever since. I gladly voted for him in 2020 and will gladly vote for him again in 2024. And it’s bad enough President Trump has had to battle the Democrats, that RINOs and a weaponized judicial system, but to go to a ‘debate’ where the moderators are hostile and where these fraudulent indictments are brought up over and over again while President Trump’s responses are restricted due to unconstitutionally imposed gag orders makes no sense. Why play when the playing field is so badly tilted against you?

And for someone who’s supposed to know a thing or two about the law, Christie is either playing dumb, or is outright lying. He should know that all of the legal cases against President Trump are contrived, baseless, illegal and/or unconstitutional, and would be dismissed with prejudice by an honest judge. And he is not only not that swift on the law, but his lack of loyalty to a true Republican leader and great American is disqualifying. Using the full weight of the government and the ‘fake news’ media to crush a citizen outsider by all available means for wanting only to make America better will only make us who oppose such hooliganism stronger.

Finally, Christie is delusional if he believes he’s the reason President Trump isn’t on the debate stage. President Trump is acting like the presumptive nominee, because he is. Christie is no more of a threat than any other stooge attending these fake debates; less in fact, because everyone with a functioning brain knows the only reason Christie has been carried this far is to give him a platform from which to attack President Trump from. There is absolutely nothing principled about him, or his candidacy. Christie is a traitor to his own party. He is openly rooting for the leader of his party to be sent to prison! Nothing about him makes him worthy of being our president.