Riddle me this, is there anyone, anywhere, other than perhaps the most brain dead of Democrats, or most devout of our Trump hating RINOs, who cares what Adam Schiff has to say on the subject of President Trump, a guy who he clearly despises and has been lying about for the last eight years. The natural reaction for most people whenever this boob appears on their television is to either change the channel or to get the sudden urge to go take a dump. I mean, if you’re genuinely interested in the truth, then to spend any amount of time listening to this boob is nothing more than a waste of time. You see, he hates President Trump, and wants you to hate him too.
"If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear." ― George Orwell
Thursday, November 30, 2023
Riddle me this, is there anyone, anywhere, other than perhaps the most brain dead of Democrats, or most devout of our Trump hating RINOs, who cares what Adam Schiff has to say on the subject of President Trump, a guy who he clearly despises and has been lying about for the last eight years. The natural reaction for most people whenever this boob appears on their television is to either change the channel or to get the sudden urge to go take a dump. I mean, if you’re genuinely interested in the truth, then to spend any amount of time listening to this boob is nothing more than a waste of time. You see, he hates President Trump, and wants you to hate him too.
Wednesday, November 29, 2023
Wouldn’t you just know it that yet another puke-bag RINO has again slithered out from his place in the shadows to spew much the same sort of drivel that we’ve continued to hear from so many others of his ilk in their ongoing attempt to do all that they can to prevent President Trump from being re-elected. I know, shocking, right? Like I’m sure none of us saw that coming. This time around it was some clown by the name of Matthew Dowd, whose only apparent claim to fame is that back in 2004 he was some sort of a strategist for the Bush-Cheney campaign, a team that I am now very much embarrassed to admit that I voted for, not once but twice.
Tuesday, November 28, 2023
These days, I think it fair to say that all of our ‘fake news’ organizations have gone far beyond being merely biased in how they present the events of the day. Those who millions of Americans still rely upon for their daily intake of ‘news’ and information are nothing more than patently dishonest in their presentation of the events of the day. And what prompts me bring this up yet again is how it’s President Trump who is always portrayed as anti-Semitic and anti-Israel. In truth, it’s Democrats who quite literally hate Israel and are not bothered in the least that there are forces at work who seek nothing more than wiping this tiny country from the face of the Earth.
Monday, November 27, 2023
Chris Christie continues to forge ahead on this rather peculiar journey of his to forever cement his place among those who have achieved nothing more than a certain level of political mediocrity. As I have said on any number of previous occasions, I’m not certain exactly what Christie is up to, but I’m as sure as I can be that he is not running to be our next president. And I think we can all agree that the ONLY reason that Christie continues to be asked to appear on any of our so-called ‘news’ programs is because he can be counted on to attack President Trump. Christie is merely striking while the iron is hot, because soon enough he’ll have no choice but to fade away.
Thursday, November 23, 2023
I have often wondered aloud about how it is that some of the most uneducated people in the country continue to assume that just because they have, only through the grace of God, been able to amass a sizable amount of wealth, they are also worthy of being listened to when it comes to all that ails this country. Which when you stop and think about, it’s more than a little ironic since ALL that presently ails this country has been brought about by those whom these very same people have supported, continue to support, and to whom they have provided mountains of campaign cash. And it’s all of these leftists that literally reek of desperation and fear of President Trump.
Wednesday, November 22, 2023
Those on the left, extreme and/or otherwise, persist in their self-serving belief that we on the right would behave as they would under the same circumstances. Take for instance the juvenile, and quite bizarre, claims that continue to be hurled at President Trump by those who are very clearly borderline psychotic. These people have, quite literally, allowed themselves to be driven mad by their intense hatred of Donald Trump. To the point where they now claim that should the American people actually choose to re-elect him, he will most assuredly retaliate against those who have attacked him unmercifully for what has now been nearly eight years.
Tuesday, November 21, 2023
It’s official, those afflicted with the mental disorder commonly referred to as Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) seem to now be approaching the point where, I think, we can safely identify as being Stage 5 of their condition, the final phase where the only prognosis is one where those afflicted, for both their safety and the safety of others, regardless of political affiliation are doomed to live out the remainder of their lives safely tucked away in a rubber room. And I have no doubt that the closer we get to the 2024 election those who have thus far been able to keep their affliction somewhat under control, will simply no longer be able to do so.
And it was McCaskill who then went on to say, “There is absolutely a need to do more and do better and cover the ground more thoroughly in black and brown voters’ houses all over this country. They know what’s at stake. Even the young voters, they know what’s at stake. They know about Dobbs. They know about our military style weapons that are slaughtering children sitting in classrooms. They know that they’re banning books and trying to look down their nose at Americans who are gay and married in this country. They’re not going to stand for that.” And she added, “They know that the Republican Party thinks climate change is a hoax."
She continued, “It’s just a matter of making sure that the campaign prioritizes the communication of those communities. I think they’ve got that. I think what’s hard about it, though, I think we have to admit, we see Donald Trump is so completely unacceptable, a mentally deranged, narcissistic, dangerous, horrible, man that only knows selfishness. The idea that anybody would be voting for him, freaks all of us out. So the fact that there are this many that are saying it out loud to somebody, even though it is anonymously, is enough to just make your stomach hurt.” And since mental derangement is a prerequisite for being a Democrat, she would know.
Quite the contrary, as long as we’re on the subject of what it might mean to be “mentally deranged”, I would argue that it’s at least 99. 9 percent of all Democrats who are actually the ones who are mentally deranged. After all, it’s according to Democrats, and I’m sure Ms. McCaskill agrees, that it’s men who can have babies, five-year-olds should learn about sex, boys can become girls, white children are inherently racist and oppress minorities, parents concerned about the education of their children are “domestic terrorists,” the Communist Chinese are not a threat, it’s acceptable to kill babies up to the moment of birth, and so very much more.
Speaking of mentally deranged, you have to wonder about those who are able to look back over the course of the last three years and see anything other than what has been an unmitigated disaster on every single level. And yet, these very same people expect me to embrace Joey’s catastrophic failure compared to the much better times, under the ‘mentally deranged’ President Trump. Democrats never seem to learn that the harder they press this tactic of theirs, the more entrenched President Trump’s support becomes. Every attack proves just how desperate they are and they promote the persecution narrative that only raises President Trumps poll numbers.
According to those like McCaskill, President Trump is the one who’s crazy because he thinks the people actually know what’s best for themselves and their families, and not the government. Meanwhile, Democrats believe that if they repeat the same nonsense over and over, people will believe them. And it is those in the ‘fake news’ media who work to assist them. But I’m not persuaded that anyone other than the most ardent of die-hards are buying any of it. It’s just another indication of how many politicians have contempt for voters who don’t vote the way they want them to. It also raises suspicions that they also have contempt for any voter, even ones who vote for them.
It's rather amusing how the “woke” flock that worships the government, accuses MAGA of being a cult because their cult will not allow them to see that their god, the federal government, has ordered them to see any disagreement with their gospel as heretical for the blasphemy of their deity. The level of indoctrination of the “woke” is really quite breathtaking. They are incapable of independent thought and merely requote the party gospel which is pure and holy. In short, one would have an easier time arguing the veracity of the virgin birth with an Evangelical than refute the government gospel that the “woke” flock accept without question.
It’s all the time that we hear from leftist loons, like McCaskill, about how it is that President Trump is racist, or that he’s insane, or is somehow a threat to what the Democrats insist upon referring to as ‘our democracy,’ and on and on. But they’re never really able to provide any actual proof of their many accusations. Democrats, again like McCaskill, are determined to repeat their idiotic rhetoric ad nauseam in what is nothing more than an attempt to create converts to their twisted ideology. And they think if it is spewed often enough, and loud enough, their toxic rhetoric will eventually come to be accepted, just as they have accepted it, as being the truth.
McCaskill is either not intelligent enough to understand, or is simply unwilling to acknowledge, the damage that Joey has done, and continues to do, to America and the American taxpayers. She is another of those who spend all of their time telling me why I shouldn’t vote for President Trump and zero time telling me why it is that I should vote for Joey. There is nothing sadder than watching a Democrat politician who lost her re-election and who continues to whine about it. Someone should tell McCaskill that the first step in curing your problems is admitting that you have problems. But admitting you have a problem is not what Democrats tend to do.
The fact that President Trump refuses to go away continues to drive them all absolutely insane. And while McCaskill may be a loon, she at least has the latest talking point down. President Trump is to be seen as being both dangerous and a threat to ‘democracy,’ and it’s all of President Trump’s supporters who are likewise dangerous and a threat to ‘democracy.’ Democrats would vote for Joe B. if he was on a gurney hooked up to life support. But it’s President Trump who will be re-elected for a third time and it’s on that day that there will again be a flood of liberal tears when Donald Trump is once again victorious. And that will bring a gleam to my one good eye.
Monday, November 20, 2023
Never, and I do mean never, have I experienced a level of frustration regarding a politician than the level of frustration I have now experienced at the hands of my governor, Ron DeSantis. It came about when President Trump declared that he did in fact intend to run in 2024. And DeSantis was then my first choice to be his running mate completing what I then felt was our political dream team. The team that would win and put DeSantis in the position of being able to take the baton in 2028 and with luck would go on to win re-election in 2032. But it all came unraveled on the way to the 2024 election when DeSantis allowed his ego to get the better of him.
Saturday, November 18, 2023
It was this past Thursday that soon to be former Democrat Senator Joe Manchin stopped by to pay a little visit to one of ‘Fox News’ more prominent NeverTrumpers, Bret Baier, appearing on FNC’s “Special Report.” And it was then that the outgoing senator addressed speculation that he would be seeking the White House as a third-party candidate in 2024. Now it might be worth mentioning that Manchin is an “outgoing” senator for the very simple reason that he decided not to run for re-election because most recent polls seem to indicate that if he had, in fact, chosen to run he most likely would have ended up going down in a rather spectacular defeat.
Friday, November 17, 2023
Desperation, thy name is…Democrats? It should now be apparent to most that as more and more Americans become increasingly disenchanted with the direction in which Joey now has the country headed, the more desperate Democrats have become in what has been their continuing effort to remove President Trump from the game, to permanently sideline he who they view as being the greatest threat they face when it comes to their ongoing mission to destroy America. Their current point man in this, their continuing propaganda campaign, would appear to be none other than that veteran of the January 6 committee, and slimy piece of shit, Jamie Raskin.
Thursday, November 16, 2023
So riddle me this, just what is it, exactly, that makes Chris Christie honestly believe that there is anyone, anywhere, who actually gives a flying fuck about anything he may have to say on the subject of President Trump, or anything else for that matter? And does he also honestly think that there are enough people who believe that he is using this newfound platform of his, as a supposed candidate for president, as anything other than a platform from which he is free to attack President Trump, and all under the guise of merely being a political opponent running for the same office. And who’s paying Christie to stay in a race he has no chance of actually winning?