Saturday, November 18, 2023


It was this past Thursday that soon to be former Democrat Senator Joe Manchin stopped by to pay a little visit to one of ‘Fox News’ more prominent NeverTrumpers, Bret Baier, appearing on FNC’s “Special Report.” And it was then that the outgoing senator addressed speculation that he would be seeking the White House as a third-party candidate in 2024. Now it might be worth mentioning that Manchin is an “outgoing” senator for the very simple reason that he decided not to run for re-election because most recent polls seem to indicate that if he had, in fact, chosen to run he most likely would have ended up going down in a rather spectacular defeat.

And yet, oddly enough, he thinks himself worthy of being president and apparently views himself as being a far better option than the two currently leading contenders. It was during this recent exchange that Manchin gave low marks to the two parties’ frontrunners, *president Joey and President Trump. And he told Baier that he had little confidence in either and warned of severe consequences if President Trump were to win a second term. And, of course, being no fan of President Trump himself, Baier did little more than to simply nod his head in agreement. After all, he certainly wasn’t going to disagree with anyone talking badly about President Trump.

Manchin said, “Well, first of all, we don’t know on Super Tuesday who the two candidates may be on the Democrat and Republican side.” And he then went on to say, “But right now, I guess all odds are they will be Donald Trump and Joe Biden. And I’m as honest as I can be with you, Bret. I believe that Donald Trump being elected again would destroy democracy as we know it. I — I’m concerned. I’m very scared because he’s already said what he would do. He’s going to use the power of the office for revenge. He’s going to basically — he doesn’t believe that — the only election — what he believes is, the only fair election is the one he won."

Manchin continued, “And he doesn’t believe in the rule of law, to where the law only pertains to everybody but him.” He added, “It’s a horrible situation.” He said, “And I just — I’m scared of that. That would destroy our country as I know it. And Joe Biden is not the person when he came there saying, I know how it works, I can bring the country together, I’m a centrist. Well, he’s pulled clear far to the left. So, let’s see what happens. Will anybody change? I don’t know. Will the rhetoric change? But if we don’t mobilize the moderate, sensible, what — we’re going to call them the radical middle, OK, the radical middle.” A Democrat talking about rhetoric, too funny!!!

Manchin went on to say, “Those are people that make commonsense decisions, that run their life, that run their family, that run their businesses, from the center-left, center-right, not from the extremes.” He concluded saying, “And that’s what’s happened.” And added, “And the business in Washington is too darn good. The Republican business and the Democrat business is pretty darn good here. And they’re not going to change their model. So, unless we push it, it’s not going to — nothing will change.” On the contrary, nothing will change until those within Manchin’s own party are finally held accountable for their win-at-all-costs approach to elections.

I can’t think of any reason why President Trump might want to take revenge, can you? I mean, I can’t think of why he might believe that the law only applies to him and not to the Democrats, can you? Let’s face it, President Trump has been the target of vengeful Democrats ever since he was first elected, if not even before. We are sick of this two-tiered justice system we have where laws only apply to conservatives and not to liberals. What President Trump will do is not revenge, but only the setting of things back in the proper order. If elected, he should do exactly what he promised to do the first time, drain the swamp! That, my friends, is exactly what Manchin is afraid of.

Manchin’s idiotic comments prove only that he refuses to acknowledge the level of destruction that has already occurred in America, and primarily at the hands of those in his own party. And after all that has transpired over the course of the last three years, especially when you consider where things were when Joey first set foot in the Oval Office, for Manchin to claim that electing President Trump would bring the end of ‘democracy,’ is simply ludicrous. But thankfully, what we have here is not a ‘democracy,’ we have a constitutional republic. And if Mr. Manchin doesn’t know the difference, then I’m afraid that he is nothing more than part of a serious problem.

On the contrary, instead of bringing about the end of ‘democracy,’ a Trump re-election would more than likely bring about that which would be the beginning of the end of the Establishment and of the Deep State. That’s what has those like Manchin so terrified. Corruption in our federal government is now dangerously rampant. Granted, while President Trump may not have succeeded in completely draining ‘the swamp’ during his previous time in office, he was, at least, able to drain it to the point where so many of the swamp rats, previously able to operate with some level of anonymity, were forced out into the full light of day becoming visible for all to see.

Manchin says President Trump would ruin ‘democracy’ by somehow seeking revenge, but he says little to explain how? President Trump’s list of accomplishments during his first term in office are there for all to see and millions of Americans benefitted, regardless of race, gender or sexual persuasion. Our economy was booming, our borders were more secure than they had been in decades, American was also made to be energy independent for the first time in decades, inflation was low, regulations were reduced, foreign powers were controlled, our military was made powerful, and much more. And yet this is the man that Manchin claims is a danger to democracy?

I am sick and tired of Democrats using their mantra of “the end of our Democracy”, for everything that doesn’t suit them. Seems like it’s far too easy to use that nonsense as justification for anything they do to hang on to power. It’s nothing but fear mongering, and they know it. They promise to “govern for all” with “centrist policies”. The only problem is that the Democrats, including Manchin, have now swung so far left that anything close to center is now to be considered to be “far right extremism.” What’s so ironic about Manchin’s claim is that the Democrats sought vengeance the moment Trump was elected President, and they’ve yet to stop.

Manchin knows President Trump has plenty of reasons to seek revenge. What the Democrats, along with their media sycophants, have done to President Trump is evil. Of course, Democrats are afraid of another Trump presidency, but not because of revenge, but because all of their corruption will have to stop. Do you ever wonder why it is that there’s never a Democrat who votes against their party, they vote in a block because the penalty for voting against the party must be very severe. They don’t want what’s best for the country they want only what’s best for their party. And although Manchin may like to portray himself as a ‘centrist,’ he most certainly is not.

Manchin is a globalist, one Hell bent on maintaining power to the elite, all under the guise of “protecting our democracy” and portraying himself as a “moderate.” If he was genuinely interested in taking care of his constituents back home, he wouldn’t continually do just as he is told to do by Chuckie Schumer. Manchin has never been “middle of the road” kind of guy. Instead, he’s been a spineless wimp his entire political career, playing up his fake ‘old timey’ bona fides to the folks back home while keeping to the leftist side of every critical vote. He caves like a West Virginia coal mine and gets bulldozed by the worst leftist elements of his party.

And Manchin conveniently forgets, or simply chooses to ignore, that Joey has been doing the very same things that Democrats have long accused President Trump of doing or will do if elected. They keep saying President Trump has no respect for the rule of law, yet it’s they who constantly ignore it. They continue to accuse him of doing what they have been doing for decades. They make these generic statements, “Trump is breaking the law,” but what did he do and how did it violate the law? When did he do it? They have no answers, just claims of bogus offenses that exist only in their demented minds and in the pages of their bought-and-paid-for ‘news’ media.

Perhaps the brand of ‘democracy’ Manchin wants to save, and has benefitted from, needs to be destroyed, so that we can finally return to the government our Founding Fathers envisioned. Manchin wants to save the fraud in our elections, legislators doing their time in office and becoming multi-millionaires in the process, a wide-open Southern border, and a government that has broken its social contract with the governed. I suggest that Manchin is very happy with the system of ‘democracy’ that works like a charm for the ruling class. He needs to get over himself, he’s No Savior, and he’s no profile in courage. Conceit, hubris, and greed are his calling cards.

Finally, Manchin has managed to end his career looking more like a stooge of the left than the independent statesman worthy of being President. It was his support that enabled passage of the so-called ‘Inflation Reduction Act.’ The name itself is a joke. A year after passage Manchin decried its leftist administration and implementation by declaring he might repeal it. Realizing he had stepped in dog shit and was at risk of tracking it across all of West Virginia during a campaign, he wisely chose not to run. Now his thinking is: Well, if I can’t get elected to the Senate in my own state, then maybe I should run for President. Manchin, a loser who’s a legend in his own mind.

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