Wednesday, November 15, 2023


It’s these days that the Democrats no longer even attempt to disguise the fact that they hold the American people in pretty low regard. In short, they clearly think that we’re all nothing more than a bunch of hapless rubes who will believe absolutely anything and everything they tell us. And that would be, of course, because they are such honorable people and are just oh so much smarter than the rest of us. And as such, they continue to believe themselves capable of convincing us that all of what we’ve watched taking place in this country over the course of the last three years has all been nothing more than a mere figment of our imagination, like a mirage.

And that they’re able to make such claims with a straight face, while being quite remarkable, also reveals just how sinister they truly are. And it was as recently as this past Tuesday that yet another attempt was made, this time during the broadcast of CNN’s “AC360.” This time it was Bernie Sanders, a self-described Socialist, who tried to make the argument that Democrats have not done enough to demonstrate that they truly are on the side of working-class Americans. And he based this argument of his on what is some pretty twisted liberal logic that no one, other than those of his particular political persuasion, would be gullible enough to believe.

Sanders said, “When the people on top are doing phenomenally well while 60% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, half a million people sleeping out on the streets, crime has gone up, we have got to make it clear that we are prepared to stand with the working class of this country and take on the corporate greed, which has been so very destructive, record-breaking profits for corporate America, CEOs, 350 times earnings of what their workers are making.” He said, “Let us ask ourselves, why it is that, after 50 years, the average worker today is earning less in real dollars than 50 years ago while the people on top are doing phenomenally well."

And he went on to say, “That, to me, is kind of an important issue that maybe Congress should be discussing, and media should be covering.” Host Anderson Cooper then asked, “Do you think that issue is playing a big enough role in the public debate as we go into this election? — I mean are the Democrats making that front and center enough?” Sanders said, “No, we’re just not. Look, I have said over and over again in the Democratic caucus, on media, that, if the Democrats want to do well in 2024, they have got to make it clear which side they are on.” Frankly, I think that most rational Americans are very much aware of whose side the Democrats are on!

And he added, “When the people on top are doing phenomenally well while 60% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, half a million people sleeping out on the streets, crime has gone up, we have got to make it clear that we are prepared to stand with the working class of this country and take on the corporate greed, which has been so very destructive, record-breaking profits for corporate America, CEOs, 350 times earnings of what their workers are making. We have got to make it clear which side we’re on. If you’re asking me whether the Democrats have been as strong as they should be in doing that, the answer is no."

If you actually listen to his comments, his way of helping the working class by making America a communist nation. I mean is he ranting about stopping crime, no he’s ranting about rich CEOs and how it’s all their fault. Democrats are the problem. Sanders is, in effect, saying that the switch man is telling those about to be seated in “Old Sparky” that they can feel good about it because the crowd seated on the other side of the glass sides with them. The Democrats ceased to be the party of the working class decades ago. But only now is it getting so obvious that they have to wheel out an aging communist to lecture their own party about how bad it looks.

And such a comment coming from a full-fledged communist piece of shit like Sanders is as laughable as it is disgusting! What bug-eyed Bernie is referring to is that those who are regular Democrats are afflicted with a political version of what is commonly referred to as the ‘Stockholm Syndrome’ and his peers aren’t beating them enough. If Sander's continued ability to remain in the Senate isn’t proof that the inmates are now running the asylum, then I don’t know what is. Democrats have made it painfully obvious that they view ‘regular working-class people’ as their mortal enemy and have proven that they will do whatever it takes to destroy the world in which they live.

And I find it to be rather ironic that all of this drivel is coming from an avowed socialist who owns three mansions. I’d say he’s living the Communist dream, like a good every Soviet apparatchik should. When they say, “from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs,” they don’t ever bother to mention that they, the ruling clique, have ‘needs’ that far exceed the dreams of your average hereditary monarch in Renaissance Europe. Bernie is a fraud. He’s just a crooked old commie wannabe who has used the same system he constantly rails against to enrich himself. Sanders is nothing more than a pathetic old snake oil salesman.

Sanders is anything but a regular person, he’s a dyed in the wool full-blown communist who has little in common with regular Americans. These are people who believe a man can get pregnant, embrace Socialism and Communism, hate capitalism, and their list of radical positions goes on and on. Regular people don’t buy this BS. And while there may still be some ‘normal’ Democrats out there, their number is far too small to be of any consequence. It’s the vast majority of them who seem to want to be dictators, on the theory that they are all better and smarter and more deserving than the peasants who appreciate law and order, morality, and common sense.

And Bernie, please define ‘regular’ people. Does it include the millions of us who believe in the rule of law? Does it include the millions of us who want violent criminals put away for as long as they can be put away for? Does it include the millions of us who believe in God? Does it include the millions of us who do not want the government running our lives? We have a Constitution and a Bill of Rights that make sure you Communists cannot do what you want. ‘BO’ always said that if Obamacare was just explained "better", people would like it more. Perhaps Democrats just need to explain atheism and socialism better, and they will be believed.

Unfortunately, the regular people that Democrats typically side with are the criminals they release too early from prison, the criminals they don’t even bother to prosecute, the invaders flooding across our southern border, all manner of terrorists worldwide, and the phony crony capitalists who provide them with millions and millions and millions of dollars. The Democrat Party abandoned most working-class families to focus on passing laws that either eliminated punishment for crime or redefined a large number of crimes as misdemeanors. The impact of this took time to develop but the result has been an increase in criminal behavior due to lack of punishment.

And yet here we go again, less than a year before the presidential election and Democrats are doing all they can in an attempt to generate the illusion that they “stand with ‘regular people,’” meanwhile crime rates SOAR and with the borders wide open, which in turn drives up housing costs, increases job competition while driving down wages, placing huge demands on the healthcare and educational systems, and sapping the financial aid meant for the “regular people.” I have no doubt that the 2024 election will consist of gaslighting at what is certain to be an unprecedented level, and the low-information voter will fall for it hook, line, and sinker.

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