Monday, November 13, 2023


I just love how it is that every time we get close to an election those in the Democrat Party who profess to be “men of God,” crawl out from whatever rock it is that they may currently reside to lecture us on how those who are people of faith mistakenly put their trust in Republican candidates, and worse do so at their own peril. And they are told that if they truly were people of faith that they would, instead, put their trust in those on the radical left in this country and support the agenda of the Democrat Party. As if the Democrat Party, in any meaningful way, shares their values.

And so it was then that very recently, we were once again provided with yet another example of that very thing when just this past Sunday Democrat Raphael Warnock, another of these fraudulent ‘men of God,’ made an appearance on MSDNC’s “Inside.” You see, it was then that ‘Rev.’ Warnock again made the claim that the Evangelical community’s support of President Trump was somehow a “deep contradiction.” Host Jen Psaki asked, “Did you interact with President Jimmy Carter at all?”  Warnock said, “Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter are two of my favorite people on earth."

And he said, “And here is a man who demonstrates how you have faith and how it ought to work and come alive. He is used not as a weapon but as a bridge.” Personally, I’m not more a fan of Jimmy Carter than I am of this moron Warnock. Psaki asked, “Does it bother you that the Evangelical community seems to be continue to be very much behind Donald Trump? Is that surprising?” Warnock said, “It’s a deep contradiction. It’s a deep contradiction.” Warnock went on to say, “And I think that’s when the history of this period is written, we will have a lot to say about that."

He continued, “You cannot account for some of the divisive forces at work in our country, sadly, without reference to what’s happening in huge segments of the American church.” The real contradiction here is that Warnock, a guy who we’re supposed to believe is a ‘Christian’ minister, is also somehow a proud member of the party of death, the Democrats. It’s millions of children, of all colors, who have been murdered by abortion. And that is just fine with him!!! Warnock is another example of the left’s infiltration of American churches by that began back in the 1960s.

Warnock added, “I come out of a tradition that has always tried to use our faith to bring us together. I like the way Jimmy Carter used his fate. I like the way Martin Luther King Junior and Ella Baker and white brothers and sisters like James Reed, in the midst of the Civil Rights Movement, how they used their faith. And also many others in this moment.” Warnock is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. A man who dons the cloak of Christianity while striving for evil. There is a special place in Hell for men like him. There is literally no difference between this guy and Al Sharpton.

It’s important to remember that first and foremost, Warnock is a Democrat. Second, the Democrats voted God out of their party in 2016. Third, is the contradiction that Warnock shows between being a Democrat and a self-professed Christian. These last two things are totally incompatible. Thus, the real contradiction is a Democrat using faith as a divider, not as a uniter. Evangelicals, or anybody else for that matter, aren’t going to vote for President Trump because he’s the most devout candidate, but because he’s the only man who can get things turned around before it’s too late.

Clearly Warnock has it ass backwards. It’s President Trump who supports evangelical Christian positions, not the other way around. And it’s Warlock, along with every other Democrat, who opposes them. And according to Warnock it’s somehow a contradiction to support pro-life policies. And it’s Warnock's behavior and beliefs that go against the traditional teachings of Christianity. It’s comical. The guy is an overt racist, supports the genocide of his own people through abortion, and treats his own race as a bunch of low-intellect people unable to observe and think for themselves.

According to Warnock it’s evangelicals who should abandon their beliefs and instead of supporting President Trump they should endorse Joey, the same guy who supports such things as abortion on demand, transgender athletes, drag queens in schools, and other perverted activities. Keep in mind that this is also the guy who threw tenants out in the streets for owing less than 90 dollars on their rent and also received millions from his parishioners. Warnock is no man of God, it’s all a ruse. Warnock is also a wifebeater and we all know how the left loves wife beaters. It’s a real resume enhancer.

And I think we all need to remember that we’re voting for President, not Pope, although I have no doubt that President Trump would be far better than our current Pope. Our country is in dire straits, and it’s because of Democrats like Warnock. And what makes more sense, supporting a man like Joey who hates this country, or President Trump? Personally, I’ll take President Trump and not have a second thought about it. Why, you ask? Because he’s not a threat to my family and loves the United States and what it should stand for in this very evil world. It’s just that simple.

The deep contradiction that he keeps talking about, and without a single detail of course, is really the blind sheep in churches who constantly vote for, and support immoral baby killers and sick perverted transgenderism, as well as the burn and loot crowd. And which party is the party of slavery, the KKK, segregation and of plantation rule?  Meanwhile, President Trump gave black the lowest unemployment in history, opportunity zones to start businesses, and federal justice reform to free nonviolent offenders locked up by those like ‘Slick Willy.’ Joey gave them free crackpipes.

Blacks, the very same people who we’re so often told are so religious, but really aren’t, politicized many of their churches long ago and it’s today that at least half of all black preachers are more like Jeremiah Wright, or less preachers than political activists. I’m not keen on preachers telling me whom to vote for or who it is that God supposedly supports. But I think it fair to say that none of President Trump's policies are morally egregious. But that said, much, if not all, of what those on the left supports, and celebrates, I would think is problematic for most people of faith.

Finally, if you are truly someone who takes their faith seriously, then there is no way that in good conscience that you could ever vote for any Democrat regardless of the office they are seeking. And if you do find yourself able to and are still able to look at yourself in the mirror, or sleep comfortably at night, then you are not really someone who takes one’s faith the least bit serious. You, like this boob Warnock, are nothing more than a fraud, a liar and a religious phony. And we can ill afford to trust, or to waste time listening to, any of these people. But you must be true to yourself.

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