Wednesday, May 22, 2024


I can’t remember exactly when it was that our ‘news’ media in this country met its rather untimely demise, but there can be no question about it, at some point it was most certainly pronounced dead. And yet, strangely enough we continue to have those individuals who, while they may refer to themselves as ‘journalists,’ are, in truth, nothing of the sort. And one would think that any of the so-called ‘news’ networks that we have today could easily be sued for false advertising since the ‘news’ is not exactly what they are providing to the public. But that certainly hasn’t prevented our enterprising ‘journalists’ from practicing whatever it is that they practice.

These days, regardless which of our ‘news’ networks we may be talking about, CNN, MSDNC or even FOX, there’s not a dime’s worth of difference between any of them and it’s all of them that behave as if they’re under the employ of the Democrat Party. And yet they have the nerve to sound offended whenever accused of spreading propaganda instead of reporting the ‘news.’ And it’s because of their decades long disregard for the truth that we find our country in the shape that it is in, as well as to finding ourselves saddled with the *president who is in no way legitimate. But none of that really matters to them, in fact they seem to wear it as a badge of honor.

Granted, while those in the ‘news’ media have created no specific policy nor are responsible for any piece of legislation, it’s instead that their specific job is to keep from the public any of the more distasteful consequences of said policies and/or pieces of legislation. That and, of course, to do all that they can to sway public opinion when it comes to the supposed benefits of voting Democrat over Republican. And might I say, these people most certainly take their job very seriously. Which, of course, brings me to MSDNC and, more specifically, Joy Reid, host of her own show, ‘The ReidOut,’ a rather bizarre part of the nightly programming on her network.

And it was this past Tuesday during her that rather peculiar bit of television viewing time, that Reid claimed President Trump was “acting like a Nazi.” She said, “Yesterday, Donald Trump posted a video on his social media account. The video which was a preview of a second Trump administration, promotes the mass deportation of migrants, standard Trump fascist fare at this point. But it also references a unified Reich. You can faintly see it right there on a news clipping in the video. The meme was created by a group that collaborates with the Trump campaign.” Please explain how the deportation of people who are in a country illegally equates to Nazism?

She continued, “The video has been deleted and the campaign tried to distance itself from the post, but here’s the thing, back in April, Trump told his followers only himself and Dan Scavino have access to his Truth Social media account. Here is another thing he was proud that someone once compared him to Adolf Hitler. He once praised Hitler for doing some good things. He uses Nazi rhetoric, dines with Neo-Nazis and white supremacists and publicly defends them.” Reid added, “As per usual, much of the media is downplaying the fact the Republican nominee is once again using Nazi language. His fellow Republicans don’t seem all that bothered."

And she was quick to add, “They go to extraordinary lengths to defend him.” She concluded, “What is it going to take to get the media to take seriously the fact that Donald Trump is acting like a Nazi, talking like a Nazi, and now posting like a Nazi?” It’s nonsense when we have a true racist claiming that a true patriot is a racist. Yes, deport them, they’re here via an invasion of a sovereign nation. Ever heard that part of the oath, “defend against all enemies, foreign and domestic?” Likely not! And I just can’t get past the fact that these people calling for the death of Jews, actually have the audacity to call anyone else a Nazi. But, that’s where we seem to be these days.

This is like the umpteenth time these same people have insisted upon playing the “Trump is a Nazi” card. If it wasn't for that card and the “Trump is a racist” card, they’d have no cards in their deck. They really do need a new playbook. Reid is just one of the many clowns in MSDNC’s bizarre little minstrel show. She claims President Trump is the one talking like a Nazi while ignoring the Democrats’ Nazi like behavior. The more I hear from Joy, that women are men and men are women, that it’s OK to loot Target, that no bail to keep criminals out of jail is fine while law abiding citizens get carjacked or worse, the more I realize that Nazi doesn’t mean a damn thing.

Considering that President Trump has already served a four-year term in which no Nazi comparable policies were installed or followed it would appear that Joy is once again talking out of her rather sizable ass. The Left continues to rather embarrassingly demonstrate that they have absolutely nothing on which to run. Their entire communist agenda has blown up in their faces and is now on full display as the total failure that it is for both domestic and foreign policy. It would seem that they have a ‘Keystone Kops’ approach to everything, and both the country and the world is being made to suffer. They can’t succeed at anything except launching insults.

Reid argues that President Trump wants to deport migrants, but that’s not exactly correct. It’s illegals who would be deported and there’s nothing fascist about law enforcement. In fact, if you check the polls, people very much want the law enforced against illegals. As for the “Nazi” claim, aside from the fact that Reid could not name a single National Socialist German Workers’ Party-specific position shared with the Republican platform, she seems to have forgotten that the “Hitler” campaign didn’t work before Donald Trump became president for four years. Does she really think it's going to work when everyone already knows that no ‘Hitlering’ took place?

Best to check under your bed Joy, you just might find a Nazi hiding under there to. So here we have yet another dumb Democrat woman telling lies. Wanting to deport illegal immigrants does not make one a Nazi, but a politician who does what the majority of voters want him to do. You know, like politicians of old who kept promises made to the people and not the globalists who favor continuing the invasion. Now that’s fascism. However, Reid’s panic and fear does give me peace. The more hysterical the neo-Marxist left becomes, the deeper and more restful my sleep becomes, because that’s a strong indication that realize they are near their end.

And let’s be honest, accusing someone of being a Nazi has lost much of it’s sting primarily because of its overuse by those like Reid. Whenever liberals start making the Nazi analogy, you know they have no way of making a coherent argument. They resort to meaningless buzzwords and hope you’re totally stupid. Reid, like most to throw the word around, is not old enough to have witnessed the Nazis in action, yet she talks about stupid correlations between Nazis and President Trump. It’s always easy to make such idiotic comments but difficult to talk about what is really happening to this country with its open borders, inflation, crime and drugs entering this country.

Reid, the talentless, brainless, leftist hack again accuses President Trump of being a Nazi. This, when she couldn’t define the word Nazi if her life depended on it. Nor could 99 percent of the other leftists who accuse President Trump, as well as those of us who support him, of being Nazis. They have no clue that Nazi was short for National Socialist, as they try to paint those on the right as being “extremists.” It’s a funny thing though, but the only extremists I have ever seemed to run across have been right at home on the left. Another example of Democrats accusing Republicans of doing what they themselves are doing. It just never seems to end.

So the Nazi's are now calling us Nazi? Our corporate media that is coordinating its ‘news’ with the progressive left and calling President Trump a Nazi? Fascism is a real thing, it’s the creation of a ‘greater order’ through close coordination of corporate and government forces. There can be no doubt that MSDNC, and other ‘news outlets,’ are coordinating their commentary. How many times have we heard “rule of law” ad nauseum? It’s certainly not a mere coincidence that everybody is parroting exactly the same line. It’s clear, the progressives are once again projecting. As we used to say when kids, “he who smelt it, dealt it.” And that's exactly what we are hearing now.

And so we have another black bimbo with a bad wig who claims to know exactly what Nazis act and sound like? And how is that she came to know that? Did she do an in-depth historical study on them? Doubtful!!! Personally, she simply spewing those talking points provided to her. This would almost be funny, if it weren’t so pathetic. Reid is one of the biggest bigots in all of the ‘fake news’ media. Like most at MSDNC, their credibility is shot. Sadly, too many like her, in media/entertainment, education, and government, have overused, and more so misused, such terms as racist, Nazi and Fascist to the point has lost it’s meaning as an insult, it also lost its true meaning.

And finally, those on the left throw terms around like Nazi and Fascist because they know the younger generations don’t know squat about any of it, other than what they may have seen in the movies. Meanwhile, it’s the Democrat Party, the party of tyranny, the party of traitors, the party of insurrectionists and the party of oppression. People who never lived under the German National Socialist Party have no concept of the brutality, the tyranny or the fear and loathing of that monstrous regime but continue to have wet dreams of implementing it here to replace the greatest form of government ever conceived by flawed and faulty men.

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