Monday, May 27, 2024


So what is it, do you suppose, that cannot be blamed on ‘climate change?’ I mean, if you listen to Democrats there is, quite literally, nothing that cannot have its root cause traced directly back to that which they continue to describe as an existential threat. The next great crisis mankind will face, and that only they can prevent. And it’s every time we turn around that Democrats have concocted some new imagined consequence of something that doesn’t even exist. They’ve been busy concocting this climate bullshit for 50 years and none of their cockamamie predictions have come true, not one. But they keep trying with each new claim crazier than the last.

Enter Pete Buttigieg, our hysterically inept Secretary of Transportation. You see, it’s according to Pete that we now have one more consequence of ‘climate change’ we need to be concerned about, and it just so happens that it’s something that you might have already experienced yourself at some point in your life. Yup, if you’ve ever been on a flight that encountered a little turbulence, Pete now wants you to know that you can now tell all your friends and family that you have experienced, up close and personal, the effects of ‘climate change.’ And yes, my friends, old Pete, as well as every other Democrat, really does think you’re that stupid.

Buttigieg claimed this past Sunday that ‘climate change’ is one of the driving forces behind a rise in severe flight turbulence. Buttigieg set out his claim by first declaring, “The reality is, the effects of climate change are already upon us in terms of our transportation.” It was during an appearance on CBS’s ‘Face the Nation,’ that Pete said forecasting severe turbulence is something that will continue to “affect American travelers, whether here or abroad.” Personally, I would argue that ‘climate change’ has directly resulted in an increase of gay, liberal, failed mayors of crappy little mid-west cities becoming totally incompetent Cabinet Secretaries.

Anyway, Buttigieg continued, “We’ve seen that in the form of everything from heat waves that shouldn’t statistically even be possible threatening to melt the cables of transit systems in the Pacific Northwest, to, as you mentioned, hurricane seasons becoming more and more extreme and indications that turbulence is up by about 15 percent. That means assessing anything and everything that we can do about it.” And he went on to say, “Our climate is evolving.” And he added, “Our policies and our technology and our infrastructure have to evolve accordingly, too.” Pete has been a big ‘climate change’ advocate since first assuming his current role back in 2021.

Before that, in 2019, he claimed that ‘climate change’ caused the Syrian Civil War and mass migration out of Central America. He said, “We could see climate wars in the future. Let’s not let that happen.” Next, he’ll be blaming racist weather with the claim that people of color somehow have a more severe reaction to turbulence than do white supremacists. As another Diversity, Equity and Inclusion hire, Mayor Pete knows nothing about Transportation, his field of expertise is in being a homosexual who married another man playing both catcher and pitcher, but in looking at him and his husband it’s hard to say as they both look to be strictly lifelong catchers.

And just when you think he can’t say anything more stupid, he digs deep and delivers. And since my memory is still fully intact, despite my advanced years, I seem to recall these ‘sky is falling’ types claiming global warming, getting caught manipulating data, then changing terms to ‘climate change’ so that anything can fit their vague definition. I immediately tune out anyone using ‘climate change’ terms in discussions. It is all BS until proven otherwise and these dopes have no idea what proof versus unsubstantiated claim means. The climate always changes, but of course Democrats wouldn’t know that or even care, they simply use the climate to get their way.

You can always tell when a Democrat is talking, they go straight to the idiotic talking points and don’t have a clue about the subject they’re talking about. There is no better example of complete failure at every level of this political party than Buttigieg. You know, I’ve recently noticed that I occasionally have to put more air in my tires. Might that too be a cause of ‘climate change?’ Can it also be said that ‘climate change’ is responsible for our having an incompetent administration? The stupidity of those who are members of the Democrat Party cult really is quite astonishing. And have you ever noticed how it’s always everyone else who’s to blame?

Can I just say that this planet we call home, and the star it orbits around, are gonna do what they’re gonna do. We don’t affect any of it. We live in a dynamic system, but our climate cultists figured out that they can use it to control people. That’s all it is. It’s nothing more than a scam. In the 1970s, we had complaints about global cooling, in the 1980s we had acid rain, in the 1990s extreme droughts, in the 2000s it was our coastal states that were all going to fall into the ocean and in the 2010s, it was all about more severe hurricanes and flooding and a greater frequency of more intense tornadoes. Blah, blah, blah this is about nothing more than a quest for control.

Democrats are conniving reprobates of the highest order, sowing seeds of fear in order to extract money from the gullible as they try to force us into accepting substandard living ideals based on some farcical hierarchy that the planet is being irreparably damaged by man. This dehumanization is identified by the ridiculous imposition in the acceptance of consuming things that are toxic, such as insects and the regulation of one’s movements through social scores and parameters of being wasteful in travel. These communists must be felled right where they stand. I am so sick of these petty little tyrants and their constant dictates and proclamations.

Something that I think worth mentioning is the fact that more and more people are now moving to hurricane prone areas than ever before. That means there are more expensive homes and businesses in the paths of hurricanes than ever before. But with that said, those hurricanes are not getting any stronger, or any more frequent, than they’ve ever been. However, the damages in total dollars are greater than ever simply because the population in those areas has become much more dense. Therefore, the woke globalists, those like Pete, proceed to claim that the hurricanes are becoming “more extreme” and that human economic activity is to blame.

‘Climate change’ is now responsible for heat waves, cold waves, drought, excessive rain, strong wind, no wind, earthquakes, asteroids, lack of parking spaces downtown and Knicks' terrible defense too. These hacks don’t know squat. Their excuse for everything is ‘climate change.’ No science is ever mentioned. No scientific papers used as reference. Just their own stupidity and they think it makes them look smart. The good thing about Democrats is that they serve as constant reminders to the rest of us of to how smart we are. After he cried over ‘climate change,’ he left to fly across the U.S. in his personal jet to his next destination to talk more about ‘climate change.'

Buttigieg is a mental cripple. A fool. Isn’t it strange that absolutely EVERYTHING about "climate change" is bad? A sure sign of propaganda. I am sick of the scam. Simply put, the world has been in a state of flux since its formation 4.56 billion years ago. Man has no control over it, but he can use it to dupe the ignorant and gullible into giving away their rights and wealth. I’m so sick and tired of listening to these preachy sanctimonious little worms like this guy telling me how it is that I must live my life. Pete really does need to stop with all the thinking. It’s really not his strong suit. He should just go back to his ‘husband’ and continue with the chest feeding.

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