Friday, May 31, 2024


 When it comes to Democrats, have you ever seen a bigger bunch of whiners? It would seem that there is nothing that makes them happy, other than, of course, doing all that they can to destroy our country. That, my friends, makes them absolutely ecstatic. A more disgusting, and more pathetic bunch of scumbags you would not find anywhere on the entire planet. Which makes you wonder just why it is that we came to be cursed with such people. Just what was it that we ever did to deserve the likes of them? And it seems that with each passing day they seem more intent on making our lives more difficult. Which brings me to Democrat Senator, Sheldon Whitehouse.

It was this past Friday during an appearance on MSDNC’s ‘Katy Tur Reports,’ that Whitehouse, a Democrat from Delaware, did his best to make the argument that Justice Clarence Thomas and Justice Samuel Alito went “rogue” violating federal laws. I think it’s important to note that Whitehouse is yet another of those in Congress who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and who has spent the majority of his adult life living off the teat of the American taxpayer. Whitehouse has quite the pedigree, and as such has very little knowledge of the trials and tribulations of those who actually have to work for a living. In short, he’s just another leftwing fraud.

Whitehouse, you see, is the son of career diplomat Charles Whitehouse, and grandson of diplomat Edwin Whitehouse. Whitehouse’s father served as the U.S. Ambassador to Thailand and Laos. And among his great-great-grandfathers were Episcopalian bishop Henry Whitehouse and railroad robber baron Charles Crocker, who was among the founders of the Central Pacific Railroad. Whitehouse graduated from St. Paul's School, an elite boarding school in Concord, New Hampshire, and from Yale College in 1978. He received his Juris Doctor from the University of Virginia School of Law in 1982. But perhaps I digress a bit to much. But for sure, he ain’t ‘just plain folks.’

Anyway, it was during this bizarre exchange that Tur said, “While Justice Alito has not commented on the Appeal to Heaven flag, his wife is the one who flew the upside-down flag in the Virginia home in the dispute with their neighbor. Joining us now, Rhode Island Senator and member of the Judiciary Committee, Sheldon Whitehouse, who, alongside Dick Durbin, sent a letter to Chief Justice Roberts requesting a meeting to ensure Justice Alito recuses himself from January 6th cases.” And it was from there that this moron went on to ask, “Thank you for being with us. Do you expect that Justice Roberts, the chief justice, will meet with you?”

Whitehouse said, “We’ll see, we certainly hope so as the Chief Justice, he also serves as the chairman of the Judicial Conference, which is the administrative body that oversees the Judicial Branch. That body is a body established by Congress, and it enforces laws passed by Congress. So he’d be in a peculiar position if he were to say Congress can’t speak to the chairman of an agency it established about how the agency is implementing laws Congress has passed. So I think we’ll be able to get by that, and certainly hope so.” He’s a hypocrite who approves when Leftist Justices make overtly political statements but has a fit when Conservative Justices do.

He added, “I think he’s in a very difficult position, and I think he has let Justice Thomas, and Justice Alito, he’s cut them way too much slack, and they seem to have gone completely rogue. So what he has been doing hasn’t been working. And that’s one of the reasons we want to meet, to see what it is that the Judicial Conference and the chair of that conference, him, the Chief Justice can do about justices who have really gone rogue, are violating the rules of the Supreme Court, violating the ethics rules for all federal judges, violating federal laws. You just can’t put up with that. You wouldn’t put up with that in any agency, my God, how about the United States Supreme Court.”

Whitehouse says Justices Alito and Thomas have broken federal laws, but he can’t, or won’t, say which laws have supposedly been broken. Oh I know which ones he means, he means Democrat laws that don’t exist. Democrats hate law and order almost as much as they hate our Constitution and our country. And just how many real laws have the Democrats broke? Let’s start with the border, energy, illegal loan forgiveness, election laws and on and on. Yes, tis good to be a Democrat, the same rules that the rest of us must abide by, they are free to simply ignore. They love to say how it is that “no one is above the law,” but they never finish the statement, “except us!!!”

Why is it that the biggest blowhards in the Democrat Party tell us year after year they are the smartest, most experienced, most knowledgeable. Whitehouse is a lying moron. Congress didn’t establish the Supreme Court, the Constitution did! As a SEPERATE but EQUAL branch of OUR government! That he, and the rest of the Democrat scum, cannot impose his will upon them, quite literally infuriates all of them! Those on the left truly are going more insane by the day. They seem to be getting more and more terrified that the wheels have fallen off their socialist clown car. So expect them to get even more insane right up to the election.

The way Joey & Co. have so badly screwed up our economy, our southern border, our foreign policy and even our ability to defend ourselves in a world that they themselves have made a far more dangerous place, perhaps we should all be flying our flags upside down to express the fact that our country is in some pretty dire straits. And with this recent court verdict involving President Trump, it should be obvious to the most braindead among us that our country is in very desperate need of a course correction. Democrats can't stomach anything good and right they can't destroy. Those like Sheldon are the reason why we have the Second Amendment!!!

Looks like our country is entering a phase where our constitutionally based justice system will be targeted and perhaps even dissolved and replaced by a system of instant imprisonment without rights, recourse or due process ordered by regime appointed overseers. Now ain’t that a scary thought? Whitehouse is another liberal kook who supports trying to use the judicial system as a political weapon to affect the desired outcome. Since they know that the majority of the American people still do not endorse their socialist agenda, that have to rely on the courts to, quite literally, shove it down our throats. I’m afraid we could be entering into some very dark times.

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