Wednesday, November 6, 2024


Never in the history of this country has the election of one man meant so much to so many. And so, let the ‘fake news’ media meltdowns begin. From every corner of the so-called ‘mainstream media,’ from MSDNC to CNN even to the Comedy Channel, the meltdowns have been quite spectacular and, dare I say, simply a joy to behold. And what makes it so very much fun to watch is the fact that all of these clowns were so confident in their ability to pull the wool over our eyes and to successfully maneuver Cumala into the Oval Office. But alas, it was just not to be. And while their panties may now be in a bunch, the rest of us are breathing a very heavy sigh of relief.

And so, as I said, let the meltdowns begin. So far so good and I must say, I’m loving it! There is now hope for America. And with the tantrums notwithstanding, we must always keep in mind that we’re dealing with emotionally stunted people. They’re simply not able to handle being rejected by over half of the voters. We all know who these people are, these geniuses who claim to be all knowing and all seeing but who, in reality, are absolutely clueless. Take for example MSDNC host Larry O’Donnell. It was on election night, during his network’s election coverage, that Larry claimed the Electoral College was a form of voter suppression. Talk about clueless.

Larry said, “I would like to issue an apology to all of those states we have not mentioned. It is not our fault, it is the founding fathers, they decided on this thing called the Electoral College. Which interestingly, no other country in the world decided to copy. Because of that, in presidential terms, in effect on nights like this, you have a right to think that it feels like no one cares about your vote. If you are in California or if you’re in New York, and when you think about how enormous a force that can be in voter suppression, there may be nothing quite like it. Imagine if California voters ever got to think that their votes for president mattered."

And he went on to say, “There are seven million people in California who don’t vote, they are registered, they don’t vote today.” He added, “Most of those, if they voted, would add millions to Kamala Harris. This Electoral College problem is one that bedevils us in the 21st Century as it never has before.” I love how these imbeciles see the Electoral College as being the problem when the real problem is that most Americans were unwilling to vote for a candidate whose policies they simply do not support. So the fix for what they see as the problem isn’t for candidates to alter their positions but is, instead to alter the process by which a candidate gains office.

And there’s Joy Reid, another MSDNC loser, who saw fit to lash out at the state of Florida after the state came in big for President Trump. Reid called Florida an “extreme right-wing fascist state.” She said, “Governor DeSantis has bet his political future on being the champion of denying women their rights over their own bodies.” Reid said, “He is thinking about a future in which he would like to inherit Donald Trump’s white evangelical base, and he has decided this is his marker and he is willing to use really the awesome powers of the state to try to intimidate and bully, even television stations in the state against running ads in favor of that protection."

She continued saying, “Florida, in a lot of ways it’ll be interesting to talk about what Florida’s future looks like as a place that can attract corporate headquarters and investment in a state where the governor routinely bullies companies, routinely sues companies that displease him. He sued Disney, sued cruise lines, bullied schools about mask mandates, bullied TV stations about what ads they can run. It is a pure Project 2025 in Florida, and that kind of extremist right-wing fascist type of government in Florida, does that make it a more attractive place or does it make it more like some of the other southern states that don’t get a lot of investments and interest."

And, of course, Reid also felt compelled to make comment on Ted Cruz’s victory in Texas by arguing that Texas is “a very voter-suppressed state.” She claimed that Harris County, TX has “the largest number of black voters available. And they are deeply suppressed, in terms of their ability and access to the ballot.” And after NBC projected Cruz winning re-election, MSDNC host Jen Psaki mentioned how states have shifted and said that Ohio is a state that used to be a deciding factor in presidential elections, but isn’t anymore, and Texas is a state that could shift, Democrats have wanted to win the state, and it does keep moving every election cycle.

Reid then said, “It’s also a very voter-suppressed state. And…the focus of voter suppression coming from that state capital is Harris County, where Houston is. And they are relentless in it. And that is also the largest single physical number of black voters in any county other than Cook County in Illinois. That’s the largest number of black voters available. And they are deeply suppressed, in terms of their ability and access to the ballot. So, Democrats would have to do a lot of work there in terms of voter suppression, and also voter motivation as well.” Later, Reid agreed with fellow host Rachel Maddow that people can change policy in Texas by voting in local races.

And then it was during CNN’s coverage of Tuesday’s election, CNN Political Commentator, Van Jones stated that while you can’t really say what exactly determined the result of the 2024 election, President Trump had leeway to behave poorly that his Democrat opponent, Cumala didn’t due to race and gender. Jones said that while it’s hard to say exactly what determined the outcome, “I do think it’s bitter in the mouth, the racial and gender dimension of this. And the only way that you can kind of begin to see it if you don’t see it right away is, can you imagine a woman of color acting like Donald Trump acted, even for one day?"

He went on to say, “The kinds of stuff that he said, the kinds of things that he did, the way that he would insult people. If you’re a person of color, you don’t feel like you have that freedom. You feel like you really are somewhat constrained. You’re always running something in the back of your mind, like how am I going to be perceived? And also, if I say this, will they think that all black people are this way or all women are this way? So, there’s a license that he had to just be a fool, just to be an obnoxious ass to everyone, and for people to go well, he can still be president. There is nobody who doesn’t have that phenotype that feels that free."

Jon Leibowitz wrapped his Daily Show election night special on Tuesday with a profane freak out followed by a somber message of hope. He said, “Here’s what we know — is that we really don’t know anything, and that we’re going to come out of this election. We’re going to make all kind of pronouncements about what this country is and what this world is, and the truth is, we’re not really going to know shit.” Leibowitz said, “We’re going to make it seem like this is the finality of our civilization. … We’re all going to have to wake up tomorrow morning and work like hell to move the world to the place that we prefer it to be."

He said, “And I just want to point out, just as a matter of perspective, that the lessons that our pundits take away from these results, that they will pronounce with certainty, will be wrong. And we have to remember that.” “My point is this: Fuck!” Leibowitz shrieked before doing his best to reassure what was apparently a dejected audience. He went on to say, “But this isn’t the end! I promise you, this is not the end. And we have to regroup and we have to continue to fight and continue to work day in and day out to create the better society for our children, for this world, for this country that we know is possible. It’s possible."

And it’s all of these clowns who are merely the tip of what is a rather sizable iceberg. And so it is that once again we see how those on the left behave like spoiled children, whenever they don’t get their way, they tend to throw tantrums and create scenes equal to a mental meltdown. They simply can’t accept what they see in the real world. People of color and women that supported President Trump are judged to be, and portrayed as being, weak or defective in some way. They’re expected to vote in unison with other liberals. The left just can’t accept that individual voters may stray from the group and vote for a candidate that represents their interests best.

Will they ever admit that Cumala was a poor candidate? She ran in 2020 briefly and dropped out at the first hint of a challenge. She was pretty much invisible for nearly four years as vice president. She was appointed, rather than nominated, as the Democrat candidate for President. And while she had a significantly shortened campaign season herself, she never defined herself. She was a bad candidate who ran a bad campaign. These self-appointed betters who have an over-estimation of their abilities will never get it. These liberal boobs will say anything now to cover their ignorant backsides. Stupid politically, stupid socially and stupid in life.

These elitist Democrats are upset that we ‘peons’ chose to reject their advice. These people have control of 95 percent of the media, corporations and universities. And with all of that, with all of that titanic power propping them up, their ideology is so vile they lost. An ideology that over the past several decades has been responsible for an effort to systematically destroy the nuclear family, to allow into this country millions of those who do not belong here, to allow men in women’s sports, to put boys in girls bathrooms and to champion the mutilation of our children behind their parents’ backs. Anyone who votes for that should hang their head in shame.

Finally, to dismiss those people who believe President Trump provides them a much closer approximation to the world they want, is reckless. It never seems to occur to those on the left that there might be a sane counter perspective to much of what they advocate. And perhaps if leftist candidates actually presented details of what their true goals are, the world they want and their plans to accomplish it, they might get more support from many more areas of the country. If I were a political analyst looking at the electoral map and the huge areas of red covering most of the country it would suggest to me that my current approach is not really all that inclusive.

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