Saturday, December 14, 2024


Clearly, if the last four years have shown us anything it’s that the last folks we should be able to count on to know what they’re doing, or that we should be able to trust in any way, are those folks from the government and especially those who are involved with the current administration in any way, no matter how trivial. It’s been some time since we’ve had a clown show like this running things, it was quite an accomplishment of the part of Joey to be able to assemble such a team of total incompetents. And of all the clowns in the Biden "administration", this slimy little prick is the worst. The guy doesn’t have the ability to speak the truth. He is, in short, an abomination.

And was on Friday of this week during the broadcast of CNN’s “Situation Room,” hosted by resident buffoon Wolf Blitzer, that our stellar Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas responded to criticism of the federal government’s handling of the reported drone sightings on the East Coast by stating that “we have experts,” and people “should not diminish the extent of their expertise and the extent of their dedication to the well-being of the American people.” He told us that we have absolutely nothing to worry about when it comes to all those mysterious drones that have been sighted and that the government has everything under control.

But it’s his so called “experts” that have gotten us involved in war after war for the past 25 year, that gave us a plandemic, that have racked up our national debt and caused record inflation. Now his experts are gaslighting the American people by telling them they aren’t seeing what is very obvious, this administration and the bureaucracy overall have been robbing the American people under the guise of protecting us, and this incident perfectly displays why our great grandchildren will be paying off the irresponsibility of this generation. Government “experts” aren’t experts in anything other than accruing titles while landing their next government gig.

Anyway, after viewing a video of Rep. Jeff Van Drew, a Republican, stating that the federal government doesn’t know anything about the drones, doesn’t know what it’s doing, and isn’t being straightforward, Mayorkas responded, “Well, first of all, we have experts, and he should not diminish the extent of their expertise and the extent of their dedication to the well-being of the American people. These are individuals who dedicate their careers to the safety and security of the United States of America, number one.” He very confidently declared that “We haven’t seen anything unusual. We know of no threat” with the reported drone sightings on the East Coast.

Mayorkas then addressed Van Drew’s push to take a drone down by stating, “Number two, it’s not as though anyone can just take down a drone in the sky. That, in and of itself, would be dangerous.” And “Our authorities are very limited. That is precisely why we have gone to Congress to expand those authorities. Our authorities are limited by the United States Coast Guard in the maritime environment, the United States Secret Service in its protection of our national leaders, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, with respect to the border, we have various authorities that are discreet to the particular missions. We can’t just shoot a drone out of the sky."

Blitzer asked, “What can you say to those Americans who are deeply concerned right now about all these sightings over New Jersey and New York, here and outside of Washington, D.C., in Maryland?” Mayorkas answered, “Let me calm those nerves. We have not seen anything unusual. We have not seen any unusual activity. We know of no threat. We know of no nefarious activity. I want to repeat that. We have not seen anything unusual. We know of no threat or of any nefarious activity. And let me explain, people are reporting sightings of drones.” Right, so we can all rest assured that those like Mayorkas have determined that we have nothing to worry about.

And this boob Mayorkas then went on to say, “It is very common for individuals who think they see drones to actually see small aircraft and we have a case of mistaken identity. Also, we have six different people reporting what they think is a drone, and all of a sudden, we have reports of six drone sightings. So, there’s some duplication. I have been in touch with Gov. Murphy every day. Our experts have been in touch with the New Jersey State Police every day. What we have done is we have deployed our state-of-the-art technology. We’ve deployed our experts to New Jersey. That technology has not confirmed any drone sightings."

Mayorkas continued, “In addition, it has confirmed that some reported drone sightings are, in fact, small aircraft. Pilots have not reported seeing drones. That’s not to say that there aren’t drones flying in the air, but we have no concern, at this point, with respect to a threat or any nefarious activity. The reality is, you can have a 15-year-old kid who buys a drone off the shelf and puts it up in the sky. We have not seen drones turn their lights off in the dark. We have not seen drones penetrate restricted airspace. Those are two indicia that would give us a cause for concern.” So, if I understand what he’s essentially saying is, “we have nothing to fear, but fear itself."

Anyway, Mayorkas went on to add, “We haven’t seen anything unusual. We know of no threat. Secondly, we have gone to Congress, repeatedly, asking for more authority to counter drone activity and we have also asked for more authority to give to the state and local officials under our supervision, because…those authorities need to be expanded.” I don’t trust this moron, or any of those like him, any further than I could throw him, or them. If this liar told me the sun rose in the east this morning, I’m not sure that I’d believe him. It kinda makes me wonder how much it cost for the Chinese to buy our government, or at least those in the current administration.

When someone, especially someone in government, starts citing supposed ‘experts,’ without providing the actual expert for background and credibility, it means they really don’t actually exist. Unnamed “experts” are just a false propaganda tool used by authoritarian fascists. Anything rationalized in such a way, should be considered to equate to. “Yeah, we just made it up cause that’s what we want you to do. Failure to comply will be punished!” We need to drain the damn swamp. It’s well past time to purge the entire federal government of these frauds and restore it to the roots of its founding. After what he’s done to America nothing he says is reassuring.

There are a ton of drones flying over New Jersey without explanation, and yet Mayorkas tells us all just to relax because he hasn’t seen anything unusual. I bet he also hasn’t seen any illegal immigrants crossing the southern border. We should all be thankful for the great leadership displayed time and time again by Mayorkas. Having Mayorkas deliver that report is the epitome of ignorance, or arrogance, as no one is going to believe him. Much like him saying, “Well, nothing unusual...everything is normal, we still see millions of unwanted unvaccinated illegal aliens coming across the border to dilute your vote and destroy your country. Yep, everything is AOK."

Mayorkas is simply doing what it is that he does best. Lying with every word that comes out his mouth. If anyone deserves to spend some time rotting away in some federal prison, it’s this guy. These bastards will lie about absolutely anything! So in essence he’s calling every Sheriff, every cop, every citizen who knows better that they’re just imbeciles and they need to listen to their government. And isn’t it odd that 200 billion dollars has been sent to Ukraine with no authorization, 20 million illegals have entered the country with no authorization and yet he needs congressional approval to investigate these drones? Mayorkas is a traitor!!!

And by the way, if the U.S. military doesn’t have authority to bring down an unknown drone flying over a military installation, then our leadership is even more feckless and more incompetent than even I thought. There’s no telling how much more damage the Joey/Mayorkas clown show is going to inflict upon this country until we’re finally done with both of them. This nonsense coming from a “Don't believe your lying eyes, the border is closed,” lying member of Joey & Co. doesn’t instill much confidence. I can’t wait to see this snake slithering away, along with so many others! None of these dirt bags seem to feel as if they have any accountability to the people.

Finally, Mayorkas is the very same guy who said that our border is secure while pictures from the border showed otherwise. And Mayorkas's department claimed that President Trump's Secret Service protection detail was not denied resources, which later turned out to be false. Mayorkas has said his department, and Joey’s administration don’t want a secure border, and we recently learned that this administration is trying to sell off materials and supplies that President Trump would use to secure the border with a wall. How can anyone trust anything that little weasel says after he spent the last four years trying to destroy America? Nothing Mayorkas says is believable.

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