Monday, December 16, 2024


After consistently being lied to more times than I care to count by those who were long ago tagged with the moniker of RINO, it’s now at this moment in time that there is, quite literally, nothing that any RINO can say that I’m going to believe. Absolutely nothing. And yet, it was just this past Sunday that we again had a member of an irrelevant news network seeking the opinion of one of these irrelevant RINOs, and one who will soon be an ex-member of Congress. And it was then that soon to be ex U.S. Senator Willard Romney said, during an appearance on CNN’s “State of the Union,” that January 6, 2021, will be seen “as a very dark day in American history."

But one of the darkest days in American history was the day Democrats decided to steal a presidential election and those like Willard, as well as those in the ‘fake news’ media decided to help them not only to do it, but to get away with it. And a still darker day was the day that members of Congress, looking into the events of January 6, decided to intentionally destroy evidence so it wouldn’t become public record and reveal the truth about January 6. Each one of them needs to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for ‘obstruction of justice’ and ‘destruction of evidence,’ and serve as much time as the longest serving January 6 people.

Anyway, it was in starting things off that host, and resident moron, Jake Tapper said, “Four years ago next month you were running for your life from the mob on January 6. And now the person that you said was responsible for that day is about to return to the White House. He says he’s going to pardon a lot of the people that have been convicted for the crimes committed on that day. What do you think the legacy of January 6 will be in the history books, given the fact that, as they say, history is written by the winners.” And he then proceeded to ask, “Donald Trump won and there’s been this attempt to whitewash the whole thing?"

Willard said, “I’m not sure history is written by winners in this case, politics is written by winners, but the history books are typically written by scholars of one kind or another. I think attacking the Capital of the United States of America, smearing feces on the wall, attacking police officers, injuring police officers that will be seen as being an abuse and a felony and being wrong. Who is responsible for it? There’ll be all sorts of conspiracy theories, but ultimately, uh, confessions and guilty verdicts sort of sort that out and it will be seen. I think, as a very dark day in American history.” When Willard speaks of conspiracy theories, he speaks only for those like him.

Willard went on to say, “I think it’s unfortunate that that there are some in the MAGA world that that try and paper over it, but I don’t think it’s possible to do.” He added, “I mean, this was an attack on the symbol of democracy throughout the world, the United States Capitol and an attack by a brutal mob. And people were injured, and there was an effort to try and prevent the peaceful transfer of power. It was a very dark day in American history, and it will be recorded as such.” Without a doubt, Willard has now forever cemented his legacy as a RINO, a Never-Trumper and a traitor to conservative principles and the country. And as a bit player in a great travesty.

I’d like to think everything happens for a reason. For instance, if Willard had defeated ‘BO’ we would have had at least four years of lame attempts to turn the country around. And if we had never had ‘BO’ I’m certain that we would never have gotten Donald Trump. Remember, it was ‘BO’s wrecking of America that made Donald Trump decide to run. By that same token, it was Joey's continued attempts to ruin the country that made President Trump decide to run again. We are now on the verge of having a president who actually loves America more than power and wealth, whose mission is making changes in how government is making our country unrecognizable.

Back when the uniparty had us convinced to vote for the lessor of two evils, as bad as Romney was, he was only marginally better than ‘BO.’ Romney is far darker than any January 6 event. He’s a failure at everything except and enriching himself. He held himself out as a conservative Republican, and then ran as a weaker, whiter version of ‘BO.’ Then he carpet-bagged his sorry ass into a Senate seat from Utah, and once he got to DC, he governed like every other traitorous RINO who lied to gain power. The American people resoundingly rejected all the lies about January 6th a long time ago and then sent a memo on November 5th. These RINOs really do need to get over it.

Romney is likely right, but for all the wrong reasons. While I do agree Willard it’s not for the same reasons that he suggests. When history is finally written after the light has been shown on what actually happened on that day, we will see that our own government subverted the will of the people and stole the 2020 election and tried to silence their political enemies. And while it’s my fervent hope that those responsible will be tried and convicted of treason at the highest levels, it’s doubtful that the guilty parties will ever be punished. But what’s more important is to repair all of the damage they did in an attempt to preserve this country for future generations.

The 2020 election was stolen and manipulated at the highest levels of government, but the guilty parties who attempted this theft clearly miscalculated President Trump after the 2020 election. It was one of the biggest frauds every committed against the American people. And as much as the Democrats, the RINOs and those in the ‘fake news’ media try to remind us about the events of January 6, no one but them really cares about it anymore. It will get a last flare of coverage when President Trump issues pardons and then tossed in the dustbin to be forever forgotten except for a few, like Willard, who will scream “insurrection” for the rest of their miserable lives.

Yes, it was a very dark day, a day when American citizens were attacked because they went to the Capitol, to protest something they believed was false. And then were falsely accused of crimes that they did not commit. A very dark day indeed, however, it is going to turn into one of the brightest days in the history of America, because these people stood for what they believed in, suffered for what they believed in, and are now going to be pardoned. There is no stronger backbone in this world than the backbone of an American citizen who truly believes in this country. What all of these elites forget is that it’s the people’s government and it’s about to be returned to us.

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