Sunday, December 29, 2024


Call me a cold-hearted bastard, if you wish, I really don’t care, but it’s whenever any Democrat who did, or attempted to do, damage to this country departs this world for the next that there should be cause for a great celebration. Such is how we should address the death of Jimmy Carter, our 39th President. The only good thing that can be said about him is, “That at least he wasn’t as stupid as our current *president.” It’s not much, but it’s something. But with that said, it did not make him any less of a threat to this country. Carter will go down as being the best of the three worst presidents, all Democrats, that this country has ever been made to endure.

At least he left this world comfortable in the knowledge that he was not the worst president in U.S. history, which, I’m sure, had to have been a concern of his. First to take that title from him was none other than ‘BO,’ but even he didn’t keep the title of being the worst for long. Nope, that title now goes to Joey. Carter was guilty of plenty of negligent behavior and bad stewardship, but I think he also underestimated the evil in the world. And while he may not have been the Antichrist, he most certainly was one of his henchmen. Carter traveled the world telling his foreign hosts how terrible America was. That alone should cause him not to be missed.

Carter wasn’t stupid, but he was, I think, terminally naïve and rather ignorant in the ways of the world. And I have no doubt that he could clearly see what his beloved Democrat Party had become over the years, and yet he chose to remain an ardent defender of what the party had become, commiserating with the most pedophilic, degenerate scum that the party possesses. And another thing, I find it rather difficult to reconcile his unchristian pro-abortion attitude with his long-held position of being a Sunday school teacher. Being pro-abortion is totally incongruous with being a Godly man. So I say, good riddance to this pathetic piece of shit.

And any of those familiar with the man knows that Carter was not a nice man at all and those who claim that he was, are nothing more than delusional. He was a vindictive, petty little man who managed to get himself elected on the tide of America’s long national nightmare of Richard Nixon and then Gerald Ford’s pardon. That more than anything, I think, is what got him elected. And let’s not forgot, that Carter was also a 2016 election denier. It’s sad, really, how so many people can so casually forget, or simply chose to ignore, that Carter said Donald Trump was an illegitimate president. And that President Trump was put into office by the Russians!

Carter even once went so as far as to suggest that if there was to be a full investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election ever conducted it would most certainly show that Donald Trump hadn’t actually won the presidency. This fraud was just one of many Democrats who tried to destroy America! Carter was proof positive that religious belief alone does not make you a good person, or even a ‘decent’ President. And make no mistake about it, Carter was as politically deranged as any other Leftist, he was just a bit more adept at controlling his crazy side. But still, there were those times when we got at least a glimpse of it.

And it’s whenever my now adult daughter expresses her concern when it comes to just how bad things are these days, I tell her about Jimmy Carter’s presidency. That rather dark time when interest rates were as high as 22 percent, the Saudi oil embargo that caused Americans to wait in line for hours just to buy ten gallons of gas, the humiliation of the Iranian Embassy hostage crisis and the botched rescue attempt, and the country's general “malaise” and so very much more. Thank God we had a strong, conservative leader in Ronald Reagan that was able to come in and correct a great many of the wrongs and reverse much of what Jimmy Carter had caused.

I remember counting the days that Americans were held hostage in Iran, his decision to give the Panama Canal away and his making a total mess out our energy situation. I see no reason to wax poetic about his incompetence. There are many parallels between Carter and Joey in the White House, but today, I’m not sure the American people are smart enough, or informed enough, to realize just how bad things have gotten under Joey. If we don’t discard him, and those like him, after only one term, America will never recover. Such are the perils of electing any Democrat. And yet we have those in this country who insist upon voting for these people.

Arguably, all our problems in the Middle East this century emanate from Carter’s blatant ineptitude. There is no question that the Shah of Iran was despised by a majority of his people, so his reign was going to end regardless. But Carter did nothing to maneuver it so that the Shahs replacement would at least be pro-Western and secular. Carter was your typical Democrat in that he never met a terrorist he didn’t like. And you know that the Mullahs of Iran will be eternally grateful to Carter as he is the only reason that they are in power today. So thanks, Jimmy, thanks a lot. And I have no doubt that they consider him to be some sort of national hero.

And Carter has routinely defended our current administration, Joey’s administration, this odd assortment of leftwing imbeciles that are even more incompetent, more corrupt, and more destructive to American values and to the Constitution than was his own presidency. Carter was just another dufus who, other than his time in the Navy, never worked a real job in his life, and he never accomplished anything positive for the American people or for the country. He was just another leftwing boob who came from a small state to become president.  Gee, where have I heard that before? The more things change, the more they seem to remain the same.

And I have no doubt that the world, today, would be a far better, and far safer, place had Carter never been president. Think about it, the damage he caused was reprehensible. Carter’s failed foreign policy made us the laughingstock of the world. He was viewed as weak and inept by our adversaries, in much the same manner that Joey is perceived by those same enemies today. And while we were somehow able to survive the Carter years, it was only because of the election of Ronald Reagan. Perhaps that’s what drives the attempt by Democrats to destroy President Trump, to prevent him from reversing all that Joey has done to destroy this country.

To be perfectly blunt, Carter was an idiot as President, but became evil as a latter-day Leftist ideologue, pushing all manner of radical anti-human garbage. He was both a testament to, and a manifestation of, all that is wrong with those on the left. And like all Leftists and communist sympathizers, he left nothing but misery in his wake, and his demise can only be viewed as being a positive event for this country and humanity in general. And while I’m glad that he’s gone, the fact that he’s gone really changes nothing. It’s not as if we have the ability go back and fix any of the many things that he managed to so badly screw up. There are simply too many.

And finally, it’s in a weird sort of way that we may actually owe Carter, just as we also may owe Obama, a sizeable debt of gratitude. Because I have no doubt that had we not been forced to live through the Carter presidency, Ronald Reagan would have never been elected. And likewise, had we never been made to endure the eight years of Obama, Donald Trump would likely never have been elected. Because without Obama, I think it’s highly unlikely that Donald Trump would have ever chosen to run. Similarly, it’s Joey who has repeatedly made clear just how great of a president Donald Trump was, and hopefully has shown just how badly we need him back.

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