Saturday, December 3, 2011


Or maybe a more fitting title for this little piece might be, "THE ACORN NEVER ALLS FAR FROM THE TREE." Because you see, it seems that the House Ethics Committee has recently announced that it plans to continue its investigation into allegations that Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. or someone acting on his behalf offered to raise campaign cash for then-Gov. Rod Blagojevich in exchange for a Senate appointment in 2008. The announcement came in the form of a joint news release it which Ethics Committee Chairman Jo Bonner (R-Ala.) and ranking member Linda Sanchez (D-Calif.) said the panel would need more time to "gather additional information necessary to complete its review." Gee, imagine that, someone with the name, Jesse Jackson, with a cloud of corruption hanging over him. No, tell me it isn’t so! Anyway, the committee also released an initial report from the Office of Congressional Ethics that said there was "probable cause" to believe that Jackson either directed a third party or had knowledge of a third party’s effort to convince old Blago to appoint Jackson Jr. in exchange for campaign cash. This is now the type of behavior that we’ve come to expect from sleazy Democrats who are out to subvert the electoral process.

The report, originally compiled in August 2009, said there is "substantial reason to believe" Jackson Jr. violated federal law by using his congressional staff to mount a "public campaign" to secure a Senate appointment. Jackson Jr. is accused of offering former Gov. Blago $1.5 million in campaign donations from supporters in exchange for the appointment to Barry "Almighty’s" former seat. The committee had previously suspended its investigation at the request of federal prosecutors trying Blago, who eventually was impeached and removed from office by the Illinois legislature. The report had not been released previously and the ethics committee had delayed its investigation because the Justice Department was conducting a criminal investigation that led to Blago’s conviction on a series of corruption charges including efforts to sell a Senate appointment. And, as something that should come as no surprise to anyone, is the fact that the Justice Department, under the magnificent leadership of Eric "No black can do any wrong" Holder, recently withdrew its request for the committee to defer its investigation, indicating it is no longer actively investigating Jackson. Gee, imagine that!

The detailed 2009 report from the Office of Congressional Ethics, released with the statement, indicates investigators have suspicions that Jackson had knowledge of efforts to persuade Blago to appoint him to the Senate. The report names a likely third party, some guy named Raghuveer Nayak. In a news release, Jackson’s office argued that there was "no basis" for the investigation into the matter. "Congressman Jackson engaged in a public effort to gain the appointment on the merits," his office said. "He made numerous media appearances in which he promoted his record as a Member of Congress and made the case for why he was the best choice for the Senate Seat … Congressman Jackson acted honorably at all times and did not violate any House rule or federal law in connection with the Senate appointment process." It went on to say, "According to Representative Jackson, Mr. Nayak never told him that he was arranging to raise money for the Senate seat, nor did it ever come to the Member’s attention, directly or indirectly, that Mr. Nayak might be doing so," the committee said in its report. "The last time Representative Jackson spoke with Mr. Nayak was either the day of or the day after the arrest of Governor Blagojevich."

The ethics committee had previously said it would determine by Friday what course its investigation would take involving Jackson, just another corrupt Democrat and son of self-professed civil rights leader, extortionist and faux preacher, Jesse Jackson. The younger Jackson responded to the committee’s decision to extend the investigation with a statement pledging to cooperate and reiterating that his efforts to be appointed to the Senate were above-board. "I have said from the beginning that I publicly and transparently sought to have the Governor of Illinois appoint me to fulfill the final two years of then-Senator Barack Obama’s term in the U.S. Senate," he said. "I did nothing illegal, unethical or inappropriate in that pursuit and I believe that is what the Ethics Committee will conclude at the end of this process." Right, Jackson Jr. is about as "transparent" as is his buddy Barry "Almighty." Yup, old Jesse Jr. is just like his old man, pure as the wind driven snow. If anything just the opposite is true. I’d say Jr. learned pretty well from his old man. Why be man enough to be honest and up front and take the risk of not "winning," when you can cheat the system and increase the odds of achieving that which you seek.

But at the same time he was pledging to cooperate, sounding as arrogant as his pathetic old man, Jackson Jr. also released a letter from his attorneys, who wrote that there is no basis for the committee’s investigation and urged the panel to "close its investigation of this matter." "Although Congressman Jackson was interested in the appointment ... he was largely focused on his own re-election and Obama’s campaign," Reid H. Weingarten and Brian M. Heberlig said in the letter. So I guess just because he says it, we’re supposed to believe it. What is it with these guys, he’s sounds remarkably like Barry, who also seems to be under the impression that we are simply to believe whatever it is that he say without question. Friday’s announcement means the committee will continue looking into allegations involving Blagojevich and whether Jackson inappropriately used government resources to angle for an appointment. It voted unanimously to continue its inquiry and set no timetable for a conclusion. The committee said in a statement that continuing the investigation "does not itself indicate that any violation occurred." That’s true, but when you have corrupt Democrats involved it’s always best to know for sure.

The bottom line here is that what we have here is yet another perfect example of a son being nothing more than a younger version of his father. A son who, in his desire to advance his political "career," saw the using of tactics that are highly suspect, to say the least, as being perfectly acceptable and well worth the risk. After all, he’s a Democrat, the any silly rules having to do with ethics don’t apply to him. Democrats, like Jackson, see themselves as being above the law, as not having to endure any level of scrutiny when it comes to the rather shady behavior. Here we have a family known for its willingness, even eagerness, to operate on the fringe of legality, but only if the price is right. The head of this little clan is an individual who has made his fortune by doing nothing more than to accuse others of being racist. And through the thinly veiled practice of extorting money from the accused, after which he proclaims they have changed their evil racist ways upon which time he then simply moves on, selecting yet another target on which he can use the very same tactic. I am well aware that Jr. is innocent until proven guilty, but there is a lot to be said for circumstantial evidence.

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