Wednesday, December 7, 2011


In what surely must have been one of those "I'd have loved to have been a fly on the wall" moments, loudmouth loser Alec Baldwin recently got his fat butt kicked off of an American Airlines flight in Los Angeles for thinking he was just a tab bit better than the rest of his fellow passengers. Supposedly he was just so wrapped up playing a game on his phone that he went well past the point when passengers are supposed to have turned off their electronic devices. Later, and in very typical Baldwin fashion, the overweight dweeb wrote on his Twitter account: "Flight attendant on American [Airlines] reamed me out 4 playing WORDS W FRIENDS while we sat at the gate, not moving." Pathetic malcontents, like Baldwin, think that rules are not meant to apply to them, they are above all that petty nonsense. Rules are just meant to be followed by the little people. Big shot movie stars are to be treated accordingly.

Baldwin was onboard American Airlines Flight 4, which was delayed an hour, when old Alec was asked to please remove himself from the aircraft for failing to listen to the flight attendant. Another passenger, some guy named Steve Weiss, who had the misfortune to be sitting across the isle from Baldwin, described the scene. "Apparently he said he was playing a game, but he was actually talking on the phone. She [the flight attendant] was very nice. The door was closed they just announced that they were pulling away from the gate. He got up threw his papers on the floor stormed into the bathroom slammed the door closed, beat on the wall and then came back." "He said 'If you want to kick me off, kick me off.' He was just crazy, he just flipped out, the guy has problems." That, Mr. Weiss, is the understatement of the millennium! Baldwin has somewhat of a long history of being somewhat psychotic.

A crew member who was the poor unfortunate soul forced to deal with our favorite Hollywood douche bag, said he couldn't stay on the flight. "He was violent, abusive and aggressive. He got into the bathroom and started beating on the wall and he pounded his fists on the galley counter. Yelling, screaming, very ugly. It was unsafe to keep him on board that's why he got kicked out." In other words he was demonstrating his typical juvenile behavior. The crew member did not want to give her name, but said she asked him five times to get off his phone. "He was asked five times. I contacted the captain. We were brought back in and he was let off the plane." No special treatment for Baldwin was given. "Everybody is the same. Everyone has to follow the rules, it doesn't matter who you are," the crew member said. Naturally, American Airlines declined to comment on the entire episode.

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