Monday, November 25, 2013


Gasbag Steny Hoyer, number two Democrat in the House and one of those very proud supporters of Obamacare, recently made it quite clear that while he and his fellow Democrats who so enthusiastically supported Obamacare are, what he described as being, "all very disappointed" in the rollout process, he also indicated that repealing the law is simply not an option for correcting all the problems. And in taking things a step further he also told senile old Bob Schieffer on Sunday, "I don't think Obamacare has failed." I guess I’m a little curious here, what is it that we would need to have happen before old Steny could actually bring himself to admit that this thing is anything but a colossal failure?

Steny attempted to justify this idiotic opinion of his by saying, "Access to Obamacare has been a failure at this point in time, and it needs to be fixed. So from that standpoint, the substance of Obamacare is yet to be tested. And to the extent it has been tested, it's been a success for millions of people." I can only assume he was referring to young people who can stay on their parents' policies until age 26 and people with pre-existing conditions who can no longer be denied coverage. Now there are several ways that I could choose to describe Obamacare, but calling it a success in any way, shape manner or form, just isn’t one of them. This was a debacle of the highest order.

In refusing to call it Obamacare, Hoyer then went on to say, "The process has been terrible, and we're all very disappointed, those of us who support the Affordable Care Act." He added, "But the Affordable Care Act, Bob -- the majority of the American public says, look, we need to fix it, not repeal it." Hoyer said it's necessary to improve access to the online exchanges: "We don't need to start over. And Bob, I don't think the American people want to start over. They want a system that works. We all do. And the Republicans have offered no alternative at this point in time, simply repeal." This is a favorite argument constantly put forward by Democrats and many in the state-controlled media.

But, in reality, nothing could be further from the truth. Because the actual truth of the matter is that there have been numerous plans put forward, and by numerous Republicans, that had they been enacted or even included in the final product of Obamacare, would have actually had an impact in trying to accomplish that which we were told was the supposed purpose of Obamacare. Several Republican bills have been since introduced in the House the goal of which is to repeal Obamacare and replace it with a health insurance system that would allow Americans to purchase health insurance across state lines and allow small businesses to pool together to boost their buying power.

Going back to when discussions first began on Obamacare, there have been several suggestions made by Republicans included such things as making changes to malpractice laws to also expand access to Health Savings Accounts. Funding could also be set aside for high-risk pools to help those people with pre-existing conditions afford insurance. But you see, since the real goal of Obamacare never had anything whatsoever to with lowering costs or increasing options, these suggestions were quickly dismissed as being something other than serious suggestions. They were viewed as not being useful to creating what the Democrats were truly trying to create, a way for the government to tightly control of our healthcare system.

Let’s face it, all that has been accomplished by the implementation of Obamacare is the wholesale destruction of the single best healthcare system in the world. Democrats like Hoyer can try to color it up any way they want, but this thing is nothing but a boondoggle of the highest order. And the Democrats left no stone unturned in their effort to force it upon the American people, while at the same time making sure that they wouldn’t be required to abide by its requirements themselves. We cannot allow this to stand, and if Democrats like Hoyer wish to stubbornly hang on to this thing, well then, they should be made to die, politically speaking of course, for doing so.

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