Tuesday, September 8, 2015


It was yesterday in the middle of a Labor Day speech the topic of which was supposed to middle-class values that Barry chose to veer off-script for a bit.  Barry said, "Now, we're entering into political season, "I'm so glad I'm not on the ballot," he ad-libbed, as his audience laughed.”  But I’ll tell you what, you’d be hard pressed to find anyone happier than me that this douche isn’t on the ballot this time!  Shortly after he returned to the teleprompter and went on to read, "But it's political season.  It starts earlier and earlier, and so now we're starting to hear a lot about middle-class values. Everybody wants to talk about the middle class. But some folks seem confused about what exactly that means. So let me provide a refresher course."

And then Barry went on to describe what ‘middle class values’ means:  Providing tax cuts to 98 percent of Americans and asking the top 2 percent to "pay a little bit more," Protecting Main Street businesses with tough Wall Street reforms, Reforming student loans and increasing Pells Grants "so every kid can afford a college education, Making two years of community college free, Health insurance for 16 million formerly uninsured Americans.  "Middle class economics works," Barry insisted, even as he admitted "we've got more work to do to make sure more families feel the gains of this recovery."  I’m not sure on what he bases such a claim, especially when all the numbers on the economy tell such an incredibly different story.

And it was in addressing union members at a breakfast in Boston that Barry would, of course, go on to blast "some folks in Washington", meaning , of course, Republicans, for refusing to "face these facts."  Barry said, "In their world, the only way to help the country grow and help people get ahead is to cut taxes for millionaire and billionaires and loosen up rules on big banks and polluters, and then you just wait and then you look up at the sky and prosperity will come raining down on us from the top of the whatever high rise is in your city."  And it was on his way to this rally that Barry was said to have signed an executive order on Air Force One forcing federal contractors to give up to seven days of paid sick leave to their employees every year.

Now of course nowhere during his speech Barry didn’t say a word about how he has saddled future generations of our ‘middle class’ with an amount of debt that will be very difficult, if not impossible, to ever get paid off.  Nor did he announce the fact that never before in our history has there been so many Americans who have been made to become so dependent upon government.  Neither did he mention that it was on his watch that, for the first time in this nation’s history, our credit rating was reduced, which has had, and will continue to have, an adverse effect on our middle class.  And something else he kind of glossed over is how millions of Americans will now be forced to pay significantly higher amounts for their health insurance.

After having experienced the last seven years, and how things seem to have been turned so completely upside down, it’s become rather difficult for me to determine just which group of Americans is the more ignorant.  Is it minorities for whom what seems to be most important is that they continue to remain able to receive their taxpayer subsidized freebies?  Or is it, perhaps, the majority of women who, as long as they can get abortion, not much else seems to bother them?  Or is those who proudly refer to themselves as being union members.  These people who insist upon voting for the very politicians who have done more damage to our economy, and in a shorter period time, than anyone would have thought possible.

Such are the main constituencies of the Democrat Party that made possible the very long and very disastrous presidency of Barack Hussein Obama.  The damage done by this one man, and not just here at home but on what can very easily be described as being a global scale, is unlikely ever to be equaled.  Now granted I may be getting a little ahead of myself here, after all there does remain the possibility of another Clinton presidency or even, God forbid, a ‘Slow Joe’ Biden presidency.  And while these two could likely give Barry a run for his money, I doubt that even these two screw-ups could surpass what he has done on the same level that he was able to surpass that other impressive screw-up, Jimmy Carter.  

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