Wednesday, August 24, 2016


I find myself wondering if those who so proudly call themselves ‘Democrats’ will ever wake up to the realization that today’s Democrat Party is not their Daddy’s Democrat Party.  That it has been made to morph into what their Daddy might very well have called, the Communist Party.  Now they can take that however they wish, but unfortunately it’s the truth!  And Democrats can either continue to stick their heads in the sand or they can finally come to the understanding that their candidate is a devout leftist who is out for no one but herself.

And how is it that I can make such a claim?  Well really, it’s quite simple.  Because while Hitlery may be busy pitching her leftist tripe to working class voters, telling them that she stands for them, it’s at the very same time that her campaign is increasingly being funded by the ultra-wealthy of America, and beyond.  According to the Washington Post, not exactly a bastion of conservatism, Hitlery has spent the last few weeks attending fundraisers that can cost upwards of $50,000 per person to attend.  Little chance there of running into any riff-raff.

And it was the very next day after Hitlery attended an exclusive fundraiser at the home of some billionaire, which featured singer Aretha Franklin and cost $25,000 a head, that she pitched to a crowd of working class voters: “There is too much inequality, too little upward mobility. It is just too hard to get ahead today.”  And during a major economic speech earlier this month in the blue-collar community of Warren, Michigan, Hitlery pledged that if elected, “I will have your back every single day that I serve.”  Anyone who believes that is beyond ignorant.

But even that paled in comparison to what she did after the speech.  Because on the evening of her speech, donors paid $50,000 apiece to mingle with the candidate at the Chicago Club, one of the city’s most exclusive social gathering places.  And it was Hitlery’s running mate, Sen. Tim Kaine, who dutifully did his part by appearing at another fundraiser the very same day at a Roman-style trattoria in a boutique Manhattan hotel, where admission to that gathering carried a $50,000 price tag as well.  Again, there was little chance of running into any of the unwashed masses.

And it was also according to the Post that Hitlery and her rather strange running mate have held 50 fundraisers so far this month, many of them focused on high-end donors.  Hitlery has been attacked by both the left and the right for her apparent willingness to cozy up to big money donors and claims that it leads to special access, a claim bolstered with reports that more than half the visitors to Hitlery while she headed up the State Department had all made rather sizable ‘donations’ to the Clinton Foundation/Political Slush Fund.  She is allowed to ignore such claims.

Look, the bottom line here is that if you are blue collar worker, who still has a job, and you remain stupid enough to vote for Hitlery, then the simple fact is that you are essentially doing little more than to cut your own throat.  Because the sad truth is Hitlery cares zip-point-shit for every day working class people.  But I guess if you insist upon carrying out that which has become for you the old family tradition of voting Democrat, then by all means, knock yourself out.  Far be it from me to try and talk any sense into anyone who views Hitlery as being worthy of their vote. 

And it’s become pretty common knowledge that when cameras are off this woman is nothing if not absolutely horrid.  Hitlery is a vile and nasty person who swears like a sailor (no offense to my fellow sailors) at anyone she considers as being beneath her.  Which is just about everybody.  If you bother to do a little research on Hitlery it’s in pretty short order that you’ll come to the conclusion that she’s a real witch.  And frankly, when it comes to possessing the right temperament to be president I’ll take Donald Trump any day.  I want Hitlery’s finger nowhere near the ‘Nuke Button!’ 

And if you’re interested in finding the kind of people the Clintons really are, pick yourself up a copy of "The Residence", a book of interviews with White House staff on how all the first families treated staff going back to the Kennedys.  Of the first families covered, the Clintons were loathed by the staff, they were rude, crude and socially unacceptable.  That said, it’s unfortunate that 95% of black Americans will still vote for her!  And it’s sad that a pack of smokes, $20, or a fifth of whiskey that can still buy votes in America.  And it’s sadder that they can come so cheaply

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful post Love your blog and feel exactly the same as you do. So unfortunate that most libs get their low level biased news from mainstream TV. God Bless you.
