Wednesday, November 22, 2017


What is it about the 2016 election that has Democrats so stubbornly unable to move on?  After all, it was they who chose to rig their own primary process to virtually guarantee that their worst possible candidate would ‘win’ the nomination.  And then to add insult to injury their most favored candidate then went on to run what can only be described as being the worst campaign in modern political history.  And yet it was on this past Tuesday’s episode of MSNBC’s “Hardball,” that former Democratic National Committee chairwoman Donna Brazile had the nerve to claim that President Donald Trump’s victory over Hitlery in the 2016 presidential election was not legitimate.  Not legitimate?  How is it that one can come to such a conclusion?

And it was during this very same interview that Ms. Brazile would go on to say, “My personal view is that it was not a legitimate election.”  And she continued by saying, “Remember, I was the campaign manager of Al Gore in 2000, where, as you well know, the Supreme Court decided. This election will always have an asterisk by it. And that’s why I think Donald Trump should take steps as president to clean up our system so that no more foreign governments, no foreign meddling can occur in the future.”  I must admit that I am a bit curious about how it is that Ms. Brazile is able to make the claim that President Trump’s victory is in any way illegitimate.  It worked perfectly.  Trump won the most Electoral College votes, and Hitlery didn’t.

And Ms. Brazile went on to add, “I have worked on more campaigns than many Americans and I can tell you something when you see all of the evidence that is mounting of how the Russians interfered in our election which is why I wrote the booked “Hacked,” when you see on social media with what they did on social media with Facebook and Twitter…We need to get to the bottom of it.” You know, it's kind of bizarre, really, how Brazile can say that Trump's election is “illegitimate” when she's the one who admitted to cheating for Hitlery during the election.  I guess I would only like to ask her, out of all those campaigns that she claims to have worked on, during how many of them did she cheat?  I think that’s a reasonable question.

But personally, I can’t help but think that’s her story and she’s simply sticking to it.  I mean she really has no alternative.  But to be honest, if we’re talking about an election that does truly deserve an asterisk, I’m thinking it would be the 1992 election.  Because had it not been for Ross Perot’s third party run, ‘Slick Willy’ Clinton most certainly would never have won.  And I’m now of the opinion that Brazile has pretty much gone through whatever credibility she may have once had and is no longer in a position to judge anyone.  She lied about giving debate questions to Hitlery, before admitting that she did, before lying again.  And it was then that she lost all credibility.  She’s has become a voice that’s no longer relevant in politics.

The list of those things that caused Hitlery to lose her second attempt at becoming the nation’s first woman president go well beyond her email fiasco and Wikileaks.  Most Democrats were pretty ho-hum about the information regarding Hitlery's personal email fiasco and pretty much ignored the Wikileaks releases.  Those ‘issues’ likely did more damage to her with undecideds and Independents.  She lost because of a combination of things, the not least of which was that a rather substantial number of voters saw simply her as being so corrupt.  And then there was the fact that she always appeared to be so angry.  And then too there was that whole “deplorables” thing which kind of went over like the proverbial turd in a punchbowl. 

The very simple fact is that Hitlery lost because she ignored the rust belt blue collar workers, and lost those states which are typically pretty easy wins for Democrats.  And now instead of accepting the fact that Hitlery simply blew it, and blew it rather badly, her many minions have spent much of the past year ignoring the needs of the American people while trying to do nothing more than to get President Trump impeached.  And I wouldn’t doubt that they likely have some absurd fantasy about getting Hitlery enthroned in what they view as being her rightful place.  What about that makes any sense?  It’s not like she’s the first Democrat to ever lose an election, although she is the first candidate of either party to have blown one so badly.

And you would think that the simple fact that President Trump won 2,623 counties and Hitlery won only 493 counties would have at least some impact on claims of illegitimacy such as Ms. Brazile’s.  After all, that’s well over 5 to 1.  What took place was nothing more than a regular electoral landslide, albeit of epic proportions, considering that candidate Trump had never before been a candidate for public office.  But he understood how to win according to the rules.  Hitlery and her criminal voter base, on the other hand, cheated with at least 5 million of her votes very safely considered to have been fraudulent.  And when taking that into account, it was President Trump who won the popular vote as well, when those votes are discounted. 

And if Ms. Brazile wants to be talking about the topic of illegitimacy, then we will most certainly have to start with Hitlery’s illegitimate acquisition of the Democrat nominating process at the expense of Bernie Sanders and his supporters.  Ms. Brazile herself was complicit in that operation and has even written an entire book on how Hitlery essentially bought the DNC and therefore the nomination.  Why should anyone with half a brain give credence to anything she has to say after the fact about how President Trump's victory is somehow not legitimate?  What is there about the general election that would make it less than a legitimate election?  It would seem to me that all of the shenanigans took place during the Democrat primary elections. 

It was the Democrats, including Ms. Brazile, who cheated by rigging the debates, by rigging the primary, and who had 99 percent of state-controlled media supporting Hitlery and yet she still managed to lose.  And let’s face it, the Democrats would have worked to rig the general election as well if they had actually thought that candidate Trump had had a snowballs chance in Hell of becoming President Trump.  After all, they had the FBI, the DOJ as well as the media in their corner, in other words pretty much the same trifecta Hitler had.  They used the IRS to destroy their opposition. These people need to be eliminated from politics and the DOJ has more than enough evidence to investigate and prosecute some of this collusion and sedition.

So, illegitimate and deserving of an asterisk?  Hardly!  And what might Ms. Brazile be smokin’, snortin’ or shootin’ up in order to make such an idiotic claim?  What is it about this last election that prevents Democrats from coming to grips with the fact that they lost and accepting what the real reason was behind that loss?  And it had nothing whatsoever to with the Russians or anything else.  The primary reason the Democrats lost this election was because of just one thing, and that is who it was that they chose to run as their candidate.  Yes, Ms. Brazile, it really is just that simple.  Had there been nearly any other candidate on the Democrat side, Donald J. Trump would very likely be sitting in Trump Tower today and not the Oval Office.

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