Friday, November 17, 2017


There was a time, and not all that long ago really, when I thought that the dumbest boob on two legs was that less than stellar Democrat member of Congress, Sheila Jackson Lee.  And never in my wildest dreams did I ever think anyone would ever come along capable of knocking her off the pedestal upon which I had placed her.  But lo and behold, I was proven wrong, and in a pretty significant way.  And while I have known for some time that there were numerous candidates out there, male and female, to my way of thinking they all fell just a bit short when it came to actually being able to replace Ms. Lee as the most ignorant buffoon on the planet.

But the election of President Donald Trump seems to have drawn out from a rather significant number of rocks more than a few on the left eager to replace Ms. Lee.  To the point where those who once ran pretty close behind Ms. Lee, have now actually succeeded in pushing her aside for the top honor of ‘Most Ignorant.’  The new and current reigning champ is none other than ‘Mad Maxine’ Waters.  But don’t get me wrong, it wouldn’t take all that much for Lee to regain the title, in fact it was just recently that she put forth what can only be described as a rather valiant effort.  But still she managed to fall just short.  But I’m sure she’ll keep trying. 

And it was just this past Thursday that our esteemed Ms. Waters proved once again why she’s the champ when she made an appearance on Bloomberg.  It was there that she was heard to say that when she calls for President Donald Trump to be impeached, she “inspires” people.  ‘Mad Maxine’ said, “Let me just say this — I have learned over the years that I have been in this business that there are few people who are willing to speak truth to power and to talk about what really is bothering our society and our democracy. It is not thought well of to step outside of that box. When I talk about impeachment, I described what I think about this president.”

And she went on to say, “I think he is deplorable. I think he defined himself in the campaign, the way that he mocked and mimicked a disabled journalist, the way he talked about grabbing women by their private parts, the way he called names of his peers. I think that is unacceptable. For people to allow this kind of behavior to be normalized is beyond what I believe our democracy should be all about.”  She added, “I encourage people, and I inspire people, and I show people that you do not have to be intimidated. You do not have to be afraid. You do not have to be traditional. You need to step outside of the box and tell it like it is.”

And she wrapped up her little sophomoric diatribe, saying, “That is what I do everywhere I go. I say ‘Impeach 45.’ I get people knowing and understanding that perhaps he should be impeached, and focus on what he has done, the way he has defined himself, his relationship with Putin, and the belief that there has been collusion and obstruction of justice, it is all there. I will talk about it everywhere I go.”  That she is able to convince herself that such foolishness is in any way acceptable behavior for someone who has been elected to her position is disappointing.  She paints a rather sad picture of today’s Democrat Party.

To be honest, the only thing Waters inspires in anyone is, RACISM!!  Waters was elected to Congress in the year of 1990.  During her time in Congress, her family has made over a million dollars from Waters’ government connections.  Throughout Waters’ 27 years in Congress, she only managed to pass three bills: a Haiti relief bill, the renaming of a post office, and a modification of the national flood insurance program. Additionally, Waters failed to gain much popularity in Congress.  And ‘Citizens For Responsibility and Ethics’ in Washington labeled her as the most corrupt member in Congress during the years of 2005, 2006, 2009, and 2011!

And what makes her such a truly disgusting individual is the fact that it’s not courtesy of her brilliant pieces of legislation, or her encouraging our youth by extolling the virtues and opportunities provided in this great country that she ‘inspires’ people.  Far from it!  Instead, she considers it to be ‘inspiring’ by calling for the impeachment of our president who has been in office for less than a year.  And I wonder, did she approve of people speaking “truth to power” during Obummer’s presidency?  No, she said those who dared to disagree with him did so only because they were racist.  This creep is nothing but a corrupt, race-baiting, socialist!

But I gotta tell you, what she has inspired me to do is to never vote for a Democrat, something I’ve only done once in my entire life, and have regretted doing so ever since.  She is a droning, nonsensical, loudspeaker for the left, and nothing more than a gaudy makeup, bad wig wearing, bigmouthed mental case.  And what she does do is to make the case for requiring mental health exams for all politicians, especially Democrats.  Another point, the people who keep re-electing this moron also need to question their sanity.  The woman has been in office for nearly thirty years and what has she accomplished for those who vote for her? Absolutely nothing!

As a side note here, have you ever noticed the way the conservative blacks speak compared to how the majority of liberal blacks act and speak.  The conservatives actually make sense, speak good English, and present their argument intelligently. Meanwhile, the liberals tend to do little more than to scream the same talking points over and over, rarely speak so that you can understand them and dress like clowns.  And yet because blacks have become so dumbed down and are kept uninformed they tend to vote for the liberal who says I’ll keep you on welfare, and not for the conservative who says I’ll see that you get a job.  How truly inspiring. 

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