Monday, December 18, 2017


Can we, at least, all agree that the last thing, and I do mean the VERY last thing, that the Democrat Party wishes to see happen in this country, is for our economy to start booming? And despite the fact that I am by no means an economist, it would seem to be the most obvious form of commonsense that what’s good for American corporations is also good for the American workers employed by those corporations.  Simple economic commonsense, that socialists continue to very loudly deny.

And can we also all agree that in the real world corporations don't pay taxes, their customers do.  And, as is always the case, the Democrats think that we can somehow tax our way out of a hole, a hole, that I might add, that they are the ones primarily responsible for digging, although they have had some help from our cadre of RINOs.  It’s that same sort of logic that was right up there with Obummer’s notion that we could somehow borrow our way out of debt, and spend our way to prosperity.

Now it would seem to me that if corporations were to get a tax break, they would then invest any surplus into growing their businesses, which equates to more jobs.  Since you’d be hard pressed to find a Democrat who’s ever actually run a business, they believe that if a business has more money they’ll simply pass that along in the form of higher dividends.  While I suppose some might, it’s far more likely that many would choose to hire more people, build new plants, as well as give higher dividends.

And nothing makes how the Democrats view the entire concept of corporate taxes any clearer more than a statement made by that self-described Socialist, Bernie Sanders, this past Sunday during an appearance on CBS’s “Face the Nation.”  It was then that old Bernie made the rather bold declaration that if the Democrats are successful in their effort to retake control of the Senate as a result of the 2018 midterms elections, there certain would be an effort made to ensure the corporate tax rate would go up. 

It was the show’s host, John Dickerson, who asked Bernie, “If the Democrats take control are corporate taxes going up?  To which Bernie responded, “I think we’ll take a very hard look at this entire tax bill and make it a tax bill that works for the middle class and working families not for the top 1 percent and large multi-national corporations.”  And as is usually the case that Bernie leaves completely out of the conversation is how President Trump would be unlikely to sign such a measure.

Dickerson who then went on to say, “There’s no question that in order to achieve all of the things you want, taxes are going to have to go up on corporations if they’re down to 21 as a result of this legislation you can’t find the money anywhere where else.”  Sanders again responded, “Absolutely, yes.  In my view, absolutely.”   The liberal economic policies favored by Sanders implemented over the course of the last eight years resulted in an annual economic growth that never topped 1.5 percent.

And let’s also not forget the fact that it was Barry, with much help from his many ‘establishment’ friends on both sides of the aisle, who was primarily responsible for getting us $10 Trillion further in the hole than we were when he got there and for our middle class essentially dying on the vine.  But hey, welfare and illegal immigration was up!  And there you have it, Socialism at its absolute finest.  And yet, Bernie can look us dead in the eye and defend this sort of insanity with a straight face, no less.  

I guess what really bothers me about the tax bill is that the corporate tax cuts do not go into effect until 2019 after the midterms which allows time for those on the left to convince the people that the tax cuts aren't working.  If only they had made the tax cuts retroactive, people would see the money this spring and make it impossible for the left’s lies to take hold. BIG mistake in my opinion.  And what always amazes me the most is when a Democrat says “pay their fair share.”  Think about that one.

Fair would be each and every taxpayer paying the same percentage of whatever has been earned.  Nine percent all around would be fair share for all.  God demands ten percent, so for the government to demand more would mean they rate themselves as being more worthy than God.  The Democrats do not want anyone to understand economics.  Either they have no concept that corporations pass along taxes in the price model for their goods and services, or they’re simply lying.  Guess which one. 

What’s really going on here regarding the Democrats’ rather loud and defiant opposition to these tax cuts is that they are scared to death that these cuts are going to work.  I'm still waiting for a Democrat to come out and explain how it is that their agenda (higher taxes, amnesty for illegals while maintaining open borders, Moslem sympathizers, government run health care, weak defense, war on energy, bathroom police, abortion on demand, gun confiscation, etc.) makes for a better America.

Look, Sanders, like every other Democrat, is little more than pond scum, because we know, just like the rest of his Democrat friends, he wants nothing more than to raise taxes across the board and put the government in complete charge of every aspect of American society.  And what is truly frightening is that there now seems to be a growing number of ‘American’ people who apparently have no problem with that.  But I most certainly have a problem with that, a very big problem!  And you should too!

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