Tuesday, December 5, 2017


I usually find myself pretty much in agreement with Sean Hannity far more often than I disagree with him.  But I must admit there have been times when I thought that maybe he went a bit further in some of his positions than I was willing to go, and that some of his expectations were a bit less than reasonable.  It was during a recent interview that he was asked to discuss the establishment’s “nullification process” to undermine the Trump presidency.  And it was in discussing his position on that topic that Hannity said, “I think the only way to stop it is all of us and all of the people that mobilized in 2016 to get back, organized, fighting every day.”

And it was in this same interview that he went on to speak about the corruption of the “deep state,” which he defined as being “those people within the government, a sort of shadow government within the government that have been leaking,” as in the case of General Flynn.  And it was in referencing Gen. Flynn that he said, “They destroyed this man’s life.”  Hannity went through the various connections between all the players behind the scenes that have worked together to try to undermine the Trump presidency.  He said, “What we’ve now done is criminalize political differences.”  And he went on to describe it as being “a silent coup.”

Hannity also hit Republicans for their failure to repeal Obamacare, to push big ideas they led the base to think they believed in, and to provide proper oversight of the shady dealings of both Hitlery and the Obummer administration.  And while I find it difficult to disagree with his assessment, where I do tend to differ a bit is when he describes the Republican Party as being “a dead party.”  But I can certainly understand his frustration.  In speaking about the majority of our Republican politicians he said, “They are morally corrupt, they are weak. They are ineffective, they’re vision-less, and they have no identity.”  Again, who can argue with that?

Politically, Hannity said, “I do believe I’ve never changed. I do believe the Republican Party left me, and I feel it is heartbreaking to me, because so many people trusted them in 2010, 2014 – Give us the House, give us the Senate – then they get the White House and they turn on a man that’s advocating the same principles that they have been quoting for years on the campaign trail.”  Also, there is very little here that I can disagree with because I feel much the same way.  It would have been so easy for the Republicans, going all the way back 2010, to simply do what it was that they said they would do if elected.  And yet, they didn’t.

That said, what many now seem to be considering is how best to go about the creating of a ‘new’ political party.  But we don’t need a ‘new’ party, what we need to do is to take over the one that best suits our needs.  And no, it will likely not be an easy task, but even if we can only do it one congressman at a time it would be worth it.  There’s no need to reinvent the wheel, we just need to change out most, if not all, of the spokes.  The Republican Party once stood for true conservatism, for liberty and personal responsibility, and it can again.  We let our guard down and allowed the thieves to walk right in and steal it.  Now we need to take it back!

And to be honest it was the situation down in Alabama regarding Judge Roy Moore that ended up shining a very bright light on those faux conservatives who called on, and are still calling on, Judge Moore to drop out of the race.  And whether intended or not, they have now placed a sizable target on their backs, now we must work to expel them from our party.  And our first opportunity to shed as many of them as we can is now less than a year away.  We need to clean house and start over.  It’s totally ludicrous that these career crooks have no term limits and all they have to do is to serve five years to get a pension.  It’s a great gig if you can get it.

And you know, those of us who essentially sat idly by and allowed ourselves to be conned by these guys, and gals, must now all accept some responsibility for the abuse and injury dealt upon our great democracy.  Then we have all those who voted for Barry ‘O’ for no other reason than because of the color of his skin and it's no wonder our democracy has slipped into disrepair.  We can only hope that it’s not too late, and that the damage that has been done is not irreparable.  But the situation in which we now find ourselves is what happens when you trust people to tell you the truth, and instead they’re telling you what they think you want to hear.   

We must never forget, nor should we allow others to forget, that it's the Democrat Party that is the official party of slavery, Jim Crow, segregation, racism, the Ku Klux Klan, failing union schools, political machines, crooked-socialist unions, corrupt cities failing in every regard, illegal immigration, Welfare dependence and on and on.  In short: a history loaded with failure and the worst kind of corruption.  The ‘party of slavery’ has been very good at re-writing its history.  To the point where blacks, and by an overwhelming margin, are essentially voting for those who differ very little from the slave masters of the past.  Lincoln would be disappointed.

I think it’s become painfully obvious that there now needs to be created a very clear distinction between the Republican Party as it presently exists and the Republican Party of Lincoln, Grant, Reagan, and now Trump.  And whether we like it or not, we who chose to accept at face value much of what we’ve been told over the last few years are at fault for the party’s current condition.  We failed to hold the RINOs accountable and did nothing to prevent the Democrats from remaining a force in our government.  And while the media may have acted to cloud our judgement by spewing propaganda, that’s no excuse for our lack of attentiveness.

While I would very much like to think that Hannity is wrong about the party being ‘dead’, there is one thing for sure, it is in desperate need of some fresh blood and of more than a little restructuring.  And I would also like to think that the Republican Party of Lincoln, is rising, although perhaps a bit slower than we need it to be.  Judge Moore is part of it.  And where was Hannity when the Judge needed him the most?  Crucifying him right along with others in the fake media!  All the naysayers are now crawling back into their holes knowing that the ‘Great Patriots’ of Alabama are having none of it, and will likely send Judge Moore to U.S. Senate!

In one respect I must admit that I was more than a little disappointed in Hannity because I thought he was just a little too quick in his decision to throw Judge Moore under the bus with no evidence, especially while it was at the same time appearing to be good friends with Geraldo who we now know drugged women and groped them. Fox News, with very few exceptions, is just as bad as the rest of the state-controlled media when it comes to being anti-Trump and anti-Trump agenda.  The Senate race in Alabama exposed a lot of RINOs, both in Congress and in the media.  Hannity fell down on Moore for a while, but he seems to be back.

I have never agreed with the premise of starting some new party.  Because in my eyes it would be a much simpler task to vote the RINOs out and to then fill the void left with conservatives.  To me that’s how we can take the party back, granted it'll take a few election cycles, but it can be done.  What purpose would be served by coming up with a new party?  It would only split the votes three ways and allow the Democrats to easily ‘win’ back power.  The oldest tactic for achieving victory is to divide the enemy’s forces.  We need to concentrate on changing our party as it presently exists. Then we’ll be better prepared to go after the Democrats with all that we have.

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